This is an HTML version of an attachment to the Freedom of Information request 'Freedom of Information Logs - FOI Request'.

15 May 2023 
Private and Confidential 
Mr Watson Norwood 
By email only: 
Dear Mr Norwood 
Your Freedom of Information request 
Thank you for contacting us with a Freedom of Information (FOI) request on 6 May 2023 seeking: 
“a complete copy of the departments' Freedom of Information (FOI) logs for the period 2013-2023, 
including any secondary departments controlled by the agency.” 

I am writing to let you know that we’re unable to consider your request in the way you’ve written it. 
However, I would like to work with you to re-write the request in such a way that we would be able to 
respond to it.1 
What are your options? 
Please write to me within the next 14 days indicating whether you want to: 2 
revise the request, or 
withdraw the request. 
If I don’t hear from you or you don’t want to change your request, a decision will be made based on 
your original request.  
How you could revise your request 
If you choose to clarify your request, please reduce the scope of your application to minimise the 
resources required to process it. You may wish to: 
better explain what you mean by the term ‘log’ 
restrict the time frame to which the application applies 
try to avoid, where possible, asking for material that that includes information about other people  
exclude material that would require consultation with third party individuals and businesses. 
1 This letter is a Request Consultation Notice under section 24AB of the Freedom of Information Act 1982 (Cth) 
(FOI Act). 
2 Under section 24AB(6) of the FOI Act. 
Australian Health Practitioner Regulation Agency  |  National Boards 
GPO Box 9958 Melbourne VIC 3001     1300 419 495 
Ahpra and the National Boards regulate these registered health professions: Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander health practice, Chinese 
medicine, chiropractic, dental, medical, medical radiation practice, midwifery, nursing, occupational therapy, optometry, osteopathy, 
paramedicine, pharmacy, physiotherapy, podiatry and psychology. 

Why we can’t fulfil your current request 
The Australian Health Practitioner Regulation Agency (Ahpra) does not maintain a list or ‘log’ of 
freedom of information applications that covers the period 2013-2023.  
Our information disclosure log is published to our website at in accordance with 
our obligations under Part 2 of the FOI Act. 
The FOI Act does not require that information disclosure logs reflect every FOI application received 
by an entity. Section 8A specifically provides that FOI agencies are not required to publish matters 
relating to the personal or business affairs of individuals. 
Ahpra is a regulator of health professions. We are involved in the registration of individuals in 
regulated health professions and the administration of public safety complaints relating to the health, 
performance and/or conduct of registrants. In this context it is rare for Ahpra to receive FOI 
applications that do not relate to the personal affairs of an individual. 
The FOI Act applies to Ahpra as adopted and modified by the Health Practitioner Regulation National 
Law.  Until 2019 the version of the FOI Act that applied to Ahpra was that which was in force 
immediately prior to commencement of significant amendments in 2010. Consequently, Ahpra was 
not required to participate in the Information Publication Scheme under Part 2 of the FOI Act until the 
2019 commencement of relevant regulations within the Health Practitioner Regulation National Law 
Regulation 2018 required Ahpra to comply with the current version of the FOI Act. 
Ahpra uses case management software administered by a third-party information technology 
provider to manage and record freedom of information applications. This system has limited reporting 
functionality and Ahpra is unable to generate a report listing and summarising freedom of information 
requests by purely computerised means and without extensive manual intervention involving collation 
of information and drafting a discrete document.  Generating a report by purely computerised means 
would require engaging a third-party information technology provider to assist. Ahpra is therefore not 
obliged to produce a new document containing the information you seek under s17 of the FOI Act. 
At it’s broadest, your application could be taken as a request for comprehensive screenshots from 
Ahpra’s case management system for every FOI application received between 2013 and the date of 
your application. This would involve the manual review of thousands of files containing the personal 
information of thousands of registered health practitioners and other members of the public. 
Processing a request of this nature would involve hundreds of hours of processing time and 
meticulous redaction of a huge volume of third-party personal information. The amount of work 
involved in processing the request would involve a significant commitment of financial and human 
resources, a significant risk to third-party privacy and would, in my view, significantly impact on 
Ahpra’s ability to meet its core work by diverting resources away from those functions.3 
Ahpra therefore seeks your assistance to amend the scope of your application so that it is in a form 
that can be reasonably processed. 
What happens next 
If you do not respond to this letter within 14 days, we will understand that you have withdrawn your 
request.4 If you indicate you do not wish to revise your request, I will make a decision based on the 
information you have provided.5 If you need more time to respond, please contact Ahpra within the 
3 One practical refusal reason is that the work involved in processing your request in its current form would 
substantially and unreasonably divert the resources of Ahpra from its other operations: see section 
24AA(1)(a)(i) of the FOI Act. I am satisfied that processing your request would be an unreasonable diversion of 
resources, and that a practical refusal reasons exists for the purposes of paragraph 24AA(1)(a)(i) of the FOI 
4 Under section 24AB(7) of the FOI Act. 
5 Under section 24(1) of the FOI Act. 
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14 day period to discuss a possible extension of time. Please note that the time period between 
when I send this letter and when you respond, is not counted in determining processing time under 
the Act.6 
More information 
Important information about the Freedom of Information Act can be found on the Office of the 
Australian Information Commissioner’s website at 
We look forward to working with you to revise your request in a way that we can consider it. If you 
have any questions please contact our freedom of information team at If you do 
this, please quote the reference number below. 
Yours sincerely 
Freedom of Information Team 
National Information Release Unit 
Reference Number: 
6 Under section 24AB(8) of the FOI Act. 
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