This is an HTML version of an attachment to the Freedom of Information request 'Request for details of acquisition for all Victorian cases of Covid-19'.

Our ref: F21/1720 
Mr Vic Castro 
Sent via email to:  
Dear Mr Castro 
Freedom of Information 
Section 17(2) Notice of Refusal 
I refer to your application under the Freedom of Information Act 1982 (the Act) requesting access to: 
“The DHHS provides Covid-19 data downloads on its website including all Victorian cases 
by acquired source. This shows the date of diagnosis and the source for each case. I request 
details for each case in this dataset that has the source “Contact with a confirmed case”, 
including the following: • Date of diagnosis • Details of the setting in which contact with a 
confirmed case occurred (e.g. own home, other residence, workplace, exposure site, other 
indoor setting, other outdoor setting). • Relationship between the new case and the confirmed 
case • Any other relevant information about how the case acquired Covid-19. This request is 
for the period from 11 March 2020 until the date this FOI request is processed
I also refer to my correspondence dated 3 September 2021 in which I requested that the application fee 
be provided or your request would be refused as it is not a valid request. A copy of this correspondence 
is attached.  
As you have not responded to my correspondence, I formally advise you of my decision to refuse to 
process your application under section 17(2) of the Act, as it is not a valid FOI request. 
Complaint Rights 
If  you  are  not  satisfied  with  my  decision  you  have  the  right  to  apply  to  the  Office  of  the  Victorian 
Information Commissioner (the Commissioner) and make a complaint. A complaint needs to be made 
in writing within 60 days. I have enclosed a fact sheet providing further information on making a request 
for a complaint to the Commissioner. 
Yours sincerely 
Michael Ghobrial 
Team Leader, Freedom of Information 
6 / 10 / 2021 
Fact Sheet – Office of the Victoria Information Commissioner – Complaints 
Copy of previous section 17 correspondence