This is an HTML version of an attachment to the Freedom of Information request 'all communication between Victorian Department of Health and Human Services AND Medisoft International Pty Ltd between 1st March 2020 until 1st September 2022'.

Our ref: F21/1653 
Mr Joshua Schuster 
Sent by email to:  
Dear Mr Schuster 
Freedom of Information Request 
Notice of Refusal to Grant Access to Documents - Section 25A(1) 
I refer to your request under the Freedom of Information Act 1982 requesting access to: 
“All communication between Victorian Department of Health and Human Services and 
Medisoft International Pty Ltd between 1st March 2020 until 1st September 2022. 
This should include, but not limited to, any emails, letters, contracts or agreements between 
the two parties.” 
I also refer to my correspondence dated 6 September 2022, in which you were advised of my 
intention  to  refuse  to  process  your  request  pursuant  to  section  25A  of  the  Act.  This  letter 
provided  you  with  an  opportunity  to  consult  so  as  to  remove  the  grounds  for  refusal  and  a 
suggestion on how you may have avoided refusal under section 25A(1) of the Act.   
As you have not responded to my letter, I now formally advise you that I refuse to grant access 
to the documents that you have requested. 
Review rights 
The  Office  of  the  Victorian  Information  Commissioner  can  review  an  agency’s  decision  to 
refuse to grant access to documents. An application for review must be made in writing within 
28 days of receiving this notice of decision. 
I have enclosed a fact sheet providing further information on making a request for review to 
the Commissioner. 
Yours sincerely 
Michael Ghobrial 
A/Manager, Freedom of Information 
07 / 10 / 2022