This is an HTML version of an attachment to the Freedom of Information request 'DIBP support for Assisted Voluntary Returns by IOM Indonesia'.

Document 1
Briefing – Border Protection Taskforce 
Assisted Voluntary Returns (AVR) of potential irregular immigrants (PIIs) 
DIAC’s engagement in Indonesia is focused on supporting whole-of-
government efforts to combat people smuggling activity and irregular people 
movement, collaboration on immigration matters at the operational and 
technical level, and ongoing work to increase protection space in the region.  
Australia supports Indonesia’s efforts to prevent people smuggling, including 
by funding the International Organization for Migration (IOM) to assist PIIs 
who are likely to attempt, or who have attempted, unauthorised travel to 
Regional cooperation arrangements (RCA) and IOM 
s. 33(a)(iii)
  Asylum seekers under IOM care who raise protection claims 
are referred to the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for 
Refugees (UNHCR) for assessment.  Similar arrangements have been 
implemented in Papua New Guinea and East Timor and other regional 
countries when required. 
s. 33(a)(iii)
Operation of the RCA 
s. 47E(d)
IOM issues the PII with an IOM identification number and a basic necessities 
pack which includes clothes, linen, food, and hygiene products. IOM also 



Pages 1 to 26 have been deleted under section 22(1)(a)(ii) - as they are irrelevant to the scope of this FOI request
Document 2

Document 2  Assisted Voluntary Returns (AVR) 
The RCA enables IOM to arrange travel for irregular migrants who wish to return voluntarily to their country of origin under the Assisted Voluntary 
Return (AVR) programme. IOM Indonesia provides; 
a.  Pre-departure assistance - counselling, medical assistance, transport assistance arrangements (including travel documentation), among 
b.  Transportation assistance - departure assistance, escorts, pre-embarkation medical checks, medical escorts if needed, and other like 
services; and  
c.  Post-arrival assistance - in close coordination with IOM offices in return countries, migrants reception, and health-related support. IOM 
Indonesia also provides reintegration grants to returning irregular migrants. 
The provision of funding for AVRs allows irregular migrants a safe way to return to their country of origin in circumstances where the irregular 
migrant considers that their ability to secure resettlement is limited or impossible. s. 33(a)(iii)
 Since January 2012, IOM 
has supported 3,199 assisted voluntary returns, as outlined below in Figure 3. 

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Pages 28 to 97 have been deleted under section 22(1)(a)(ii) - as they are irrelevant to the scope of this FOI request
Document 2