This is an HTML version of an attachment to the Freedom of Information request 'Number of citizenship applications approved and waiting for a citizenship ceremony in Canada Bay Council NSW'.

Freedom of Information Request FA 21/12/00857 

The number of citizenship applications approved and waiting for a citizenship ceremony in the 
Canada Bay Council NSW from June 1st 2021 to November 30th 2021. 
Breakdown of the number of online and in person ceremonies, in the Canada Bay Council NSW 
Greater Sydney from June 1st 2021 to November 30th 2021. 

1.  As at 14 January 2022, there were 123 people whose application for Australian citizenship by 
conferral had been approved from 1 June 2021 to 31 December 2021 and who were waiting to 
attend an Australian citizenship ceremony at Canada Bay Council (NSW). 
Question 2