This is an HTML version of an attachment to the Freedom of Information request 'Digital Drivers License system design and privacy'.

GPO Box 2392 
Melbourne, VIC 3001 Australia 
Our Ref: CS014715 
Mark Nottingham 
By email:> 
Dear Mr Nottingham 
Your request for documents 
I refer to your email received by the Department of Transport and Planning (Department) on 24 
March 2024, in which you requested: 
“Please provide the following documents related to the Digital Drivers License currently being rolled 
out in Victoria: 
- Overviews of the system's operation 
- Descriptions of the major components 
- Specifications for how the components will communicate 
- Information related to the international standards it conforms to, including optional extensions to 
them and restrictions of their use 
- Privacy assessments of the system and its components 
- Correspondence related to selective disclosure of identity” 
You are making a request under the Freedom of Information Act 1982 (Vic) (FOI Act). Payment of 
the application fee for your request was waived on 5 April 2024. However, your request is not valid 
under section 17 of the FOI Act because it is not clear and specific enough for us to identify the 
documents you have requested.  
This means we cannot start processing your request until you give us more information about your 
Your request requires clarification  
For your request to be valid under section 17 of the FOI Act, it must provide enough information 
about the documents you asked for so we can properly identify them.  
We have made preliminary enquiries to determine what documents the Department may hold 
relevant to your request. However, those enquiries have been hampered by the broad terms in 
which the request is expressed. For example, “Specifications for how the components will 
communicate” could refer to various requirements associated with implementation of the system. 
Similarly, a request for “correspondence related to selective disclosure of identity” can be 
interpreted in a number of ways. It can be taken to refer to general measures that relate to permitted 

disclosures of personal information, or to more specific correspondence concerning individual 
matters. In addition, that part of the request does not state whether the requested correspondence 
is internal or external or give a date range for the correspondence. As a result, the extent of the 
searches required to meet the request is not clear. 
There is a possible resolution to these issues in the part of your request which seeks “privacy 
assessments of the system…”. I am advised that two Privacy Impact Assessments (PIAs) were 
undertaken in relation to the proposal, to analyse its impact on personal privacy. Those PIAs 
provide an overview of the proposal, detail on the information flows involved, and privacy analysis of 
the proposal’s elements and the risks involved. It may be that the PIAs contain the information you 
seek and could be the focus of a revised request. 
Please note that rescoping the request to seek those PIAs is not a guarantee that they will be 
released to you. They would still need to assessed for release under the FOI Act, including the 
application of any appropriate exemptions from release.  
What you need to do 
Please clarify your request within 21 days of receiving this correspondence by contacting us at  
You may wish to offer an alternative phrasing of your request, however, please note that any 
alternative that does not sufficiently specify the documents sought may result in the request not 
Until your request is amended as required by section 17 of the Act it cannot be processed and the 
30-day period within which a decision must be made on your request has not commenced. 
If this consultation fails to achieve a valid request by 21 May 2024, we may close your request 
without processing it. If we close your request without processing it, you will need to make a new 
request if you wish to access the documents. 
Please feel free to contact us at if you have any queries about this matter. 
Yours sincerely 
Andrew Weston 
Manager, Privacy and Information Access 
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