How to balance Ballot papers and votes on an Early Voting day
Following the close of the poll on each day of early voting, you need to complete the early voting ‘Ballot papers and votes’ process.
Below steps will take you through this process.
Note: the process is different on polling day.
Step 1:
Step 3:
In order to complete the Ballot papers and votes section of The next screen asks you a series of questions; all you
eLAPPS for a particular electorate, you need figures for the need to do is answer them accurately.
following items:
What is the cumulative
5. How many Spoilt ballot
• EVACS total votes
total recorded in eVACS for
papers do you have for
• Spoilt ballot papers;
this Electorate? (Total
this electorate?
• Discarded ballot papers;
electronic votes figure
6. How many Discarded
• Declaration votes (determined by the number of tear
displayed for that electorate,
ballot paper envelopes
off slips); and
on eVACS screen)
do you have for this
• Unused bal ot papers.
eLAPPS will automatically
calculate that day’s eVACS
How many Declaration
Once you have these figures, click the ‘Ballot papers and votes’
figures by subtracting the
votes do you have for
button on the home screen of the OIC computer.
previous day’s eVACS figures
this electorate? (make
from Total eVACS figures.
sure you include envelopes
How many of this
where the elector did not
electorate’s ballot papers
return their ballot paper)
did you have at the start of 8.
How many unused ballot
the day? (the figure that is
papers do you have for
pre-populated into this field is
this electorate? (make
the figure you entered when
sure you include unbroken
you logged in for the very first
bundles of bal ot papers in
time or the starting figure from
this figure!)
the previous day’s unused - if
that figure is incorrect, you can
edit it now by clicking the edit
Did you receive any
additional ballot papers
during the day? If yes, how
Step 2:
Did you provide any ballot
Choose, from the right-hand side of this table, the electorate for
papers to another polling
which you wish to complete the ‘Ballot papers and votes’
place or PAM during the
day? If yes, how many?
After answering the questions and entering figures into al the
data entry boxes in front of each of the questions, click
‘View summary’ button.
Step 4:
Step 5:
The next screen is the summary screen. It tells you
whether the figures you have entered balance or not. If
If you now balance or if you stil don’t balance but you
you balance, you will see a green tick; if you do not
are confident you have accurately counted all materials,
balance you will see a yellow exclamation mark.
particularly the unused material, click the ‘Transmit
figures for....’ button.
Note: the figure you have entered for your unused ballot papers
will be the starting figure for tomorrow, make sure it is accurate!
If you see a yellow exclamation mark at the top of the
Summary screen, in relation to the EVACS figures, it means
one of three things:
1. You have incorrectly transcribed the figure coming out
of EVACS (if this is the case, write the correct figure in After transmission the following screen appears – click ‘OK’
the field and click ‘Recalculate’); or
2. Electors are failing to scan their barcode a second time
to officially finish their vote; or
3. Issuing officers are issuing barcodes but clicking the
‘issue ballot paper’ button or vice versa.
Each of these issues will need addressing in the appropriate
Step 6:
Repeat Steps 2 through 5 for the remaining electorates.
If you see a yel ow exclamation mark towards the bottom
of the screen you should do a recount of spoilt, discarded,
declaration and unused bal ot papers.
If you need to change a figure, you can alter it by over-typing
the correct figure in the relevant field on this screen.
Click ‘Recalculate’ to test whether you balance correctly
with the new figures.
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