Private use of social media advice provided to employees

James Smith made this Freedom of Information request to WA Department of Environment Regulation as part of a batch sent to 204 authorities

This request has been closed to new correspondence from the public body. Contact us if you think it ought be re-opened.

The request was refused by WA Department of Environment Regulation.

Dear WA Department of Environment Regulation,

This is a request under the Freedom of Information Act.

I request documents related to the ten most recent instances where an employee has sought information, advice, guidance, or opinion on their social media use in a private capacity.

I limit the scope of documents to:
- the original request from the employee
- the agency/department's response
- any follow-up questions and response
- only those sent to a relevant HR / conduct / social media (or similar) team (rather than managers across all areas of the organisation)
- where the original request was created in the last 2 years

Should you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact me.

Yours faithfully,

James Smith

Vittoria Wilkin,

1 Attachment

Good morning Mr Smith

Thank you for your email received by the Department of Water and Environmental Regulation on 8 August 2017, in regards to accessing the following documents:

'...I request documents related to the ten most recent instances where an employee has sought information, advice, guidance, or opinion on their social media use in a private capacity.

I limit the scope of documents to:
- the original request from the employee
- the agency/department's response
- any follow-up questions and response
- only those sent to a relevant HR / conduct / social media (or similar) team (rather than managers across all areas of the organisation)
- where the original request was created in the last 2 years...'

If you wish to apply for access to the above documents, it must be made under the Freedom of Information Act, 1992 (FOI Act). In accordance with section 12 of the FOI Act, the access application must include the following:

a) be in writing
b) give enough information to enable the requested documents to be verified ;
c) give an address in Australia to which notices under this Act can be sent;
d) give any other information or details required under the regulations; and
e) be lodged at an office of the agency with any application fee payable under the regulations.

At this stage, your request does not comply with sections 12 (c) and (e) of the Act, as it does not include an address in Australia to which notices under this Act can be sent and is not accompanied with the application fee of A$30.00.

If you wish to proceed with this request, please provide the information requested, together with the payment, which may be forwarded to [email address] or at the below address.

Please note that from 1 July 2017, the Department of Water, Department of Environment Regulation and the Office of the Environmental Protection Authority merged and became Department of Water and Environmental Regulation. If the documents you seek relate to documents held by the former Department of Environment Regulation, please include this information in your application.

To assist you, I have attached our FOI Application form, which includes payment information.

Kind regards

Vittoria Wilkin
A/Freedom of Information Coordinator
Legal Services

Department of Water and Environmental Regulation
Level 4, The Atrium, 168 St Georges Terrace, PERTH WA 6000
Locked Bag 33, Cloisters Square, PERTH WA 6850
T: (08) 6364 6596
E: [email address] |
Twitter: @DWER WA

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The request was refused (effectively) because it was not valid under the law of Western Australia. Specifically, the applicant did not pay the required application fee and did not provide the agency with a postal address.