This is an HTML version of an attachment to the Freedom of Information request 'Documents pertaining to or giving evidence in support of wearing face masks from state or federal sources'.

TRIM: D21-36173 
Via email: 
Dear Verifysp 
Freedom of Information Request no. 01/2021 
I refer to your request for access to documents pertaining to or giving evidence in support of 
mask wearing to prevent transmission of COVID-19 Delta variant from state or federal sources 
under the Freedom of Information Act 1982. I have taken your request to be for:  
•  documents received by the Australian Commission on Safety and Quality in Health Care 
(the Commission) from state and federal authorities pertaining to requirements around 
mask wearing for Commission staff and the general public in response to the COVID-19 
Delta variant outbreak in Australian (late May 2021 – present), including evidence to 
support the effectiveness of mask wearing in preventing transmission of the COVID-19 
Delta variant; and 
•  documents containing information about exceptions to requirements around mask 
wearing for Commission or the general public, including any advice on legal liability 
should a legal claim arise from Commission staff or the general public suffering harm 
from mask wearing.   
We received your request on 28 August 2021 and the 30 day statutory period for processing 
your request commenced from the day after that date. You should therefore expect a decision 
from us by 27 September 2021. The period of 30 days may be extended if we need to consult 
third parties, impose a charge or for other reasons. We wil  advise you if this happens. 
You wil  be notified of any charges in relation to your request as soon as possible, before we 
process any requested documents or impose a final charge. 
Please note that information released under the FOI Act may later be published online on our 
disclosure log, subject to certain exceptions. 
We wil  contact you using the email address you provided. Please advise if you would prefer us 
to use an alternative means of contact. If you have any questions, please contact: 
Lucil e Paterson 
FOI Officer 
02 9126 3600 or 
Yours sincerely 
Mike Wallace  
Chief Operating Officer 
6 September 2021 
GPO Box 5480, Sydney NSW 2001 
T: (02) 9126 3600 | W: | E: