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PAGE: 25     PRINTED SIZE: 551.00cm²     REGION: NSW     MARKET: Australia     ASR: AUD 28,033     WORDS: 689
ITEM ID: 1487114216
13 AUG, 2021
The proof is in the facts
Daily Telegraph, Sydney
Page 1 of 3
The proof is in the facts
Scientific studies around the world have categorically proven the existence of Covid and its effects
THE world has been affected 36,630 people as at The continued spread of mis-
changed by the spread of
August 9 and 938 people had lost
information makes the job of our
the coronavirus SARS-
their lives.
health professionals on the front-
CoV-2, the virus which
These are undeniable facts. To
line harder. 
causes Covid-19, since
say otherwise is extremely dam-
From those caring for gravely
late 2019. Australia recorded its
aging and undermines our efforts
ill people in intensive care units,
first case on January 25, 2020.
to respond to the pandemic.
to those conducting Covid-19
Tragically, the virus has
The virus is real and its heart-
testing, tracing contacts and the
infected more than 200 million
breaking consequences are real.
thousands of Australian health
people and has resulted in the
The loss of life is felt across com-
care workers providing vaccina-
deaths of more than 4.3 million
munities, families and workplaces
tions to prevent serious illness
people worldwide.
here in Australia and right around
and death.
In Australia, Covid-19 had
the world.
It undermines the efforts of all
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PAGE: 25     PRINTED SIZE: 551.00cm²     REGION: NSW     MARKET: Australia     ASR: AUD 28,033     WORDS: 689
ITEM ID: 1487114216
13 AUG, 2021
The proof is in the facts
Daily Telegraph, Sydney
Page 2 of 3
those Australians who have acted
claims that the virus does not exist
responsibly and compassionately
and that the pandemic is a hoax per-
to protect their community when
sist, circulating on social media and
restrictions are needed to stop
putting everyone’s health at risk.
Social media users face a daily
It also devalues the lives of
deluge of false Covid-19 claims and
those who have suffered from
unfortunately some people share
Covid-19, those who continue
reports and documents without
to feel its effects and every person
checking the qualifications of those
who has died.
making the claims or the veracity of
the claims themselves.
In 2020–21, the Department of
Social media platforms are taking
Health received 633 requests under
action to deliver on their responsibil-
the Freedom of Information Act. 
ity not to provide a forum for people
More than 250 were Covid-19
to spread misinformation about
specific and among those were
Covid-19. The Department of Health
requests for ever more specific forms
works to correct much of the misin-
of ‘scientific proof’ of the existence of
formation circulating and the
the Covid-19 virus.
Covid-19 vaccines – Is It True? web-
I am aware that a letter advising
page is a great resource addressing
that the department does not hold
common questions and dispelling
documents relevant to one of those
many of the myths.
requests is being shared on social
I urge all Australians to do the
media and used to support conspiracy
right thing to protect themselves and
theories that the virus does not exist.
others from this deadly virus. 
The extract of that letter, shared
Maintain physical distance and
via social media, is aimed at mislead-
good hygiene. 
ing Australians and has been, malici-
Stay home and get tested if you
ously, taken out of context.
have any symptoms, follow your local
Multiple scientific studies have iso-
advice to stay safe. Get vaccinated as
lated and sequenced the virus that
soon as you are able.
causes Covid-19, demonstrating that
Importantly, stay informed using
the virus exists, that it is different
credible sources of information,
from the influenza virus, and that it
causes a disease that has resulted in
Paul Kelly is Australia’s chief medical
more than four million deaths world-
wide in just over 18 months.
Such studies have been published
in reputable medical journals around
the world. It is this research which has
informed the Australian Government
and every health professional in our
efforts to bring an end to the
The  continued spread 
In Australia, the Victorian Infec-
tious Diseases Reference Laboratory
of misinformation 
at the Peter Doherty Institute was the
makes the job of our 
first to isolate SARS-CoV-2 outside
China, winning the 2020 MJA/MDA
National Prize for Excellence in
health professionals on 
Medical Research. 
This critical information was
the frontline harder. 
immediately shared with local and
overseas reference laboratories and
major North American and European
virus culture collections.
These peer-reviewed, evidence-
based publications are where the
scientific proof has been established
for all to see. Despite this, the false
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PAGE: 25     PRINTED SIZE: 551.00cm²     REGION: NSW     MARKET: Australia     ASR: AUD 28,033     WORDS: 689
ITEM ID: 1487114216
13 AUG, 2021
The proof is in the facts
Daily Telegraph, Sydney
Page 3 of 3
Licensed by Copyright Agency. You may only copy or communicate this work with a licence.