|2=X- Food
¿) Regulation
Partnership'“ Activity Report Form
R eference C ode: Z C 7 M 3 D
Council Details
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Council Details
C o u n c il nam e *
G oulburn M ulwaree Council
C o m p le te d by *
Sarah Walsh
Your full name
E m a il*
s a rah.walsh@ goulburn.n sw .g ov
Your email address
T e le p h o n e *
Your daytime contact num ber
Business Profile
Fixed Premises
Q1. Number o f fixed prem ises fo o d businesses c a te g o ris e d as high risk? *
‘High risk’ ty p ic a lly means businesses w hich:
• h a n d le d and served re a d y-to -e a t foods that may contain p a th o g e n ic
m icroorganism s and su p p o rt th e ir growth, and
• also had known risk-increasing factors such as:
potential for in a d e q u a te /in c o rre c t tem perature control (reheated or
hot-held food),
la rg e r scale o f op e ra tio n s (em ployed more than 10 people),
large catering o p e ra tio n s (diffe re n t pre p a ratio n and serving
location), a nd/or
su p p lie d directly to at-risk custom ers (child care centres; nursing
home caterers).
High risk bu sin esse s require at least one program m ed inspection per year.
Q2. Number o f fixed prem ises fo o d businesses c a te g o ris e d as medium risk? *
'M e d iu m risk' typ ica lly means bu sin esse s w hich:
• h a n d le d (incl. cooked, thaw ed) foods th a t may contain p a th o g e n ic
m icroorganism s and s u p p o rt th e ir growth
• served re a d y-to -e a t foods that may contain p a th o g e n ic m icroorganism s
b u t not g e n e ra lly su p p o rt growth, or u n like ly to contain p a th o g e n ic
m icroorganism s but may su p p o rt growth if p re se n t
• served h ig h - and medium-risk, re a d y-to -e a t foods only portioned before
re ce ip t by the custom er
• were small or medium scale o f op e ra tio n s (less than 10 people), a n d /o r
• were small o r medium scale catering.
M edium risk bu sin esse s require a t le a s t one program m ed inspection p e r year.
T otal N u m b e r of High-R is k an d Med-Risk Fixed P re m ise s
Q3. Number o f fixed prem ises fo o d businesses c a te g o ris e d as low risk? *
'Low risk' typ ica lly means bu sin esse s w hich:
• served foods u n like ly to contain p a th o g e n ic m icroorganism s and u n like ly
to s u p p o rt growth if pre se n t
• served pre-packed food only, or
• s u p p lie d foods that are not ready-to-eat.
Low risk b u sin esse s should be inspected in response to in c id e n t or c o m p la in t
Bars se llin g packaged crisps only; co n fe ctio n e ry stores; liq u o r shops;
new sagents se llin g packaged low risk foods.
Total Number of Fixed Premises
Temporary Premises
Q 4. Num ber o f te m p o ra ry fo o d prem ises th a t o p e ra te d in th e council are a ? *
T e m p o ra ry food b u s in e s s e s ’: food stalls and fa cilitie s w hich h a n d le d , prepared
and sold food at p e rio d ic markets, fairs, festivals, shows and non-m obile
tem porary fa cilitie s such as fru it stalls. The same stall p re se n t at repeated
re g u la r events should be counted as 1.
Exclude: m obile food bu sin esse s such as vans, food trucks & coffee carts.
Mobile Premises
Q5. Number o f mobile fo o d prem ises th a t o p e ra te d in the council area? *
'M o b ile food prem ises': food prem ises which h a n d le d , prepared and sold food,
were d e s ig n e d to be m ovable from place to place (w hether m otorised or not)
and were se lf-co n ta in e d with its own hand wash basin, e q u ip m e n t and
c o n siste n t ope ra tin g co n d ition s.
Exclude: tem porary, non-m obile fa cilitie s such as m arket stalls.
Coffee carts, ju ic e carts, food trucks, m obile fa cilitie s for ham burgers, hot
dogs, kebabs, com m ercial spits, BBQs grills, p o pcorn, icecream , fairy floss.
Retail sector requirements
Retail sector
Q6. Number o f fo o d businesses requiring a Food S a fe ty Supervisor (FSS)?
Q7. Number o f th e s e fo o d businesses th a t have a cu rren t FSS? *
Q8. Number o f 'stan d ard fo o d o u tle ts ' (Fast C hoices)? *
Q9. Are you checking w hether n utritional inform ation is d isp la ye d a t 'sta n d a rd
food o u tlets'? *
* Yes
Q10. How many 'stan d ard fo o d o u tle ts ' did not display nutritio n al in fo rm a tio n ? *
Q11. Number o f a u th o ris e d o ffic e rs engaged in fo o d re g u la to ry w o rk over the 12 m onth rep o rting period? *
This is the total num ber o f pe ople (head count) ap p o in te d as a u thorised officers
u n d e r the Food Act 2 00 3 that have conducted any food re g u la to ry work in the
reporting year. This is re g a rd le ss o f w hether they are full time, pa rt time,
co n su lta n ts or re sp o n sib le for o th e r work as well. The response must be an
A co u n cil with 1 full time authorised officer, plus 2 au th o rise d officers who
w ork on food part-time for 25% o f th e ir time plus 1 co n tra cto r ap p o in te d as
an au th o rise d officer w orking 25% o f th e ir time on food w ould answ er 4. A
se parate person a p p o in te d as an a u thorised officer who did not perform
a n y food re g u la to ry work in the ye a r is not counted.
Q12. Number o f full tim e equivalent (FTE) a u th o ris e d o ffic e rs to fu lfil fo o d re g u la to ry duties? *
'FTE': the num ber o f authorised officers required to undertake co u n c il's level o f
food w ork (as p e r p re vio u s q u e stio n ) if they had worked full time on food.
A co u n cil with 1 full time authorised officer who w orks on ly on food (1 FTE),
plus 2 au th o rise d officers who work on food part-time fo r 25% o f th e ir time (2
x 0.25 FTE = 0.5 FTE), plus 1 co n tra cto r a p p o in te d as an a u thorised officer
who w orks 25% o f th e ir time on food (0.25 FTE) w ould a nsw er 1.75.
Surveillance Activity
Number of
Number Of prim ary inspections co n d u cted fo r fixed fo o d prem ises?
Primary in sp e ction s: total num ber o f in sp e ction s o f fixed prem ises w hich were
program m ed and com pleted.
Exclude re -in sp e ctio n s for unsatisfactory issues, and in sp e ction s o f m obile and
tem porary prem ises.
If a council inspects 50 high risk fixed bu sin esse s twice p e ry e a r a n d 25
medium risk fixed b u sin esse s once per year, all o f which are com pleted,
then the answ er is 125.
Q 1 4 . Number o f prim ary inspections co n d u cted fo r te m p o ra ry fo o d prem ises? *
'Prim ary in sp e ction s': inspections o f tem porary prem ises which were
program m ed and com pleted.
Exclude re -in sp e ctio n s for unsatisfactory issues, and in sp e ction s o f fixed and
m obile prem ises.
Q15. Number o f prim ary inspections c o nd u cted fo r mobile fo o d prem ises?
'Prim ary in s p e c tio n s ’: in sp e ction s o f m obile prem ises w hich were program m ed
and com pleted.
Exclude re -in sp e ctio n s for unsatisfactory issues, and in sp e ction s o f fixed and
tem porary prem ises.
If a festival in a co u n cil area had 2 m obile coffee carts and inspected them
both, and the council has 7 re g u la r m obile food bu sin esse s se llin g ice
cream, sa ndw iches, coffee and hot pies and com pletes in sp e ction s o f them
all, the a nsw er is 9. Tem porary food stalls a tth e festival should not be
Number of
Q16. Num ber o f high and medium risk, fixed prem ises fo o d businesses inspected? *
'Fixed prem ises b u sin e sse s': inclu d e the num ber o f all high and medium risk
fixed prem ises th a t were inspected.
Exclude m ultiple visits to the same bu sin ess, any visit to low risk fixed prem ises
and all m obile and tem porary prem ises inspected.
If a co u n cil inspects 50 high risk fixed bu sin esse s twice per ye a r and 25
medium risk fixed bu sin esse s once p e r year, all o f which are com pleted,
then the answ er is 75.
Q17. Num ber o f th e s e fixed prem ises fo o d b usinesses requiring re
in spection? *
'R e -in s p e c tio n ': Fixed prem ises which required follow -up to a prim ary
inspection due to s ig n ific a n t b reaches o r possible e n forcem ent action.
'S ig n ific a n t b re a ch e s': those w hich pose a food safety risk o r are matters which
c a n n o t be left until the next routine in sp e ction .
Do not count prem ises w here matters are left to the next routine inspection, the
officer 'p o p s in' to check on a m inor issue o r if co u n cil ro u tin e ly re-visits for
m inor issues with no enforcem ent action taken.
R e-inspections due to hand w ashing, tem perature control, cross
contam ination, pest control, in a d eq u a te c le a n in g and sa n ita tio n , sale of
food past 'use by' dates and m aintenance issues th a t pose a food safety
Q18. Num ber o f th e s e fixed prem ises fo o d b usinesses requiring additional re -in s p e c tio n (s )? *
'A d d itio n a l re -in sp e ctio n ': Fixed prem ises re q u irin g fu rth e r follow -up after a first
re -in sp e ctio n .
A prem ises found at prim ary inspection to have e vid e nce o f inadequate
c le a n in g o f surfaces and e q u ipm e n t and at re -in sp e ctio n is found to have
n o t a d dressed the issues, requiring a fu rth e r re in sp e ctio n the next day
w ould c o u n t as 1.
Childcare facilities
^ re ^ ere ar|y childcare facilities in your LG A that cook and/or serve PHF?
This question does not include childcare fa cilitie s th a t receive and store
lunch/food packed by parents/carers. *
• Yes
Q20. Are all these child ca re facilities inspected at le a st once per year? *
• Yes
Business Inspection Outcomes
H ease report on the FPAR scores achieved for all premises inspected. For premises where there were two
or more primary inspections, please report the score o f the m ost recent primary inspection.
Business Inspection
Please indicate th e types o f prem ises fo r which th e business in spection
o u tc o m e s are being rep o rte d *
/ Fixed prem ises
Tem porary prem ises
M obile prem ises
Q 24. Number o f prem ises with 0-3 points (5 s ta r S cores on D oors rating) determ ined at th e m o st recen t prim ary in spection? *
Q25. Number o f prem ises with 4 -8 points (4 s ta r S cores on D oors rating) determ ined at th e m ost recent prim ary in spection? *
Q26. Number o f prem ises with 9-15 points and with no single 8 point breach (3 s ta r S cores on Doors rating) determ ined at the m o st recen t prim ary in spection? *
Q27. Number o f prem ises with more th an 15 points o r with any single 8 point breach (‘no s ta r ’ Scores on D oors rating) determ ined at the m ost recen t prim ary in spection? *
T otal
N um ber o f c o m p la in ts in v e s tig a te d in re la tio n to a lle g e d :
Where food complaints
Q28. Hygiene & h a n d lin g *
were determined to be in
relation to multiple matters
(eg. both hygiene and
la b e llin g ) then please count
that co m p la in t only in the
Number of complaint investigations which related to cleaning, sanitation, pest
ca te g o ry identified as the
control, temperature control, storage, potential for cross contamination, etc.
most signific ant matter at
the time o fth e investigation.
Q29. F o re ig n m a tte r *
Number of com plaint investigations which related to food contaminated with
foreign matter.
Q30. F o o d q u a lity in c lu d in g d e te r io r a tio n *
Number of com plaint investigations which related to poor food quality because
of mould, damaged packaging, staleness etc.
Q31. L a b e llin g & a d v e rtis in g *
Number of complaint investigations which related to incorrect labelling, missing
labelling such as country of origin information, false or misleading advertising,
etc. and may include food sold after a 'use by' date.
Q32. S in g le -in c id e n t fo o d b o r n e illn e s s *
Number of complain t investigations which re lateding to s in gle -incid ent cases of
a lleged fo o d b o rn e illness (cases of either a single person or a single family).
Q33. O th e r *
Number of complain t investigations which related to other issues under the
Act 2003.
Total Number of complaints investigated
Q 34. Number o f warnings issued *
'W arnings': num ber o f w arn in g s written on reports such as Food Prem ises
Assessm ent Reports (FPARs), plus W arning Letters issued by a u thorised
officers, for all prem ises types.
Exclude instances where Notices o r Orders were issued.
Q35. Number o f Im provem ent N otices issued? *
Formal Im provem ent Notices issued relating to Food Act breaches, for all
prem ises types.
Q36. Number o f P enalty N otices issued relating to Food Act breach es? *
Q37. Number o f s e izu re n otices issued? *
S e izu re notices issued for Food Act breaches, for all prem ises types.
Q38. Number o f P rohibition O rders served? *
P rohibition O rders issued for Food Act breaches, for all prem ises types.
Q39. Number o f p ro s e c u tio n s determ ined relating to Food A ct b reach es?
Comments, Value-added Services and GM Approval
Q 40. Please provide any comments/explanations to support the data in your
A number of premises- High Risk (12) Med ium Risk (3) closed during the
J t .
last financial year. The premises have been included in the number of
premises reported because they were operating at some time during the
reporting period but were not inspected during the reporting period as
they are not operating during inspection periods. Some premises have
closed permanently, others are closed for re furbishment and 1 will reopen
once it has been rebuilt as it burnt down. As such 9 of these premises are
Q41. P a rtic ip a tio n in 'S c o re s o n D o o rs '
/ Yes
Please indicate w h a tv a lu e -
added services have been
provided in the 12 month
reporting period. Please
Laminated Certificates and Stickers are provided to each elig ible/
provide details for each in
participating Food Premises and a list of 5 star premises is published on our
the box e.g. type and
Website. A Scores on Doors Media release was also sent out Early July to try
number o f training sessions
and sp ark community interest, direct them to the website and to generate
some publicity a b o u tth e program.
Q 4 2. T e c h n ic a l a d vice p ro v id e d to fo o d b u s in e s s e s
( / Yes
Technical information and consultation is provided to all food premises
particularly premises u ndergoing fit out or refurbishment. Pre lodgem ent
meetings, inspections and advice is provided free of charge. Consultation
and advice is provided to premises with identified n o n -c o m p lia n c e as part of
the inspection and enforcement process. Premises with significant non-
complia nce identified are offered on site training or work shops for their staff
to address ongoin g issues with issues such as food handling.
Q 43. In fo rm a tio n p ro v id e d to f o o d b u s in e s s e s e.g. fa c ts h e e ts , w e b s ite ,
n e w s le tte r
¡V Yes
Council has develop an exp a n d e d Food Safety area on the website over
that last 12 months with extensive information across a range of areas now
availa ble. Council has also deve lop e d a fa c ts h e e tto assist with premises
design, construction and fit out of food premises. Each premises is provided
with a ca le n d a r at the start of each ye a r with further mail outs sent to advise
of ch a n g e s to requirements or areas of interest e.g. Notification and FSS
Q 4 4 . F o o d h a n d le r tra in in g o rg a n is e d o r fa c ilita te d
/ Yes
Available upon request to premises experiencing o ngoin g issues of non-
Q4 5. A n y o th e r s e rv ic e s p ro v id e d e.g. p a rtic ip a tio n in s u rv e y s
GM Approval
Q4 6. Has this submission been appro ved by the General M a n a g e r of the
council? *
This report can only be submitted once appro ved by the General M a n a g e r or
N o te : If you do not have appro val and wish to receive a copy of your report for
your GM /delegate to appro ve , then click the 'Save' button. You will be provided
with a link to dow nload a pdf of the saved form. You will also be prompted for
your email addre ss to which can be sent a reminder email with a link to the
saved form. You will then need to log back in once you have your GM's
approval to complete the submission.
* No
You may be contacted by NSW Food Authority staff to verify responses.
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