This is an HTML version of an attachment to the Freedom of Information request 'Non, je ne regrette rien'.

3 November 2017 
By email:  
Dear JS, 
Freedom of Information request application dated 7 October 2017 
By email dated 7 October 2017, the Australian Building and Construction 
Commission (the ABCC) received a request for information pursuant to s 15 of the 
Freedom of Information Act 1982 (Cth) (the FOI Act).  
The ABCC acknowledged the receipt of your access request on 20 October 2017. 
In that email the ABCC also informed you that, pursuant to section 15(5) of the FOI 
Act, the ABCC has 30 days to deal with an FOI request. However, the FOI Act 
provides an agency a further period of 30 days in order to consult with relevant 
Extended period to hold consultations 
In conducting a search for documents that are relevant to your access request, it 
has become apparent that the ABCC will be required to consult relevant parties. 
As a result, we write to inform you that it is appropriate for the processing period 
under section 15(5)(b) to be extended by a further 30 days pursuant to subsection 
If you have any questions about this matter, please contact the ABCC’s FOI 
Yours faithfully, 
ABCC FOI Section  
Australian Building and Construction Commission 
GPO Box 9927 Melbourne VIC 3001  |   | Hotline 1800 033 338   | ABN 68 003 725 098