This is an HTML version of an attachment to the Freedom of Information request 'COVID Measures for Brisbane Office'.

Attachment A 
COVIDSafe Guidelines and Checklists 
Additional COVIDSafe guidelines and checklists wil  be developed to support staff and managers in their 
understanding of changed advice and options to inform safe, consistent and fair decisions. 
Checklists and guidelines wil  be developed for the fol owing priority areas: 
•  Responding to suspected presence of COVID-19 in the workplace – guiding immediate action to clear 
the workplace of staff and initiate cleaning protocols as indicated on the intranet 
•  Identifying and supporting vulnerable people – ensuring safety and wel being   
•  A new approach to flexible work – guiding work practices that might include staggered starts and 
part-time attendance at DVA offices, in line with security requirements 
•  Remote work environments – ensuring staff have a safe and appropriately equipped workspace at 
•  Add the Pandemic Infection Flow Chart