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s 22(1)
From: s 22(1)
Sent: Thursday, 22 June 2023 5:11 PM
To: s 22(1)>
Cc: OSI s 47E(d)>
Subject: For your review: OSI Mandatory training ‐ revised paper and supporting documents [SEC=OFFICIAL]
Hi s 22(1)
Based on our discussion with Helen, HR team and A/g CFO s 22(1)
, I have:
‐ s 22(1)
‐ s 22(1)
created Brown Bag lunch list (ADOC23/5811)
Can you please review these and see whether it is reflective of the meeting and thought‐process?
s 22(1)
Thank you.
Kind regards,
s 22(1)
s 22(1)
Office of the Special Investigator
P: s 22(1)
| W:
E: s 22(1)
s 22(1)
Office of the Special Investigator - Documents released under FOI24/02
Document 2 - Page 1 of 1
Brown Bag Lunches
We are trialling ‘Brown Bag Lunches’ to be held every second month, as a casual, non-mandatory opportunity to
learning and discuss issues that may impact OSI staff.
s 22(1)
June 2024
Learnings from the TBA
TBC (online option
Royal Commission
into the RoboDebt
August 2023
Office of the Special Investigator - Documents released under FOI24/02
Document 3 - Page 1 of 1
s 22(1)
s 22(1)
Thursday, 27 July 2023 3:36 PM
Daniels, Helen (OSI); Butler, Kieran (OSI); s 22(1)
s 22(1)
(OSI);s 22(1)
(OSI);s 22(1)
(OSI); s 22(1) ( (OSI); s 22(1)
(OSI); s 22(1)
(OSI); s 22(1)
(OSI); s 22(1)
s 22(1)
(OSI); s 22(1)
AGS Understanding and navigating the Royal Commission into the Robodebt Scheme: outcomes
and recommendations [SEC=OFFICIAL]
AGS Understanding and; AGS Understanding and navigating (as Web Page).mht
Hi all,
On Tuesday evening I attended and AGS session on “Integrity and ethics: Understanding and navigating the Royal
Commission into the Robodebt Scheme outcomes and recommendations”.
For interest attached are my notes. Sitting and listening I felt very reassured by the processes and approach OSI
takes in delivering its mandate ‐ a stance taken prior to the Commission delivering its report.
Very happy to discuss.
s 22(1)
s 22(1)
Director, Governance and Security
Office of the Special Investigator
P: s 22(1)
| s 22(1)
E: s 22(1)
Office of the Special Investigator - Documents released under FOI24/02
Document 4 - Page 1 of 1
Facilitator: Matt Blunn ‐ AGS
AGS Understanding and navigating the Royal Commission
Kathryn Haigh ‐ FAS AGD
Justin Davidson ‐ Deputy Chief Solicitor
into the Robodebt Scheme: outcomes and
Rodger Prince ‐ Senior Executive
Tuesday, 25 July 2023
3:51 PM
*Not legal advice or Government position*
Establishment overview.
57 recommendations
How did this happen?
- Time and scrutiny of decision making
- Media narrative
- Separation of legislative responsibility (Social Services) and policy implementation (DHS)
Rec re vulnerable people
- Communication ‐ initially confusing and cryptic letter. Recipient wouldn't know what to do with it.
Also didn't provide warning of average wage approach. Also didn't consider whether the letter
would be received ‐ no regard to time past.
- Onous on the recipient to identify and resolve discrepancies.
- Approach was electronic. No regard to remote or persons needing assistance.
- Stereotyping of welfare recipients as untrustworthy and cheats.
- Centrelink knew of vulnerability and did nothing to act on that.
Budget processes
- Failure to identify and manage legal risk.
○ NPP that went to ERC went without indicating leg change was required (averaging of ATO
- When dealing with legal risk, use obvious language. What is required, at what point and by whom?
Data matching and exchanges
- Personal information & Secrecy provisions. Protocols and frameworks in place to manage this.
- Despite this, Commissioner found that governance still not sufficient
- Robodebt scheme used Automation not AI.
- No human check of discrepancy. If no interaction, the automation produced a debt notice and
- OAIC guide on automation provides clear guidance.
Commonwealth lawyers
- Professional independence and sharing of significant legal advice did not occur.
- In‐house lawyers instructed to stick to DSS and DHS TPs. Meaning could not be independent.
- Did not act on concerned voiced by legal experts.
- Siloed culture ‐ in‐house lawyers did not consider legal risks beyond that which was specifically
asked of them.
- Authors pressed internally to amend advice to align with Senior Officers' direction.
- Importance of finalising legal advice.
All Commonwealth lawyers should familiarise themselves with the Legal Services Directions.
Requirement to report legal issues to OLSC in AGD.
Missed opportunities to correct the path. 2017 Cth Ombudsman report and outcomes from AAT appeals
(noting these were not public, but were available to the agency). Rec on Agency Heads to assist
Ombudsman staff to conduct investigations.
Cabinet records
- If available to public, could have influenced public discourse.
APS Reform (section 7)
- Inadequate record keeping. Particularly around significant decisions.
- Transparent and considered decision making needs to be supported by documentation.
- Work as one Commonwealth
Closing remarks:
- AGS soon to publish new briefings on duties to the court and professional ethics.
- Matt Blunn asked Justin Davidson one change he personally will be making as a result of the
report. Justin answered he was a bit struck by the record keeping piece and will improve his file
Office of the Special Investigator - Documents released under FOI24/02
20230727 1535 - Attachment 1 - AGS Understanding and navigating Page 1
30/01/2024, 10:27
Director-General all staff message: July 2023
Document 5 - Page 1 of 2
s 22(1)
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Welcome to the OSI Intranet
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Published 8/2/2023
Director-General all staff message: July 2023
July was another busy month for the OSI and I am very pleased with the progress being made as a
result of your ongoing commitment and collaboration.
s 22(1)
s 47E(d)
Office of the Special Investigator - Documents released under FOI24/02
30/01/2024, 10:27
Director-General all staff message: July 2023
s 22(1)
Document 5 - Page 2 of 2
s 22(1)
Finally, I would like to encourage you to read an
open letter from
PM&C Secretary Davis
APS Commissioner de Brouwer on the recent release of the findings from the
Commission into the
Robodebt Scheme. The findings have serious implications for the
broader public service and integrity, accountability and stewardship will be the key drivers
as the taskforce works through the findings in an open and constructive way.
It has been a very busy time for everyone, and I extend my appreciation for your professionalism in
progressing our work and I look forward to working with you in the next half of the year.
s 47E(d)
Office of the Special Investigator - Documents released under FOI24/02
Document 6 - Page 1 of 2
s 22(1)
Moraitis, Chris (OSI)
Wednesday, 2 August 2023 11:10 AM
[OSI - All Staff s 47E(d)
CM: Director-General all staff update: July 2023 [SEC=OFFICIAL]
July was another busy month for the OSI and I am very pleased with the progress being
made as a result of your ongoing commitment and collaboration.
s 22(1)
Office of the Special Investigator - Documents released under FOI24/02
Document 6 - Page 2 of 2
s 22(1)
Finally I would like to encourage you to read an open letter from
PM&C Secretary
Davis and
APS Commissioner de Brouwer on the recent release of the findings
from the
Royal Commission into the
Robodebt Scheme. The findings
have serious
implications for the broader public service and integrity, accountability and
stewardship will be the key drivers as the taskforce works through the findings in an
open and constructive way.
It has been a very busy time for everyone and I extend my appreciation for your
professionalism in progressing our work and I look forward to working with you in the next
half of the year.
Office of the Special Investigator - Documents released under FOI24/02
Document 7 - Page 1 of 2
s 22(1)
Daniels, Helen (OSI)
Monday, 13 November 2023 2:13 PM
[OSI - All Staff s 47E(d)
FW: FOR INFO - Government’s response to the Report of the Royal Commission into the
Robodebt Scheme [SEC=OFFICIAL]
Good afternoon
Given the importance of the recommendations of the Robodebt Royal Commission for all public servants please see
attached the Government’s response to the 56 recommendations.
Many are directed at improving the social services system and decision‐making. There are also recommendations
that go to the role of government lawyers, legal advice, the Legal Services Directions and the role of AGS and OLSC.
I would encourage you to read through some of these responses as their implementation will help address improved
integrity in the APS.
From: s 22(1)>
Sent: Monday, 13 November 2023 1:30 PM
To: Daniels, Helen (OSI) s 47E(d)>; s 22(1)>; Moraitis,
Chris (OSI) s 47E(d)>; Butler, Kieran (OSI) s 47E(d)>
Cc: OSI s 47E(d)>; s 22(1)>
Subject: FOR INFO ‐ Government’s response to the Report of the Royal Commission into the Robodebt Scheme
Hi all,
You may have seen the press conference with the Minister for the Public Service, the AG and Minister for
Government Services in the last hour to announce the Government has accepted all 56 recommendations from the
Robodebt Royal Commission.
A PDF of the Government Response is attached.
At the press conference, the Public Service Minister said there are more than a dozen investigations that are
underway following the robo‐debt royal commission – there were 16 referrals to the Public Service Commissioner,
all of which have started as an investigation. The Attorney‐General and Minister Gallagher would not comment on
whether there would be any criminal proceedings into the referrals.
Today, the Australian Government released its response to the report of the Royal Commission
into the Robodebt Scheme.
Office of the Special Investigator - Documents released under FOI24/02
Document 7 - Page 2 of 2
The Australian Government has carefully considered the Royal Commission’s report and
The Government has
accepted or
accepted in principle all 56 recommendations made by the
Royal Commission.
The Government Response commits to action to implement the recommendations, and reinforces
the Government’s commitments to improve trust in government, deliver strong institutions, invest
in a capable public sector and ensure people are at the centre of policy development and
government service delivery.
Additional funding is being provided to support implementation of the Government Response.
Kind regards,
s 22(1)
s 22(1)
Director, Communication | Office of the Special Investigator
P: s 22(1)
| M: s 22(1)
E: s 22(1) | s 47E(d)
Office of the Special Investigator - Documents released under FOI24/02
30/01/2024, 10:27
Message to all staff - APS Integrity Taskforce Report
Document 8 - Page 1 of 2
s 22(1)
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Published 11/17/2023
Message to all staff - APS Integrity Taskforce Report
Today the Secretaries Board published the APS Integrity Taskforce report ‘Louder than Words: An
APS Integrity Action Plan’.
Integrity is deeply important to our work in the public service. It underpins the trust of the
Australian public, who rely on us to serve their interests and deliver the best outcomes for Australia.
The Secretaries Board is committed to promoting a pro-integrity culture where all staff feel
confident to contribute ideas, provide frank and independent advice and report mistakes. In this
spirit, Secretaries Board set up the APS Integrity Taskforce.
The Taskforce was asked to take a ‘bird’s-eye’ view of the APS integrity landscape, to identify gaps
and look for opportunities to learn from and build upon the important work already progressing
across the service. The work of the Taskforce complements the Integrity pillar of the government’s
APS Reform agenda and the establishment of the National Anti-Corruption Commission. It is
particularly pertinent in the context of the release of the Government’s Response to the Robodebt
Royal Commission this week.
We encourage all staff to reflect on how integrity shapes our work for the Australian public.
The ‘Integrity Good Practice Guide’ includes a range of practical examples of how you can
contribute to a pro-integrity culture.
Work to implement the Taskforce’s recommendations is already underway and will ensure we have
the right frameworks in place to recruit and to recognise people whose behaviour is consistent with
the public service values. A revised SES Performance Leadership Framework gives equal weighting
to leadership behaviours as well as outcomes. The APS Academy’s Integrity Masterclass is running
regularly for SES leaders. There are also measures to focus on ensuring legality across APS practices
and government policies, programs and services, reinforcing the importance of good
recordkeeping, and enhanced contract management and procurement practices.
s 47E(d)
Office of the Special Investigator - Documents released under FOI24/02
30/01/2024, 10:27
Message to all staff - APS Integrity Taskforce Report
Document 8 - Page 2 of 2
Thank you for your ongoing commitment to embodying the APS Values in every aspect of your
Professor Glyn Davis AC
Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet
Dr Gordon de Brouwer PSM
Australian Public Service Commissioner
s 47E(d)
Office of the Special Investigator - Documents released under FOI24/02