AGD FOI Requests
PID AO search result: RE FOI23/469-IC FOR ACTION - Revised FOI request for Strategy & Governance Branch - Response to
OAIC due S April 24 [SEC=OFFICIAL]
Tuesday, 2 April 2024 2:S3: 19 PM
FOI23 469-IC - Request processing template - Record of Document Search - FOI - 2024.DOCX
Good afternoon I
Attached are the results of our records search for the FOi request below.
The officers responsible for the PID procedures have reviewed the documents and confirm that no such
statement exists in the department's guidance.
Please let me know if you require anything further.
Kind regards,
Assistant Director
Privacy I Strategy & Governance Branch
Attorney-General's Department I 3-5 National Cct I Barton ACT 2600
cid: i mage00l. png@01D3 F767. F89E1C40
From: AGD FOi Requests <>
Sent: Tuesday, 2 April 2024 11:47 AM
To: Walsh, Hannah>
Cc: AGD FOi Requests <>;>;>
Subject: FOl23/469-IC FOR ACTION - Revised FOi request for Strategy & Governance Branch - Response to OAIC
due 5 April 24
Dear Hannah
This email is to advise you an FOi request has been received for documents of your branch, and to advise FOIP
are the contact are for this request. More details are below.
FOi Request FOl23/469-IC
The department has received a revised scope for a request subject to Information Commissioner Review (IC
Review). The scope now indicates a decision could be made by Strategy & Governance Branch which is
responsible for the department's internal PID procedures:
any policy documents stating AGO investigations into internal disclosures under the PIO Act can be
completed to an inadequate standard
The original request (and broader scope) was processed by Transparency and Administrative Law Branch
(T&ALB). On receipt of the revised scope, T&ALB confirmed support for SGB taking primary carriage of this
request (attached). The revised scope as confirmed with the OAIC is attached to this email.
The revised scope was received 2 February 2024 and the date for response to the OAIC is 5 April 2024.
Your branch, SGB, has been identified as likely to hold electronic and/or hard copy documents relevant to this
It is proposed that you will be the decision maker for this matter. The FOi Team will support you with processing
the request.
Contact Officer
I have confirmed
as the contact officers for this request. Please let me know if
you have any concerns with this.
To progress searches for this request, the nominated contact officer is requested to:
• Complete the record of searches template (CM) recording the number of documents identified in
preliminary searches. It is particularly important that we identify early whether the scope of the request
can be processed. The template provides additional information to assist with this step.
o If the documents cannot be identified, or searches indicate there are a large number of documents,
please contact the FOi Team to discuss whether consultation with the applicant on the scope of
request is required.
• After identifying documents in the search step, complete the working schedule (CM) and provide copies
of all documents identified within the scope of this request electronically to The template
provides additional information to assist with this step and asks you to:
o identify the documents containing material you consider sensitive and describe the harm of
disclosure, and
o identity the documents containing third party information (a private individual, business or
State/Territory government). If third party consultation is required, we must advise the applicant
due date has been extended.
I will liaise with the contact officer to provide these documents to by COB 3 April 2024
Further information regarding the line area role in responding to FOi Requests is in the FOi iine area
manual (CM) on the FOi page on the Intranet.
Once the contact officer has provided the documents and record of searches to the FOi Team, I will commence
review of the documents to determine whether the identified sensitive material is exempt from disclosure within
the meaning in the FOi Act. In the event material is identified as sensitive, and I am unsure as to whether an
exemption in the FOi Act applies, I will discuss the material with you.
The FOi case officer will work iteratively with your contact officer to draft proposed decision materials for your
consideration. Your contact officer should keep you informed of the progress of the request.
I will liaise with you to ensure time is set aside so that you are able to consider any necessary documents or
Attorney-General's Department Freedom of Information Request FOI23/469-IC Attachment A - Record of search Page 2 of 4
correspondence relevant to the request.
Under s 93 of the Freedom of Information Act 1982, the department is required to report to the Office of the
Australian Information Commissioner (OAIC) on freedom of information and Information Publication Scheme
activity annually. We would also be grateful if your branch could also record the hours spent by staff level (APSl-
5, APS6-EL2 and SES) for processing this request. The FOi case officer will request these hours from your branch
once the matter is finalised.
Kind regards
Attorney-General's Department Freedom of Information Request FOI23/469-IC Attachment A - Record of search Page 3 of 4
Record of Document Search FOl23/469-IC
Date FOi received
Date FOi Decision due
Line area to complete and return to FOi case manager at - seek Workflow note below
Summary of request: [insert request scope]
Action officer details
List locations searched
Description of searches conducted/action taken
Result of searches
Date of search or
(this should include systems or locations that
(include search terms)
This can include:
are likely to hold relevant documents, or staff
Guides for some main systems in the department
Description of results
Name of officer,
Content Manager searching (CM 17#335726DOC)
A screenshot of the result window
position, business unit
Eg CM, PDMS, shared mailbox, filing cabinet, High
PDMS searching (CM 15#151165DOC)
File note of conversation with relevant staff
Side/ AG SEC, third party systems, social media,
Outlook searching (Microsoft)
A comment about why no documents were located (if known)
contents of files related to matter, interview with
Reasonable search may include
consultations with relevant
staff responsible for subject/function
Tip sheet: For a large number of results in CM
- How to copy a
OAIC guidance on reasonable search (OAIC)
list of records from CM to Excel (CM 18#215146DO(} or to
create a CM link to send FOi the results -
Create a single CM
reference (TRS) for multi[11e records (CM 18#245905DOC)
l Content Manager
Title word search "PIO policy"
52 Documents located in search, 0
documents were in
FOIP Assistant Director
scope of the request.
Content Manager
Title word search "PID procedure"
4 Documents located in search, 0
documents were in
FOIP Assistant Director
scope of the request.
Content Manager
Title word search "PID standard"
Documents located in search, 0
documents were in
FOIP Assistant Director
scope of the request.
l Content Manager
Title word search "PIO instruction"
3 Documents located in search, 0
documents were in
FOIP Assistant Director
scope of the request.
Content Manager
Title word search "PIO investigation"
29 Documents located in search, 0
documents were in
FOIP Assistant Director
scope of the request.
l Shared mailbox -
Content word search "PIO"
Documents located in search, 0
documents were in
FOIP Assistant Director
scope of the request.
https://intra .au/governance/planning-and-
Documents located in search, 0
documents were in
FOIP Assistant Director
gove rna nee/pub I ic-i nte rest-d iscl osu re
scope of the request.
l Internet
https://www .au/a bout-us/accountability-and-
Documents located in search, 0
documents were in
FOIP Assistant Director
re porting/pub I ic-i nte rest-disclosure
scope of the request.
https://www .au/integrity /nationa 1-a nti-corru pt ion-
Documents located in search, 0
documents were in
FOIP Assistant Director
corn mission/ma ndatory-referra ls-pu bi ic-i nte rest-disclosure-
scope of the request.
l Internet
https://www .a u/contactus/PI D _Act
Documents located in search, 0
documents were in
FOIP Assistant Director
scope of the request.
Attorney-General's Department Freedom of Information Request FOI23/469-IC Attachment A - Record of search
Page 4 of 4