Document 1
For decision
PDMS Ref. Number: MS24-001284
Date of Clearance: 04/09/2024
Minister for Home Affairs, Minister for Immigration and Multicultural
Affairs, Minister for Cyber Security
Report on Unauthorised Maritime Arrivals pursuant to Section 198AJ
of the Migration Act 1958
For consideration by 9 September 2024, as agreed by Senior Adviser s.22(1)(a)(ii)
, in
order to table the Report in Parliament.
That you:
1. note the requirement in s198AJ(1) of the
Migration Act 1958
noted / please discuss
to table a Report on Unauthorised Maritime Arrivals (Report);
2. endorse the Report covering the period of 2023-24
endorsed / not endorsed
Attachment A) for tabling before both Houses of Parliament.
Minister for Home Affairs, Minister for Immigration and
Multicultural Affairs, Minister for Cyber Security
Date:……/……./ 2024

Document 1
Consultation – internal/external
6. s. 33(a)(iii)
7. The submission was consulted with Migration and Citizenship Law Branch and the Joint
Agency Task Force Operation Sovereign Borders was made aware of the tabling commitments
and pending tabling action.
Consultation – Secretary / Associate Secretary Immigration / ABF Commissioner
8. The Secretary, Associate Secretary Immigration and ABF Commissioner were not consulted on
this submission.
Client service implications
9. Nil.
Risks and Sensitivities
10. Tabling of the Reports may attract some media attention; however, the Reports do not
contain any information that is not already in the public domain and are not controversial in
content or by nature. There was no media reporting in relation to previous tabling of Reports.
Financial/systems/legal/deregulation/media implications
11. There are no financial, systems, legislation or deregulation implications associated with this
12. The Department will work closely with Media Operations in the event of any media interest.
Attachment A Section 198AJ Report on Unauthorised Maritime Arrivals (2023-24)
Authorising Officer
Cleared by:
Joe Feld
A/g First Assistant Secretary
Regional Processing Taskforce
Date: 4 September 2024
Mob: s.22(1)(a)(ii)
Contact Officer Shan Strugnel , Assistant Secretary, Regional Processing Taskforce Mob: s.22(1)(a)(ii)
Associate Secretary Immigration
DS Executive
Group Manager Legal
GM Immigration Operations
FAS Executive Coordination
Assistant Secretary Legislation
Commander JATF OSB

s. 33(a)(iii)