This is an HTML version of an attachment to the Freedom of Information request 'Style Guides for Defence Housing Australia'.

DHA Ref: FOI2324-09 
5 December 2023 
Alex Pentland 
By email: 
Dear Alex Pentland 
I refer to your request received by Defence Housing Australia on 6 November 2023 and 
acknowledged on 8 November 2023, in which you sought access under the Freedom of 
Information Act 1982 (Cth) 
(FOI Act) to the following documents: 
“Style Guides/Brand Guides/Writing Guides currently used by Defence Housing 
I am an officer authorised under section 23 of the FOI Act to make decisions in respect 
of requests for access to documents. My decision and statement of reasons are set out 
I have identified two documents which meet the parameters of your FOI request, 
consisting of 85 pages as listed in the Schedule of Documents (the Schedule) at 
Attachment A
I have decided to grant access in part to documents 1 and 2 because they contain 
material that is exempt under 47E - Public interest conditional exemptions – certain 
operations of agencies. 
Material on which my decision is based 
In making my decision, I have taken into account: 
a)  the terms of your freedom of information request 
b)  the documents that fall within the scope of your request 
c)  consultation with officers of this agency that have core responsibility for the 
documents you sought access to, including confirmation that reasonable 
searches have been undertaken to identify all the documents held within the 
scope of your request, and advice about the nature of the documents and the 
operating environment and functions of DHA 
d)  the Freedom of Information Guidelines issued by the Office of the Australian 
Information Commissioner under section 93A of the FOI Act (the FOI 
Head office 
35 Hinder Street, Gungahlin ACT 2912 
T. 139 342 | 
ABN 72 968 504 934 

e)  the relevant provisions of the FOI Act. 
FOI Legislation 
The FOI Act provides a right of access to information in the possession of 
Commonwealth agencies, limited only by exceptions and exemptions provided for in the 
FOI Act. 
Where the Schedule indicates an exemption claim has been applied to a document or 
part of a document, my findings of fact and reasons for deciding that the exemption 
provision applied to that document or part of the document are set out below. 
Section 47E – Operations of the Agency 
Section 47E of the FOI Act provides:  
A document is conditionally exempt if its disclosure under this Act would or could 
reasonably be expected to:  

d. have a substantial adverse effect on the proper and efficient conduct of the 
operations of an agency 

For this reason, I have decided to exempt information under subsection 47E(d) of the 
FOI Act on the basis that it could be used to assist those who may wish to replicate DHA 
correspondence, thus providing legitimacy to fraudulently drafted documents. As DHA is 
uniquely positioned in its association with the Australian Defence Forces, DHA has a 
heightened requirement and responsibility to be vigilant against potential fraud against 
Defence personnel. Therefore, there is a significant and genuine risk to the public if the 
DHA releases this information.  
I have considered the public interest in section 11B of the FOI Act to determine whether 
disclosure would, on balance, be contrary to the public interest.  
Public interest test 
Section 47E of the FOI Act is a conditional exemption. Under subsection 11A(5) the FOI 
Act requires access to a conditionally exempt document be granted unless (in the 
circumstances) access to the document at that time would, on balance, be contrary to 
the public interest. 
To determine if the disclosure would be contrary to the public interest, I have weighed up 
the public interest for and against disclosure under subsection 11A(5) of the FOI Act, 
and have taken into account: 
  The extent to which disclosure would promote the objectives of the FOI Act 

  The extent to which disclosure would assist in informing debate on a matter of 
public importance; and 
  The extent to which disclosure would prejudice the protection of an individual’s 
right to privacy. 
I also considered the following factor against disclosure: 
  Disclosure could reasonably be expected to substantially affect the management 
function of the agency. 
While there is an interest in open government and increased scrutiny of government 
activities, the information relating to specific DHA logos and colours has little meaning in 
providing clarity to these issues. The exemption of this information in no way dilutes or 
diminishes the substance of the rest of the information contained within the style guides. 
Thus, the objects of the FOI Act are preserved. I consider that the need to protect the 
integrity and safety of DHA correspondence to outweigh the public interest in release. In 
balancing these factors, I am satisfied that the release of details as to how the agency 
identifies itself, would be contrary to the public interest and as such have decided to not 
release this information. Therefore, I have removed the material that is exempt under 
section 47E of the FOI Act. 
As your request can be considered in the public interest, I have decided not to impose a 
charge for processing your FOI request. 
Publication of material released under the FOI Act  
Where I have decided to release documents, we may also publish the released material 
on our Disclosure Log within ten working days of its release to you. We will not publish 
personal or business affairs information where it would be unreasonable to do so.  
For your reference our Disclosure Log can be found here:
Rights of review  
If you disagree with the decision made by Defence Housing Australia (DHA) under the 
Freedom of Information Act 1982 (the FOI Act), you can ask for a review of the decision.  
Internal review 
You can ask DHA to review its decision. There is no charge for an internal review. DHA 
will make an internal review decision within 30 days of receiving your request.  

To request an internal review of this decision, you must send your request to DHA within 
30 days of being notified of this decision. Please outline the aspects of the decision to 
which you are objecting and why.  
External Review 
You may apply directly to the Information Commissioner for an external review without 
requesting an internal review.  
To apply for an external review by the Information Commissioner, it is recommended that 
you complete the online form available at
Further information about applying for an external review is also available on the OAIC 
Your sincerely 
Senior FOI Officer 
Defence Housing Australia 

Attachment A 
Schedule of Documents 
Document  Page 
Title/Description Decision 

DHA style guide 
Released in part. 
Material removed under section 47E - Public interest conditional 
exemptions – certain operations of agencies 

DHA internal style guide 
Released in part. 
Material removed under section 47E - Public interest conditional 
exemptions – certain operations of agencies