The app supports manual contact tracing practices for public health
outcomes. The app data is not available to law enforcement agencies and
the app has no tracking capability.
Health professionals have full control over the notification process so no
individual can accidentally or maliciously self-assert their COVID-19 status.
Access to the contact data is tightly controlled. Only authorised state and
territory officials are able to access data, that is uploaded with the consent of
users. This is underpinned by legislation and strict privacy controls.
Section 47
We have created a COVIDSafe prototype using the ENF to confirm its potential
and the impact on our existing contact tracing capability. This is currently being
The ENF aims to deliver a range of improvements including better Bluetooth
Section 47
under FOI
Australia is concerned that adopting the ENF wil fundamentally change the way
we all operate our public health responses, including our sovereign apps.
We are interested in the approaches being taken by other countries that are
implementing government-led sovereign digital responses to COVID-19, including
whether they are considering adopting or aligning to the ENF.
The proposed international Ministerial meeting
Our Minister for Government Services, the Honourable Stuart Robert MP, has
carriage of the digital portfolio. Minister Robert would like to chair a Ministerial
meeting to learn about the approaches being taken by countries who were first-
movers in implementing government-led sovereign digital responses to COVID-
Digital Transformation Agency —
Talking points
Minister Robert would like to extend an invite to your relevant Minster to attend
this meeting.
He would like to explore your country’s views and responses to COVID-19,
particularly in regard to the ENF and whether you are considering adopting or
aligning to it.
A key outcome of the meeting would be reaching an agreement on how we might
collectively position ourselves to leverage any benefits of the Apple and Google
ENF, while maintaining a sovereign health and contact tracing capability.
Arrangements for the meeting
Minister Robert proposes to chair an international Ministerial-level meeting
through telepresence on Thursday 18 June 2020 at 0800 UTC.
Section 33
We are hoping to receive confirmation of your relevant Minister’s availability to
attend this meeting by Tuesday 16 June 2020 at 1500 UTC.
RSVPs or any enquiries should be sent to xxx.xxxxxx@xxx.xxx.xx
Further details about the considerations in adopting ENF include:
There is less handset compatibility, meaning a smaller number of citizens will
be able to participate in contact tracing relative to sovereign apps. This wil
affect at-risk parts of the community, such as elderly users and those from
lower socio-economic communities.
The ENF model limits access for state and territory health officials to
effectively manage the pandemic by removing patient-to-patient tracing.
Section 47
Digital Transformation Agency —
Talking points