This is an HTML version of an attachment to the Freedom of Information request 'CFD Forum compliance plan compliance documents'.

23 Marcus Clarke Street
Canberra ACT 2601
GPO Box 3131
Canberra ACT 2601
Our ref: 
Contact officer: 
FOI team 
tel: (02) 6243 1111 
Contact phone: 
02 6243 1244 
fax: (02) 6243 1199
04 July 2024
Compliance Associate (Right to Know) 
Sent via email:  
Dear Compliance Associate 
Notice of intention to refuse access because a practical refusal reason exists – 
insufficient information provided – ACCC cannot identify requested documents   

I refer to your email of 22 June 2024 in which you request access to documents 
relating to: 
I am requesting documents related CMC Markets Asia Pacific Pty Ltd, GFT 
Global Markets UK Limited, IG Markets Limited, Australian CFD Forum Limited 
and parties otherwise listed in Schedule 1 made December 2013. 
In the submission a compliance plan was being developed by Ms. 
Jan Redfern PSM, former senior executive of ASIC and currently part time Senior 
Member of the Administrative Appeals Tribunal and the Guardianship Tribunal 
and independent governance and regulatory compliance consultant, to assist 
them in relation to a proposal to establish a CFD industry body and best practice 
standards for the Australian CFD industry. 
Please provide documents about industry best practices and compliance plans 
created by Jan Redfern. 
Additionally documents about Trio Capital and fraud and the need John 
Hempton to Treasury to use only arrangements like Citco as custodian of 
client assets and strongly critical of the typical brokerage and clearing 
arrangements used by typical Hedge Funds. 

The ACCC is considering refusing your request insofar as it relates to the second 
part of your request (in bold above), as currently framed, under s.24 of the Freedom 
of Information Act 1982
 (Cth) (FOI Act) because a practical refusal reason exists. 
The practical refusal reason is that the request does not provide enough information 
to enable the ACCC to identify the documents you are seeking. 
Before making a final decision you have an opportunity to revise your request to 
provide sufficient information to enable us to identify the documents you are seeking. 

This is called the ‘request consultation process’. Before 18 July 2024, you must 
  revise your request, 
  tell us that you do not wish to revise your request, or 
  withdraw your request.  
If you do not respond in one of these ways in that timeframe your request is taken to 
be withdrawn. 
What should you do 
I am the ACCC officer to contact to try to remove the ground for refusal. Please read 
the attached tips for success (Attachment A) and then email me via 
to make a time to discuss your request. I am happy to help you to revise your request 
to remove the practical refusal ground. 
To help us develop a better understanding of the documents you are seeking, before 
contacting us please consider; 
  whether the ACCC is the correct agency to direct the second part of your FOI 
request to. 
  reframing the scope of the second part of your request or clarifying what 
documents you are seeking. It is unclear what you mean by “….the need 
John Hempton to Treasury to use only arrangements like Citco….”.  
I strongly encourage you to contact me before submitting a revised request. Once 
you submit a revised request, the request consultation process ends and we will 
make a decision regarding whether the practical refusal ground still exists based on 
the terms of your revised request. Even if you modify your request, the practical 
refusal reason may still exist or we may need further time to process your revised 
request. This will depend upon the terms of your final request.  
If you need more time to respond, please contact me within the 14 day period to 
discuss your need for an extension of time. 
During this period of consultation, the statutory timeframe for the processing of your 
request is on hold. 
I have also attached an extract from the FOI Act for your information (Attachment B).  
Yours sincerely  
Rebecca Fenech 
FOI Manager 
ACCC Legal Group 
Sent by email 4/07/2024 

Attachment A 
Tips for success 
It would assist us if you were able to clearly identify the specific documents you are 
after, or clarify what information you are seeking.  
Please consider if we are the agency that has the document you seek.  
  The ACCC does not hold documents such as medical records, phone bills or 
police records. To access this material, contact your medical practitioner or 
the relevant hospital, telecommunication provider or local police force. 
 The 
Freedom of Information Act 1982 (FOI Act) only applies to 
Commonwealth Government agencies. Each agency processes their own FOI 
requests and has their own FOI section. You will need to contact the relevant 
agency directly to enquire how you can make an FOI request to them. 
  Each State has separate freedom of information law. If you are seeking 
information from a State Government, you will need to contact the relevant 
State agency directly to enquire how you can make an FOI request to them. 
Framing the scope of your request using the below suggestions will assist us to 
identify the document/s you are seeking, and may also assist in removing any 
practical refusal reasons. 
  Limit your request to one or two dot points. 
  Choose a specific category of documents (i.e. final documents, file notes, 
email correspondence or reports). Requesting ‘all documents’ in relation to a 
matter or issue may lead to a practical refusal reason 
  Choose a specific date or date range (i.e. a final document dated 5 June 2019 
or final documents created between 1 June 2019 and 30 June 2019). Too 
broad a date range may result in a practical refusal reason 
  Limit your request to documents about a specific issue in relation to a specific 
matter (i.e. correspondence between the ACCC and (name of company or 
person) addressing why they consider the conduct was not unlawful). 
Requesting ‘all documents’ in relation to a matter or issue may lead to a 
practical refusal 
  Be clear about what you don’t want (i.e. hardcopy documents, publicly 
available material, duplicates, copies of your own correspondence). 
  Exclude third party identifying material if you can, to minimise our need to 
consult such parties on your request. 
Example FOI request: 
‘I request, under the FOI Act, final reports and file notes relating to x matter, in the 
period 1 July 2019 to 30 July 2019. 

I am not seeking copies of internal correspondence, draft documents or publicly 
available documents.’  

Attachment B 
Extracts of the Freedom of Information Act 
15 Requests for access 
Requirements for request 
(2)  The request must: 
(a) be in writing; and 
(aa) state that the request is an application for the purposes of this Act; and 
(b) provide such information concerning the document as is reasonably 
necessary to enable a responsible officer of the agency, or the Minister, 
to identify it; and
(c) give details of how notices under this Act may be sent to the applicant (for 
example, by providing an electronic address to which notices may be sent by 
electronic communication). 
24AB What is a request consultation process
(1) This section sets out what is a request consultation process for the 
purposes of section 24.  
Requirement to notify  
(2) The agency or Minister must give the applicant a written notice stating the 
(a) an intention to refuse access to a document in accordance with a request; 
(b) the practical refusal reason;  
(c) the name of an officer of the agency or member of staff of the Minister (the 
contact person ) with whom the applicant may consult during a period;  
(d) details of how the applicant may contact the contact person;  
(e) that the period (the consultation period ) during which the applicant may 
consult with the contact person is 14 days after the day the applicant is given 
the notice.  
Assistance to revise request  
(3) If the applicant contacts the contact person during the consultation period in 
accordance with the notice, the agency or Minister must take reasonable steps to 
assist the applicant to revise the request so that the practical refusal reason no 
longer exists. 
(4) For the purposes of subsection (3), reasonable steps includes the following: 

(a) giving the applicant a reasonable opportunity to consult with the contact 
(b) providing the applicant with any information that would assist the applicant 
to revise the request. 
Extension of consultation period  
(5) The contact person may, with the applicant's agreement, extend the 
consultation period by written notice to the applicant. 
Outcome of request consultation process  
(6) The applicant must, before the end of the consultation period, do one of the 
following, by written notice to the agency or Minister:  
(a) withdraw the request;  
(b) make a revised request;  
(c) indicate that the applicant does not wish to revise the request.  
(7) The request is taken to have been withdrawn under subsection (6) at the end 
of the consultation period if:  
(a) the applicant does not consult the contact person during the consultation 
period in accordance with the notice; or  
(b) the applicant does not do one of the things mentioned in subsection (6) 
before the end of the consultation period.  
Consultation period to be disregarded in calculating processing period  
(8) The period starting on the day an applicant is given a notice under 
subsection (2) and ending on the day the applicant does one of the things 
mentioned in paragraph (6)(b) or (c) is to be disregarded in working out the 30 
day period mentioned in paragraph 15(5)(b).  
Note: Paragraph 15(5)(b) requires that an agency or Minister take all reasonable 
steps to notify an applicant of a decision on the applicant's request within 30 days 
after the request is made. 
No more than one request consultation process required  
(9) To avoid doubt, this section only obliges the agency or Minister to undertake a 
request consultation process once for any particular request.