Ref: LEX-76742
Oliver Smith
Via emai
Dear Oliver Smith
Your Freedom of Information request – consultation
I refer to your request dated 28 March 2024 and received by the Department of Climate Change,
Energy, the Environment and Water (
department) on the same date for access under the
Freedom of Information Act 1982 (Cth) (
FOI Act) to the following documents:
‘Under the FOI Act, I seek all ministerial briefs and submissions provided to the office of
the Minister from 1 June, 2023 to present in relation to the PORTLAND DECLARATION
You provided advice on 8 April 2024 that you were specifically referring to the Office of the
Minister for Climate Change and Energy.
Your request involves significant resources for the department
Due to the amount of work involved for the department, under sections 24AA(1)(a)(i), 24 and
24AA(2) of the FOI Act, the department intends to refuse your FOI request as a 'practical refusal
reason' exists. Under the Act, the practical refusal reason is that processing your request 'would
substantially and unreasonably divert the resources' of this agency.
To process your request the department would have to do extensive searches to find and
process the documents you asked for. Preliminary searches indicate that the department may
hold more than 75 documents, totalling over 12300 pages. I estimate that it would take over
1300 hours to process your request. This is a conservative estimate and does not include the
actual processing time required for locating and collation of all documents.
The high volume of hours estimated to process this request stems largely from the large number
of submissions that would be captured, documents that are likely to require consultation and
redaction. Initial estimates indicate that more than 150 third parties would need to consulted
under either sections 26A, 27 and/or 27A of the FOI Act.
If you decide not to make any revisions to your request, the department may refuse your FOI
request as a ‘practical refusal reason’ exists.
How to send us a ‘revised request’
Before a final decision is made on your request, you can submit a revised request.
T +61 2 6274 1111
John Gorton Building
GPO Box 3090
F +61 2 9094 2221
King Edward Terrace
Canberra ACT 2601
ABN 63 573 932 849
Parkes ACT 2600
Within the next 14 days (consultation period) you must do one of the following in writing:
• withdraw the request;
• make a revised request; or
• tell us that you do not want to revise your request.
If you do not contact us during the consultation period, your request will be taken as having
been withdrawn.
If you would like to make a revised request, you could consider one or more of the following:
• limiting your request to ministerial briefs only, excluding attachments;
• excluding submissions from third parties; and
• limiting the timeframe further.
Contact officer
During the consultation period, you are welcome to contact the department to ask for help in
revising your request. The contact officer’s details are as follows:
Senior FOI Officer
Further assistance
If you have any questions, please emai
Yours sincerely
Paul Murphy
Branch Head
Offshore Renewables Branch
Net Zero Industries Division
19 April 2024