Domestic Violence Perpetrators and their total number of domestic incidents reported to ADF and ADF subcontracted organisations from the year 2010-2019.

elisabeth cann made this Freedom of Information request to Department of Defence

This request has been closed to new correspondence from the public body. Contact us if you think it ought be re-opened.

The request was refused by Department of Defence.

Dear Department of Defence,

For the years 2010-2019 inclusive, please provide the Percentage of accused vs convicted ADF enlisted Domestic Violence Perpetrators and their general outcomes (guilty/not guilty/undecided/nill/administrative duties etc) in Defence court proceedings. In particular, what percentage of ADF members who are found guilty/or accused in Civilian court were also tried through the Defence court with a similar outcome?. In addition please provide the total number of domestic incidents reported to ADF and ADF subcontracted organizations (including domestic violence in ALL forms) from the year 2010-2019.

Yours faithfully,

Elisabeth Cann

FOI, Department of Defence


Good morning,


Thank you for your attached FOI inquiry, dated 2 November 2019, relating
to ADF domestic violence statistics.


I note that your request is seeking access to documents over a nine year
period. Under section 24AA of the FOI Act and for the purposes of section
24 of the FOI Act, Defence considers that a 'practical refusal reason'
exists in relation to your FOI request.  Specifically, Defence considers
that the work involved in processing the request in its current form would
substantially and unreasonably divert the resources of the Defence from
its other operations.  In particular, a very significant amount of
resources would have to be diverted to arrange for the required searches
to be undertaken, to then review any documents that were identified as
being possibly relevant to your request.  And finally, to undertake the
decision making process on any documents that did meet the parameters of
your request.


This diversion would constitute a significant drain on the resources of
the agency, and would have an unreasonable, substantial and adverse effect
in the ability of areas to conduct their normal business.


In accordance with section 24AB of the FOI Act, Defence is required to
consult with you advising of the intention to refuse access to your
request in its current form.


In accordance with paragraph 24AB(2)(c) of the FOI Act, I am the nominated
person with whom you should contact with a view to agreeing to one of the
following options:


    a.    withdraw your request

    b.    revise your request; or

    c.    indicate that you do not wish to revise your request.


In accordance with section 24AB(9) of the FOI Act, Defence is only
required to undertake this consultation process once, and you must contact
me within 14 days to discuss.


Notwithstanding all of the above, I would suggest you provide a smaller
date range for the documents you seek.


I encourage you to contact me so I can assist you in moving forward with
your inquiry.


Kind regards,


Matt Ashauer

FOI Inquiries

Freedom of Information

Governance and Reform 

Department of Defence


PO Box 7910 Canberra ACT 2610

(02) 6266 3685


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