This is an HTML version of an attachment to the Freedom of Information request 'DVA Fraud Investigations Into Veterans Disability Claims'.

OFFICIAL: Sensitive 
s 22 - Out of scope
o 100 cases remain open with investigation into fraud and non-
compliance underway.
•  s 22 - Out of scope
o There has been no identified ineligible payments referred for debt
recovery by investigators in cases closed in the financial year to
date, pending the outcomes of administrative action by business
• There have been no prosecutions for the current financial year to date,
with one case currently before the courts.
• One case is being assessed by CDPP for consideration of prosecution.
• In the 2018/19 financial year $1,548,294 in ineligible payments were
identified and referred to business areas for debt recovery as a result of
finalised investigations.
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OFFICIAL: Sensitive 

OFFICIAL: Sensitive 
o  2 cases were referred to Law Enforcement agencies in line with 
obligations under the Australian Government Investigation 
Standards and Commonwealth Fraud Control Framework. 
o  s 22 - Out of scope
•  1 case from a previous financial year is being assessed by CDPP for 
consideration of prosecution. 
•  s 22 - Out of scope
•  In the 2019/20 financial year $785,997.40 in ineligible payments have 
been identified and referred to business areas for debt recovery as a 
result of finalised investigations. 
s 22 - Out of scope
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OFFICIAL: Sensitive 

OFFICIAL: Sensitive 

s 22 - Out of scope
•  s 22 - Out of scope
 Ineligible payments 
totalling $355,895 (Annual Report p76) were identified as a direct result of 
investigation activities, and debt recovery was commenced. 
•  s 22 - Out of scope
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OFFICIAL: Sensitive