Reason why 'Divine Mercy College' 326 Yangebup Rd, Yangebup, WA 6164. Has been removed from MySchool website.

Martin Jowsey made this Freedom of Information request to Australian Curriculum, Assessment and Reporting Authority

This request has been closed to new correspondence from the public body. Contact us if you think it ought be re-opened.

Martin Jowsey

Re: 'Divine Mercy College' 326 Yangebup Rd, Yangebup, WA 6164

Dear Australian Curriculum, Assessment and Reporting Authority,

I am concerned that the Year 7 NAPLAN (numeracy) results from this school from 2014 are wrong.
My step-daughter attends this school and was in year 7 in 2014.

I have noticed that Divine Mercy College have been removed from the MySchool website.

I would like more information about these two issues and whether they are connected.

Yours faithfully,

Martin Jowsey

Peter Matheson, Australian Curriculum, Assessment and Reporting Authority

Dear Mr Jowsey

Thank-you for your email. I advise that I am treating your request as being an administrative query, rather than a formal request for documents under the Freedom of Information Act 1982 (Cth).

I advise that the School Curriculum and Standards Authority (WA) is the appropriate agency to contact in relation to this matter. You can contact their FOI Coordinator on (08) 9273 6300.

Kind regards
Peter Matheson
Board Secretary, Office of the CEO
Australian Curriculum, Assessment and Reporting Authority
Email: [email address]

Martin Jowsey

Dear Peter Matheson,

Thank you for your response.

My question had two parts, one of which, I believe, you should be in a position to answer. That is, are my daughters year 7 and year 5 NAPLAN Numeracy results correct?

I suspect that they are not correct.

Yours sincerely,

Martin Jowsey

Peter Matheson, Australian Curriculum, Assessment and Reporting Authority

Dear Mr Jowsey

ACARA does not hold identified student NAPLAN results (i.e. does not hold student names or any other means of identification) so it cannot identify your step-daughter’s results.

ACARA is an independent statutory authority responsible for the overall management of the National Assessment Program (NAP) and a national data collection and reporting program (including My School) that supports learning for all Australian students. ACARA is not responsible for administering NAPLAN tests in each state and territory. Test administration authorities (TAAs) in each state and territory have responsibility for the implementation and administration of NAPLAN tests within their jurisdictions, noting that school principals have ultimate responsibility within their schools for ensuring tests are appropriately administered. TAAs also hold data for all students in their state or territory. In this case, the School Curriculum and Standards Authority (SCSA) is the relevant test administration authority. As advised previously, you can contact the SCSA's Freedom of Information Coordinator on (08) 9273 6300.

Kind regards