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b. COVIDSafe users and users who choose ENx will not be able to record digital handshakes
with each other as they use different methods to capture close contacts.
Issues or Sensitivites:
12. COVIDSafe works very well on Google’s Android devices. Apple have placed limitations on
how apps can use Bluetooth in background mode. These limitations reduce COVIDSafe’s
effectiveness and performance when running in background mode.
13. The DTA has been informed that the recently released iOS version 14.2 incorporates changes
that further affect COVIDSafe’s Bluetooth performance. These changes stop COVIDSafe (and
third party protocols other than ENF) from recording handshakes when in background mode.
Users will be asked to provide their location services permissions when using Herald in order to
address this issue. (As outlined in the previous briefing at
Attachment C)
14. Apple and Google approve the release of COVIDSafe updates to the Apple App Store and the
Google Play Store. There may be a risk that this approval process will become more difficult
than it currently is with the introduction of Herald. It is important to convey to Apple and
Google the importance of sovereign countries having the choice in how they choose to manage
their responses to the pandemic and that updates are approved promptly for release to users.
15. A cohort in the Australian tech community are steadfast supporters of Apple and Google’s ENF.
The tech community has been very vocal on their view that Australia should replace COVIDSafe
with an ENF-enabled app. They may criticise Herald even with its improved performance. They
may be even more vocal if Apple and Google are publicly unsupportive of the change.
Suggested outcomes of the meeting:
16. That Apple and Google agree to support the Australian Governmnent following the release of
the Herald-enabled COVIDSafe app and any future development.
17. That Apple and Google agree to consider allowing more flexibility on t
under FOI he adoption of the ENF.
Section 47E
Questions and Talking points
The global digital leaders meeting and letter on the ENF
19. Thank you for the opportunity to discuss the letter that I sent to you on behalf of Australia,
Section 33
20. This letter reflects the concerns raised at a meeting I chaired on 17 June this year with my
counterparts from first-mover countries who had implemented a digital contact tracing solution,
such as Australia’s COVIDSafe.
21. We agreed that the ENF provided a great technical contact tracing solution, but it did not meet
the needs of our world-leading contact tracing models.
22. Our letter asked that you consider allowing more flexibility on the adoption of the Exposure
Notification Framework. This will allow governments to respond in a manner tailored to the
conditions within their own sovereign jurisdictions and in line with their own domestic laws.
This response may involve the Bluetooth technology that the ENF offers in a hybrid model.
Why the ENF does not suit our contact tracing model
23. We acknowledge that Apple and Google have made changes to the ENF since its launch to
make it more flexible. However a few major issues remain:
a. it does not allow the ability to map back to the possible index case, reducing available
information that may help to identify clusters
b. the ENF does not provide PHOs with information in a way that would support our specific
manual contact tracing processes. For instance, users can stay anonymous.
c. the ENF has less backwards compatibility than COVIDSafe, although we acknowledge that
this gap is closing as users upgrade their iOS version.
Will Australia consider running the Exposure Notification Express (ENx) alongside the
COVIDSafe app?
24. We are committed to one contact tracing app that protects all Australians and meets our contact
tracing needs.
25. Running two apps in parallel would decrease the effectiveness of both, since users would be
split between them. So it would diminish the number of people with the same app coming into
contact with each other to record digital handshakes.
The Herald Protocol
26. We have continued to work with you in exploring the ENF and its potential use in our contact
tracing processes. But we have also explored new technologies that would improve
COVIDSafe’s performance.
27. One of these technologies is the Herald Protocol. The Herald Protocol improves the way the app
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uses Bluetooth to capture close contacts, especially in background mode on iOS devices.
28. We have decided to integrate this technology into COVIDSafe.
a. Our testing of Herald shows that it works well and captures up to 100 per cent of contacts
in background mode on iOS and Android.
b. It also allows us to maintain our current world-leading contact tracing processes and best
support our health officials as we reopen internal borders ahead of Christmas.
c. The privacy protections offered to COVIDSafe users under the
Privacy Amendment (Public
Health Contact Information) Act 2020 will be extended to the Herald-enabled COVIDSafe app.
29. Australia is likely to be the first country in the world to adopt Herald and we expect to launch it soon.
Apple and Google support for Herald-integrated COVIDSafe
30. The Herald Protocol will help COVIDSafe better capture close contacts.
31. We need this as we prepare to go back to work in COVID-safe environments, travel to see
families and friends at Christmas, and get the economy moving again.
32. I’d like to thank you for your support to date, particularly in expediting our COVIDSafe
releases through your approval processes.
33. We’d like to continue to work with you in the same spirit going forward with Herald.
If asked: How the Herald Protocol works
34. Herald will not change the strong privacy protections offered to COVIDSafe users under the
Privacy Amendment (Public Health Contact Information) Act 2020. These protections will be
extended to the Herald-enabled COVIDSafe app.
35. Herald uses three techniques to improve Bluetooth performance.
36. The first is data sharing. When an iOS device with COVIDSafe in the background, Herald can
use a nearby Android device to act as a messenger and help find other iOS devices with
COVIDSafe in the background.
37. Another way that Herald improves the app’s ability to capture digital handshakes and improve
the identification of close contacts is by continuously exchanging Received Signal Strength
Indicator (RSSI) information between devices while users are near each other.
a. This provides a more accurate picture of the significance of the close contact and keeps
COVIDSafe active on iOS devices for longer.
38. Thirdly, Herald requests to be notified when location services become active on a user’s device.
This wakes COVIDSafe up so that it can capture close contacts. It does not access or record a
user’s location.
39. We believe that Herald provides us with the best increase in performance possible without
shifting to a solution at the operating level, such as the ENF.
Department of Health.
under FOI
Attachment A:
Biographical Details
Attachment B:
Global letter sent to Apple and Google CEOs
Attachment C:
MS20-000077 - Techniques used by the Herald Protocol to improve
Bluetooth performance of the COVIDSafe App
Cleared: 23 / 11 / 2020
Contact Officer:
Peter Alexander
Anthony Warnock
A/g Chief Executive Officer
A/g Chief Digital Officer
Digital Transformation Agency
Digital Delivery and Corporate Services
M: Section 47F
M: Section 47F
Section 47F
under FOI