This is an HTML version of an attachment to the Freedom of Information request 'Documents relating to Services Australia hold music'.

PO Box 7820 Canberra BC ACT 2610                        
12 November 2021 
Our reference:  LEX 64959 
G Griffiths 
Only by email:  
Dear Sir / Madam 
Freedom of Information Request - Third Party Consultation  
I refer to your request to Services Australia (the agency) dated 19 October 2021, for access under 
the Freedom of Information Act 1982 (FOI Act) to the following:  
[C]opies of any documents relating to the selection of the hold music for the Services 
Australia phone lines, including Centrelink, Medicare, and the Australian Immunisation 
Third-party consultation - business documents 
As your request covers documents which contain information concerning the business, commercial 
or financial affairs of an organisation, or a person's business or professional affairs, the agency is 
required to consult with the person or organisation concerned (under section 27 of the FOI Act) 
before making a decision on the release of those documents. 
For this reason the period for processing your request has been extended by 30 days in order to 
allow the agency  time to consult with that person or organisation (section 15(6) of the FOI Act).  
The processing period for your request wil  now end on 22 December 2021.  
The consultation mechanism under section 27 applies when the agency  considers the person or 
organisation concerned may wish to contend the requested documents are exempt because their 
release would disclose trade secrets or commercially valuable information or may adversely affect 
their business or financial affairs. The agency wil  take into account any comments we receive from 
the person or organisation.  However, the final decision on whether to grant you access to the 
documents requested rests with this agency. 
Further assistance 
If you have any questions please email  
Yours sincerely 
Authorised FOI Decision Maker 
Freedom of Information Team 
Information Access Branch | Legal Services Division  
Services Australia