Information Access Unit
Corporate Services
Ground Floor, RCG Centre
47 Mitchel Street
Postal Address
GPO Box 4621
Darwin NT 0801
T 08 8999 8490
F 08 8942 6806
File Ref: IA17/0051
Mr James Smith
c/- Right to Know Organisation
Dear Mr Smith
Two Requests for Government Information under the Information Act (NT) – Decision
Please note: the Department of Housing and the Department of Local Government and Community Services were
merged into the one agency, namely the Department of Housing and Community Development. Therefore, I will be
responding to both your submitted applications under the new structure.
I wrote to you on 10 August 2017 in response to your application for government
information dated 8 August 2017. In my letter I advised you that your application was
incomplete under section 18 of the
Information Act and had not been accepted. As I have not
received a response from you, I am writing to advise you that it is my intention to close your
In saying that, I did undertake preliminary searches of our databases; records management
systems; and also consulted our Human Resources; and Communications Unit to ascertain if
the department was in possession of documents potential y in scope of your request.
My searches revealed we do not hold any files, records, notes or documents in relation to
your application. It is therefore my decision to advise you that under section 27(1)(c) of the
Information Act I find the information you requested does not exist. I have taken the liberty
of waiving the application fee in this instance due to no documents being available, however
any future requests for government information must meet al the requirements of section
18 and wil attract the $30.00 application fee.
Your Right of Review
If you are aggrieved by my decision you can apply to the Department under section 38 of the
Act for an internal review of the decision to be conducted by impartial, independent officer
not involved in the original decision making process.
Any application for an internal review must be made within 30 days after you receive this
decision and must:
be made in writing, including by email sent to
specify your name and address for correspondence;
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identify the decision and your original application for access to information; and
clearly set out the reasons you are seeking the review.
Should you disagree with the outcome of the department’s internal review, you can make a
formal complaint to the Information Commissioner within 90 days of receipt of the review
decision. Further information regarding your rights of complaint can be obtained directly from
the Office of the Information Commissioner at or phone
1800 005 610.
Should you require further assistance or information, please do not hesitate to contact me.
Yours sincerely
Karan L Aitken
Information Access Manager
15 September 2017
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