This is an HTML version of an attachment to the Freedom of Information request 'Documents relating to notification of privacy breach by Commonwealth Bank (CBA) to OAIC and OAIC’s advice to CBA that it did not intend to inquire further about breach'.

Amie Grierson
Angelene Falk; Melanie Drayton
Sarah Croxall; Sarah Harmelink; Amanda Baird
CBA contact regarding a previous DBN [SEC=UNCLASSIFIED]
Monday, 30 April 2018 7:05:00 PM
Hi Angelene and Melanie,
I wanted to bring to your attention something the CBA notified us of today. I spoke with Melanie,
and she suggested I email you both with a brief summary of the contact.
s 47F
 from the CBA notified us of
a possible media article, based on contact they have had with a Buzzfeed journalist.
s 47E(d)
Annan and Karen were briefed on that matter in 2016. The file shows that Annan advised that no
further steps should be taken, and Timothy agreed to that course of action. Andrew sent a letter
on 24 October 2016 closing the DBN in light of CBA’s response, and the apparent likelihood that
the tapes had been disposed of.
There was some contact from CBA with Annan early last year when CBA advised that a journalist
from the Age may be writing about the matter.
Today’s contact was to advise that Buzzfeed was potentially running a story about this. They
considered that this was less likely after their phone call with the journalist today, setting out
what steps they took and the fact they had notified the OAIC at the time. They advised that they
believe the journalist has a draft internal CBA communication plan about the matter.
They notified us on the basis that we may receive a media request for comment, and wanted to
alert us to this potential contact. We listened to their account, asked some brief questions, and
then finalised the call. I noted the matter with Sarah H.
If you have any questions please let me know.