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Louise Goodchild
ABN 68 610 644 188 | DX 450 SYDNEY
T  9229 7379 | F  9221 6944 |
Frederick Jordan Chambers | 53 Martin Place, , SYDNEY 2000, NSW
Costs Disclosure
Issue Date 
Disclosure By
Made To
Disclosure By
Louise Goodchild
ABN 68 610 644 188
(I or me)
(the client)
In relation to
Supreme Court Of NSW at
1 General
For matters in which instructions were received from the client on or prior to 30 June 2015:
1.1.1   This is a statutory statement in accordance with the Legal Profession Act 2004 (NSW) (the Act), 
disclosing matters about the fees proposed to be charged by me to you. It is not a complete statement of 
rights and obligations. It should be read in conjunction with advice from a solicitor.
This Costs Disclosure is not a contract or an offer to enter into a contract. It is issued in 
conjunction with the Costs Agreement dated 29/08/2017, which I require you to accept as a condition of 
my accepting the brief. Clause 1.1 of the Costs Agreement specifies the ways in which you may accept that 
1.1.3   I expect that the information set out in this document and in the Costs Agreement below will 
suffice to enable you to comply with section 310(1) of the Act, having regard to your knowledge of the 
matter and your own professional expertise and experience. Let me know if you require further 
For matters in which instructions were received from the client on or after 1 July 2015:
1.2.1   This is a statutory statement in accordance with the Legal Profession Uniform Law (the Law), 
disclosing matters about the fees proposed to be charged by me to you. It is not a complete statement of 
rights and obligations. It should be read in conjunction with advice from a solicitor.
1.2.2   This Costs Disclosure is not a contract or an offer to enter into a contract. It is issued in 
conjunction with the Costs Agreement under s 180(1)(c) of the Law dated 29/08/2017, which I require you 
to accept as a condition of my accepting the brief. Clause 1.1 of the Costs Agreement specifies the ways in 
which you may accept that contract.
1.2.3   I expect that the information set out in this document and in the Costs Agreement below will 
suffice to enable you to comply with section 175(1) of the Law, having regard to your knowledge of the 
matter and your own professional expertise and experience. Let me know if you require further information 
now, or at any time during the course of the matter.
I expect that the information set out in this document and in the Costs Agreement below will 
suffice to enable you to comply with section 310(1) of the Act, having regard to your knowledge of the 
matter and your own professional expertise and experience.  Let me know if you require further 
Liability limited by a scheme approved under Professional Standards Legislation

2 Fees
In the event that work in this matter has not concluded within six (6) months from the date of this 
document, I may vary, in writing, my fees and charges as set forth in clauses 2.2 to 2.6 below.  I may also 
further vary any such variation at any time after six (6) months from the date of the previous variation.
Until such time as I have provided a written variation in accordance with clause 2.1 above, my fees 
and charges in this matter will be rendered in accordance with the following:
A daily hearing fee of $4,000.00 (my daily rate) for every day or part thereof occupied by, listed or 
set aside for any Court or Tribunal hearing (other than hearings to which clauses 2.2.2 or 2.2.3 apply), 
mediation, arbitration or reference;
An application hearing fee of  (my application fee) for every half day (deemed as that period falling 
either side of the Court’s or Tribunal’s lunch adjournment) or part thereof occupied by, listed or set aside 
for any hearing of any interlocutory application (i.e. injunctions, motions etc, but not hearings to which 
clauses 2.2.1 or 2.2.3 apply);
A directions hearing fee of  (my directions fee) for mentions and directions hearings that do not 
involve an application of the type referred to in clause 2.2.2 above and for appearing to collect judgment.  
This fee includes both preparation and appearance, provided that if the time spent in preparation exceeds 
fifteen (15) minutes and/or the time required in Court exceeds one (1) hour, I will charge for the excess at 
the hourly rate specified in clause 2.2.4 below; and
2.2.4  An hourly rate of $400.00 (my hourly rate), rounded up to the nearest quarter hour, for 
conferences, chamber work (including reading, researching and preparing written advice) and preparation 
(excluding preparation for hearings charged in accordance with clause 2.3 below).  
I will charge you preparation for any hearing (other than hearings to which clauses 2.2.2 and 2.2.3 
apply), mediation, reference or arbitration at my daily rate (in which case the provisions in clause 2.4 will 
apply in the case of any work done outside of the hours between 9.30 am and 4.30 pm) or at my hourly rate, 
the choice of which shall be at my sole discretion.  Depending upon the complexity of the matter and the 
volume of materials to be read, a 1-day hearing will usually require 2 days of preparation, a 2-day hearing 
will require 3-4 days of preparation, and so on.  However, the actual amount required for preparation will 
vary from case to case.
For the purposes of clauses 2.2.1 and 2.3 above, a “day” means any time spent between 9.30 am and 
4.30 pm, regardless of whether I am required to actually appear or prepare for only part, or for the whole, 
of the day.  If a hearing, mediation, reference or arbitration commences before 9.30 am or continues after 
4.30 pm, or if I spent time in preparation outside of those hours, then I will charge you my hourly rate for 
that time before 9.30 am and/or after 4.30 pm.
If my instructions are withdrawn or the matter is settled, adjourned or otherwise does not proceed:
Less than 14 days before the first day of a hearing, then I may charge you a cancellation fee equal 
to 50% of my daily rate for the number of days that I have set aside to appear and prepare (apart from those 
days upon which I have already appeared or prepared, which will be charged at my normal rates);
Less than 14 days before the first day of an application, then I may charge you a cancellation fee 
equal to 50% of my application fee; and
On the day of a hearing or application, then I will charge you my daily rate or application fee (as 
the case may be) for that day and any other previous days upon which I have already appeared, together 
with a cancellation fee equal to 50% of my daily rate for the remaining number of days that I have set aside 
to appear and prepare.  I will also charge you for any preparation that I have already undertaken at my 
normal rates.
I will also charge you:
For the cost of any travel, accommodation and any other disbursements; and
Goods and Services Tax in the amount of an additional 10% of my daily rate, my application fee, 
my directions fee, my hourly rate and any disbursements charged by me in accordance with clauses 2.1 to 
2.5 and 2.6.1 above.
3 Estimate
Liability limited by a scheme approved under Professional Standards Legislation

The amount of time involved in providing services in the nature of barristers’ work in any matter 
depends upon a number of unknown factors.  Those factors include, but are not limited to:
The volume and order of the materials to be read and the complexity of the issues;
The conduct of the other parties to the dispute;
The approach taken by judicial officers adjudicating the dispute; and
The nature and extent of instructions given to you by the client and witnesses.
You have briefed me to act as the client’s counsel by advising and appearing in the matter of ABC.  
I expect that, in light of your existing knowledge of the matter and your experience and expertise as a 
solicitor, you will be able to provide the client with an estimate of my likely fees for undertaking that work 
on the basis of my rates as set forth in clause 2 above.  However, if for any reason you are unable to do so, 
you must inform me immediately and I will provide you with an estimate.
Regardless of whether I supply you with an estimate or you supply the client with your own 
estimate, my total costs and disbursements may exceed that estimate and I will ultimately charge in 
accordance with my rates set forth in clause 2 above.
Louise Goodchild
Liability limited by a scheme approved under Professional Standards Legislation

Costs Agreement
Issue Date 
Disclosure By
Made To
Disclosure By
Louise Goodchild
ABN 68 610 644 188
(I or me)
(the client)
In relation to
Supreme Court Of NSW at

Contracting Parties, Limitation of Liability and Entire Agreement
For matters in which instructions were received from the client on or prior to 30 June 2015: 
This document constitutes an offer to enter into a costs agreement pursuant to section 322(3) of the 
Legal Profession Act 2004 (NSW) (the Act), which may be accepted by you in writing, by conduct (in 
continuing to give me instructions in this matter) or orally. 
1.1.2   You and I agree that I have no contractual relationship with the client, and this agreement is 
entered into between you and me, as a “law practice” and another “law practice”, within the meaning of the 
Act. Accordingly, your obligations to me under this agreement are personal and do not depend upon you 
being put in funds by the client or any other person. 
For matters in which instructions were received from the client on or after 1 July 2015: 
1.2.1   This document constitutes an offer to enter into a costs agreement pursuant to s 180(1)(c) of the 
Legal Profession Uniform Law (the Law),  which may be accepted by you in writing, by conduct (in 
continuing to give me instructions in this matter) or orally. 
1.1.2 You and I agree that I have no contractual relationship with the client, and this agreement is entered 
into between you and me, as a “law practice” and another “law practice”, within the meaning of the Law. 
Accordingly, your obligations to me under this agreement are personal and do not depend upon you being 
put in funds by the client or any other person. 
1.3 You have briefed me to act as the client’s counsel by advising and appearing in the matter of ABC. This 
will comprise barristers’ work in accordance with the New South Wales Barristers’ Rules (for work done up 
to and including 30 June 2015) and the Legal Profession Uniform Conduct (Barristers) Rules 2015 and the 
Legal Profession Uniform General Rules 2015 (together, the Uniform Barristers’ Rules) (for work done on 
and after 1 July 2015) (together, the Barristers’ Rules). 
1.4 The Barristers’ Rules form part of this agreement as if they were reproduced in this document, in the 
form they take from time to time. I will supply a copy of the current Barristers’ Rules upon request. I am 
subject to the Barristers’ Rules. In the event that the Barristers’ Rules are inconsistent with this agreement, 
then the Barristers’ Rules prevail over this agreement to the extent of any inconsistency. 
1.5 Other than what is contained in the Barristers’ Rules, this document sets out the entirety of the 
agreement between you and me. All other terms are excluded to the extent permissible by law. 
1.6 The offer contained in this document is made upon the basis that: 
1.6.1 I retain the full immunity from suit as to certain matters, which, as counsel, I enjoy pursuant to the 
common law (D'Orta-Ekenaike v Victoria Legal Aid (2005) 223 CLR 1); and 
1.6.2 My liability is otherwise limited in accordance with the NSW Bar Association’s professional standards 
scheme approved by the Professional Standards Council pursuant to the Professional Standards Act 1994 
(NSW) and its other state/ territory and federal equivalents. 
Liability limited by a scheme approved under Professional Standards Legislation

2 Fees
In the event that work in this matter has not concluded within six (6) months from the date of this 
document, I may vary, in writing, my fees and charges as set forth in clauses 2.2 to 2.6 below.  I may also 
further vary any such variation at any time after six (6) months from the date of the previous variation.
Until such time as I have provided a written variation in accordance with clause 2.1 above, my fees 
and charges in this matter will be rendered in accordance with the following: 
A daily hearing fee of $4,000.00 (my daily rate) for every day or part thereof occupied by, listed or 
set aside for any Court or Tribunal hearing (other than hearings to which clauses 2.2.2 or 2.2.3 apply), 
mediation, arbitration or reference; 
An application hearing fee of  (my application fee) for every half day (deemed as that period falling 
either side of the Court’s or Tribunal’s lunch adjournment) or part thereof occupied by, listed or set aside 
for any hearing of any interlocutory application (i.e. injunctions, motions etc, but not hearings to which 
clauses 2.2.1 or 2.2.3 apply); 
A directions hearing fee of  (my directions fee) for mentions and directions hearings that do not 
involve an application of the type referred to in clause 2.2.2 above and for appearing to collect judgment.  
This fee includes both preparation and appearance, provided that if the time spent in preparation exceeds 
fifteen (15) minutes and/or the time required in Court exceeds one (1) hour, I will charge for the excess at 
the hourly rate specified in clause 2.2.4 below; and 
2.2.4  An hourly rate of $400.00 (my hourly rate), rounded up to the nearest quarter hour, for 
conferences, chamber work (including reading, researching and preparing written advice) and preparation 
(excluding preparation for hearings charged in accordance with clause 2.3 below). 
I will charge you preparation for any hearing (other than hearings to which clauses 2.2.2 and 2.2.3 
apply), mediation, reference or arbitration at my daily rate (in which case the provisions in clause 2.4 will 
apply in the case of any work done outside of the hours between 9.30 am and 4.30 pm) or at my hourly rate, 
the choice of which shall be at my sole discretion.  Depending upon the complexity of the matter and the 
volume of materials to be read, a 1-day hearing will usually require 2 days of preparation, a 2-day hearing 
will require 3-4 days of preparation, and so on.  However, the actual amount required for preparation will 
vary from case to case. 
For the purposes of clauses 2.2.1 and 2.3 above, a “day” means any time spent between 9.30 am and 
4.30 pm, regardless of whether I am required to actually appear or prepare for only part, or for the whole, 
of the day.  If a hearing, mediation, reference or arbitration commences before 9.30 am or continues after 
4.30 pm, or if I spent time in preparation outside of those hours, then I will charge you my hourly rate for 
that time before 9.30 am and/or after 4.30 pm. 
If my instructions are withdrawn or the matter is settled, adjourned or otherwise does not proceed: 
Less than 14 days before the first day of a hearing, then I may charge you a cancellation fee equal 
to 50% of my daily rate for the number of days that I have set aside to appear and prepare (apart from those 
days upon which I have already appeared or prepared, which will be charged at my normal rates); 
Less than 14 days before the first day of an application, then I may charge you a cancellation fee 
equal to 50% of my application fee; and 
On the day of a hearing or application, then I will charge you my daily rate or application fee (as 
the case may be) for that day and any other previous days upon which I have already appeared, together 
with a cancellation fee equal to 50% of my daily rate for the remaining number of days that I have set aside 
to appear and prepare.  I will also charge you for any preparation that I have already undertaken at my 
normal rates. 
I will also charge you: 
For the cost of any travel, accommodation and any other disbursements; and 
Goods and Services Tax in the amount of an additional 10% of my daily rate, my application fee, 
my directions fee, my hourly rate and any disbursements charged by me in accordance with clauses 2.1 to 
2.5 and 2.6.1 above.
3 Billing, 
Liability limited by a scheme approved under Professional Standards Legislation

I will issue a tax invoice to you each month for the work done by me in the preceding period.  
However, I may issue tax invoices more or less frequently, depending on the nature of the work done and 
the status of the matter.  If the matter has finished, I will issue you with a final tax invoice at that time. 
Payment of each tax invoice is due within 30 days of its issue (the due date). 
If any tax invoice is not paid by the due date, then I will charge interest from the date of issue on 
the amount unpaid, at the maximum rate prescribed from time to time pursuant to section 321 of the Act 
(for matters in which instructions were received from the client on or prior to 30 June 2015) or section 
195(4) of the Law (for matters in which instructions were received from the client on or after 1 July 2015).
4 Solicitors’ 
4.1 You 
steps to obtain and will hold funds in trust for the payment of my 
fees at least fourteen (14) days before the commencement of any hearing in an amount equivalent to the 
amount of my likely fees for the hearing as estimated by you in accordance with my rates set forth in clause 
2 above.  In the event that you are unable to comply with this requirement without me first providing you 
with an estimate of my likely fees, you must inform me immediately so that I can provide you with that 
4.2 You 
personal information within the meaning of the Privacy and Personal 
Information Protection Act 1998 (NSW), the Privacy Act 1988 (Cth) or the scope of operation of legislation 
similar in nature to those Acts.  If you do so, you warrant that you have obtained such consent as is 
necessary for me to use all such information for the purposes of acting for you and as the client’s counsel. 
You also warrant that: 
You are a “law practice” under the Act or Law (as applicable); 
You are now, and will remain, authorised to receive on behalf of the client, any disclosure 
pursuant to the Act or Law (as applicable) that I am required to make; and 
If necessary for any such disclosure to comply with the Act or Law (as applicable), you will convey 
any such disclosure promptly to your client. 
5 Miscellaneous 
This agreement is not a retainer.  It governs costs for legal services but not the provision or 
acquisition of legal services. 
I am required to inform you and/ or the client about alternatives to fully contested adjudication of 
the matter, which are reasonably available to the client. Detailed consideration should be given to the 
possibility of mediation, settlement discussions and the early neutral evaluation of the matters by counsel or 
experts (if applicable) 
I also expect that, prior to briefing me as counsel, you and the client have complied with any 
applicable pre-litigation requirements imposed by legislation, including the Civil Dispute Resolution Act 
2011 (Cth) and/ or any State or Territory equivalents. 
I am not obliged and do not undertake to give any taxation or taxation-related advice (in respect of 
any state/ territory or Commonwealth law) in relation to the possible settlement of this matter or at any 
other time during the period in which I hold the brief.  I recommend that, should the occasion arise, such 
advice ought be sought from a suitably-qualified expert. 
I may (unless you object) use cloud-based storage services to store and access electronic versions of 
documentation prepared for or in connection with this matter. 
The proper law of this agreement is the law of New South Wales and the parties hereby submit to 
the exclusive jurisdiction of the Courts of New South Wales (which includes, but is not limited to, the costs 
assessment procedure prescribed by the Act or Law, as applicable). 
6 Termination 
If you do not obtain and hold funds in trust in accordance with clause 4.1 above, you must advise 
me within fourteen (14) days of any hearing date.  Upon receipt of that advice, I may terminate this 
Liability limited by a scheme approved under Professional Standards Legislation

agreement and return the brief.  If I do so, I will be entitled to payment of my costs and disbursements up 
to the date of termination. 
If I vary my rates in accordance with clause 2.1 above and the new rates are unacceptable to you, 
then either one or both of us may terminate this agreement, whereupon I will return the brief.  If that right 
is exercised, I will be entitled to payment of my costs and disbursements up to the date of termination. 
If any tax invoice issued by me is not paid by the due date, then I may terminate this agreement 
and return the brief.  If I do so, I will be entitled to payment of my costs and disbursements up to the date 
of termination, but will not be entitled to charge any cancellation fee in accordance with clause 2.5 above. 
Unexpected events occur in litigation.  Whilst I will use my best endeavours to ensure my 
availability to act in this matter, my commitments in other matters may prevent me from being available.  
If this becomes likely, then I will inform you promptly.  Either one or both of us will then be entitled to 
terminate this agreement, whereupon I will return the brief.  If that occurs, I will be entitled to payment of 
my costs and disbursements up to the date of termination, but I will not be entitled to charge any 
cancellation fee in accordance with clause 2.5 above. 
I may also terminate this agreement and return the brief in any of the following circumstances: 
Any of the circumstances set out in the Barristers’ Rules; 
If you or the client provide me with instructions that are false or misleading; or 
If I form the view at any time that the matter does not have reasonable prospects of success.  If I do 
so, I will be entitled to payment of my costs and disbursements up to the date of termination.
Louise Goodchild
Liability limited by a scheme approved under Professional Standards Legislation