This is an HTML version of an attachment to the Freedom of Information request 'Documents pertaining to the 2023 referendum ballot papers'.

s 47F
s 47F
Thursday, 24 August 2023 9:26 AM
Andrew Johnson
s 47F
AGS Advice - 1988 - ticks and crosses [SEC=OFFICIAL]
Hi Andrew, 
Please see from paragraph 6 of this AGS advice: 
1988.06.17 - Referendum (Machinery Provisions) Act 1984 (The Act) ss.24, 25 and 93 (A254772) 
In par cular at paras 7 and 8: 
7. In the first place, I confirm your understanding that 
ballot- papers marked with ticks only would be formal, 
the ticks denoting approval in each case. However, 
ballot-papers marked with crosses only would be informal 
as there would be no clear indication of the voter's 
intention. A cross may be used, by itself, variously to 
denote approval or disapproval. 
8. Further, in paragraph 9 of this Department's earlier 
memorandum you were advised that votes marked with ticks 
and crosses were formal. This is because where a tick and 
a cross are juxtaposed, the tick denotes approval and the 
cross disapproval. 
If you need anything else please let us know. 
Kind regards, 
s 47F
 Senior Government Lawyer  
Electoral Law Section | Legal Services Branch 
Australian Electoral Commission 
s 47F