This is an HTML version of an attachment to the Freedom of Information request 'Request for mobile communications via mobile applications'.

Review Application Form
Making an application for an Information Commissioner review
Getting Started
Before you start 
You can save this form to your computer so you can come back to it later. 
Fields marked with an asterisk (*) must be completed before you can submit the form. 
You can save details of your original FOI request in a separate document (i.e. a Word document) and attach it to the Review  
Details section of this form. 
If you have trouble completing the form please send an email to 
This form is sent to the Office of the Australian Information Commissioner via a secure system to ensure your personal 
information is protected. 
What happens to your application? 
Staff of the Office of the Australian Information Commissioner will assess the information you have provided and decide the 
appropriate next steps. We will then contact you. 
We will use the information you have provided to assess your application and conduct the review. We will usually disclose the  
information you give us to the agency or minister who made the FOI decision and, if necessary, others who have information  
relevant to your review.  In the case of a challenge to a decision by this Office, we may need to disclose some information to a  
review body, for example a court or tribunal. 
Your personal information will be used and stored in accordance with the Australian Privacy Principles.  
You can also submit a review request in writing, by email, fax or in person by visiting one of our offices.
Your Details (You must provide at least one contact method)
First Name *
Last Name *
Please note, we are not able to accept anonymous requests for review of an FOI decision.
Are you representing an organisation? *
Preferred contact method 
Phone (daytime) *
Mobile *
You must provide an email or postal address so that we can send you notices.
Email *
Postal Address *
City *
State *
Postcode *
Other contact details (eg. fax or international address) *
Please send all communications to
Ver. 20140204-1400

Further instructions (for example, if you need an interpreter and in which language)
Are you submitting the application on behalf of someone else? 
Minister or Agency Information
Please select the Australian Government agency or minister who made the FOI decision you want reviewed. *   
If you want more than one decision reviewed, you will need to make a separate application for each decision.
Australian Government Agency
Minister's name *
Previous contact with the agency
If the agency has given you a reference number relevant to your FOI request, please tell us this number/s. (We do not need to 
know your tax file number so please do not provide it).
AGO-FOI 2016/28
Information Commissioner review details
Have you received a decision? *
Date the decision was due. *
What action or result would you like from the Information Commissioner? *
The Chief of Staff to the Attorney-General advised after a deemed refusal that there was an unreasonable diversion of 
resources to process 7 days of correspondence. I would like the Information Commissioner to make a decision that A) there is 
no unreasonable diversion of resources, and B) order the Attorney-General to process this request in a reasonable period of 
If you have contacted us before about this matter, please provide the reference number we gave you
Supporting documents
To assist us, please provide us with a copy of your original FOI request to the Agency or Minister, and any correspondence you have 
had with the Agency or Minister.  If you are lodging the review for someone else, you should also attach any documents which indicate 
you are authorised to act for that person.
You can attach these documents electronically or by post.  You may also attach other relevant documents that support your application. 
Do you have any electronic documents that you want to send electronically with this online application for review? *
Please add any documents to be sent electronically with this form 
Add Attachment/s
(Please ensure that the total size of each attachment does not exceed 2MB 
 Please ensure that the total size of all attachments does not exceed 10MB)
Ver. 20140204-1400

Attachment Name
Size (in KB)
Do you have paper documents you are posting to the Office in support of your application? *
If you have documents to post, after you have submitted this form electronically, please print it and attach it to your documents so we 
can relate them to your electronic application.  Post your documents to: 
                             Director Compliance (Merits Review) 
GPO Box 5218 
Sydney NSW 2001 
Review Submission
Submitting your application for an Information Commissioner review of an FOI decision 
Please review the information contained in your application for a review.  If you would like to change anything you can return to any area 
of the form to make changes. 
Once you submit the application you will receive a confirmation message with a receipt number saying that your Application for Review 
has been sent to the Office of the Australian Information Commissioner for processing.  Please take note of the receipt number so you 
can use it when enquiring about the status of your application. 
What happens next?  The Office will assess your application and then contact you about the next steps in our process.
If you have not yet completed your form and want to work on it later click:
The 'Save' button allows you to save a draft copy of this form to your local computer so you can 
access this Review request form without being connected to the internet.
When you are ready to submit your form click:
Save & Submit
The 'Save & Submit’ button will allow you to submit your application to the Office of the Australian 
Information Commissioner for processing and save a local copy.
Ver. 20140204-1400