This is an HTML version of an attachment to the Freedom of Information request 'number of approved applicants for citizenship by conferral waiting for a citizenship ceremony in Canterbury Bankstown council'.

FA 22/08/01589
The number of approved applicants for citizenship by conferral waiting for a citizenship ceremony in 
Canterbury Bankstown council and any proposed dates for upcoming ceremonies. 
As at 16 September 2022, there were 643 people whose applications for Australian citizenship by conferral 
had been approved and who were waiting to attend an Australian citizenship ceremony conducted by 
Canterbury-Bankstown Council (NSW). 
• This information is provided for the specific purpose of this request. Any other use of the information provided will
require consideration and clearance by Data Division.
• It is the responsibility of the area providing Department  of Home Affairs information to external stakeholders to ensure
that the disclosure is in accordance with the ABF Act, Australian Privacy Principles or other relevant legislation.
• Regarding Immigration data, the Department’s current policy is to mask numbers which are less than five as <5, noting
we  are reviewing  the confidentiality method for the future.