This is an HTML version of an attachment to the Freedom of Information request 'ESORT Multi-Act Working Group'.

s 47E; s 47F  Kristine on behalf of OWP.SECRETARIAT
s 47E; s 47F  Natasha; s 47E; s 47F Tika; s 47E; s 47F  Heather
Spinks, Don; 
s 47E; s 47F
FW: ESO engagement on the tri-act form [SEC=OFFICIAL]
Monday, 31 August 2020 9:26:26 AM
s 47F  Feedback Session DVA Tri-Act IL Form SECOFFICIAL.msg
s 47F  Feedback Session DVA Tri-Act IL Form SECOFFICIAL.msg
s 47F  Feedback Session DVA Tri-Act IL Form SECOFFICIAL.msg
s 47F  Feedback Session DVA Tri-Act IL Form SECOFFICIAL.msg
s 47F  Feedback Session DVA Tri-Act IL Form SECOFFICIAL.msg
Have received responses from 5 of the 6 nominated participants – just waiting on s 47F
. I’ve
acknowledged the response and advised that you would be in touch in to confirm meeting etc.
Please not thats 47F
 has advised limited availability, please see his response for details.
s 47F, s 47G
Will advise as soon as I hear from s 47F
Tiki s 47E; s 47F
Assistant Director (A/g)
Governance & Ministerial Events Section | Parliamentary & Governance Branch
Commemorations, Communications and Parliamentary Division
Ph: (
s 47E; s 47F  s 47F  | Ext: s 47E; s 47F  | M: s 47E; s 47F
Kristine s 47E; s
From: s 47E; s 47F Kristine 
Sent: Friday, 28 August 2020 6:24 PM
To: s 47E; s 47F Tika ; McDonald, Catherine ; s 47E; s 47F Natasha 
Cc: Spinks, Don ; s 47E; s 47F Maureen 
Subject: RE: ESO engagement on the tri-act form [SEC=OFFICIAL]
Evening all
I’ve sent emails to the 6 nominated participants, text of the email is below for your visibility;
The Department of Veterans’ Affairs (DVA) is developing a Pilot to test a tri-Act Initial
Liability form. In preparation for the Pilot DVA will be convening a small group of Advocates
to provide feedback on the form. The session will be held early in the week beginning 7
September 2020 and is expected to take approximately 90 minutes. This will be a
facilitated session held via videoconference (Zoom) and information on the form and the

Pilot will be provided ahead of the discussion.
On the basis of your Advocacy experience you have been selected to participate in this
I’d be grateful if you could advise if you will be available to participate by COB Monday 31
August 2020, via return email.
Emails have been sent individually and I’ll advise on Monday as I receive responses.
Tiki s 47E; s 47F
Assistant Director (A/g)
Governance & Ministerial Events Section | Parliamentary & Governance Branch
Commemorations, Communications and Parliamentary Division
Ph: (
s 47E; s 47F  s 47F  | Ext: s 47E; s 47F  | M: s 47E; s 47F
Kristine s 47E; s
From: s 47E; s 47F Kristine 
Sent: Friday, 28 August 2020 4:06 PM
To: s 47E; s 47F Tika <Tika s 47E; s>; McDonald, Catherine
<>; s 47E; s 47F Natasha <Natasha s 47E; s 47F>
Subject: FW: ESO engagement on the tri-act form [SEC=OFFICIAL]
Hi Tika
As requested, the list of practicing Advocates to be approached to provide feedback on the Tri-Act
Initial Liability form being developed by Transformation Division.
s 47F, s 47G
Tiki s 47E; s 47F
Assistant Director (A/g)
Governance & Ministerial Events Section | Parliamentary & Governance Branch
Commemorations, Communications and Parliamentary Division
Ph: (
s 47E; s 47F  s 47F  | Ext: s 47E; s 47F  | M: s 47E; s 47F
Kristine s 47E; s

From: Spinks, Don <> 
Sent: Wednesday, 26 August 2020 1:56 PM
To: s 47E; s 47F Natasha <Natasha s 47E; s 47F>
Cc:   Monita <
s 47E; s 4
Monita s 47E; s>; s 47E; s 47F Mathew <Mathew s 47E; s>; s 47E; s 47F
Leanne <Leanne s 47E; s>
Subject: RE: ESO engagement on the tri-act form [SEC=OFFICIAL]
G’day Natasha,
Absolutely – I’m in!
I’ll ask Leanne to arrange a quick catch-up either tmw or Fri to discuss. I have a few ppl in mind
from several different forums, if they are willing we should get some good feedback.
Kind Regards,
Don Spinks AM
Repatriation Commissioner
Department of Veterans’ Affairs
s 47E; s 47F ext s 47E; s 47F
To support those who serve or have served in the defence of our nation
and commemorate their service and sacrifice.

From: s 47E; s 47F Natasha <Natasha s 47E; s 47F> 
Sent: Wednesday, 26 August 2020 12:37 PM
To: Spinks, Don <>
Cc:   Monita <
s 47E; s 4
Monita s 47E; s>; s 47E; s 47F Mathew <Mathew s 47E; s>
Subject: ESO engagement on the tri-act form [SEC=OFFICIAL]
Hi Don,
I hope you’re well!
As you may recall, we’re looking to pilot a tri-act Initial Liability form and we’re progressing well
with the design of the form and how the pilot will be run. We’re aiming to take this to the October
Commissions meeting, but we received a great suggestion recently to engage with some ESOs and
advocates on the design of the form. The goal is to get early advice and feedback about whether
the form will work for our end users ahead of commencing the pilot.
I know you’ve had a number of conversations about our forms in your travels, and I’m hoping you
can help us by nominating a few ESO’s/advocates you think might be good for us to meet with.
Subject to your availability, we’re hoping that you might be able to provide us with a few names
(maybe 5-10?) in the next couple of days. We’re hoping to meet virtually with these
ESOs/advocates next week if possible, so we can meet our target timeframe of the October
Commissions meeting.
As always, happy to discuss if you have any concerns or would like more information.
Natasha s 47E; s 47F
a/g Director, Strategy
Channel Strategy and Digital Enablement
Transformation Division
Department of Veterans’ Affairs

 ext s 47E; s 47F
s 47E; s 47F
 m s 47E; s 47F
Natasha s 47E; s 47F

s 22 - Out of scope

s 22 - Out of scope

s 22 - Out of scope

s 22 - Out of scope

s 22 - Out of scope

Kel ie-Ann on behalf of ESORT SECRETARIAT
s 47E    
s 47E;   
Action I em - ESORT meeting 26 Nove be    Gu dance on membership for Mult -Act claims working group [SEC=OFFICIAL]
Thursday  10 December 2020 9:22:23 AM
FW ESO engagement on the tr -act form SECOFFICIAL msg
Good afternoon Natasha
At the ESORT meeting of 26 November  an action item was raised to convene a group of ESORT representatives to assist DVA to define and refine processes for determination of multi-Act Claims.
ESORT Secretariat to seek  from ESORT members
nominations for advocates with appropriate
26 November 2020
Secretary's Strategic Update - Claims
experience to assist DVA to define and refine
processes for determination of multi-Act Claims.
We are now seeking your advice re the membership of this group. 
The Operational Working Party (OWP) had previously convened a Tri-Act working group with the focus on receiving feedback from a small group of Advocates on the tri-Act initial Liabi ity form.  Would you like the multi-Act claims working group to consist of the
original Tri-Act members or are you seeking new membership? (Please see attached an email with the original list of members that participated on the Tri-act working group.)
ESORT Secretariat are happy to approach ESORT members on your behalf to seek participation.  Grateful if you could please provide some information and advice on the number of ESORT reps you’d  ike to set the group to  and provide a context statement for the
ema l  including the type of experience/expertise you’d like members to have we can get that ball rolling. 
Grateful if you would be able to provide guidance no later than Monday 14 December 2020.
Please let us know if you have any questions.
Kind regards
ESORT secretariat
Kellie-Ann s 47E;   
ort Officer
Governance and Ministerial Events Section l Parliamentary & Governance Branch
Department of Veterans' Affairs
Ph:  6  
s 47E; s 47F xt s 47E; E: 
s 47E; s 
The department acknowledges the traditional owners of the land throughout Austra ia and their continuing connection to country  sea and community. We pay our respect to all Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples  their cultures and to their elders past and present.

Hale, Alison
VSD.COORD; s 47E; s 47F  Danielle; CESS.EXEC.SUPPORT
Wednesday, 16 December 2020 5:24:35 PM
VSO - ESORT.docx
ESORT Mbr Sub Tri Eligible Claims - due 15 Dec 2020.docx
ESORT OoS Paper Template - Mbr Sub Tri- Act Eligible Claims - due 15 Dec 2020.DOCX
Dear ESORT secretariat
The working group being set up to discuss advocacy is not dealing with these sorts of issues. It is
dealing with the governance arrangements for the ATDP program and possible models for how
advocacy might operate.
I think the original tasking would still be CBD and CESS given s 47F
 wants to raise is
“the complexities in dealing with Dual Eligible and Tri Eligible claims which can result in
a significant consequences for claimants who are ill-advised on these claims.”
I would be uncomfortable with a response going back to Peter saying the Advocacy Working
Group would consider issues around claim forms or claim processes, as this is beyond the remit
of a working group looking at advocacy models and governance.
Happy to discuss
From: s 47E; s 47F Emily <Emily s 47E; s> On Behalf Of CESS.EXEC.SUPPORT
Sent: Wednesday, 16 December 2020 4:39 PM
To: Hale, Alison <>
Subject: FOR ADVICE | ESORT Mbr Sub - Tri Act Claims DUE 11 DECEMBER 2020 [SEC=OFFICIAL]
Hi Alison,
Noting email below, advice received is that you are the contact for this.
I’m not sure if you require any information from us, but please find attached Stu Bagnall’s input
for this paper.
I’ve attached the Member submission and OoS Paper template for information.
Can you please confirm if you would prefer to take carriage of this, or if it’s better suited with
Grateful for your advice.
Thank you

Emily s 47E; s 47F
Executive Support | Client Engagement & Support Services | Department of Veterans’ Affairs
 E: emily.s 47E; s 47F
s 47E; s 47F
Description: cid:image001.png@01D0027A.1DAB84F0
To support those who serve or have served in the defence of our nation and
commemorate their service and sacrifice.
Sent: Wednesday, 16 December 2020 4:13 PM
Subject: FW: For Your Action : ESORT Mbr Sub - Tri Act Claims DUE 11 DECEMBER 2020
Hi  Emily
The ESORT Secretariat has advised there is no need to respond to issue #7 in the paper.    
As noted below there is a working group being set up which will  consist of a few ESORT
members to discuss these types of issues. 
We just need to note something similar in the paper and maybe the paper can be used a basis
for the working group discussions. 
Happy to discuss
Sue s 47E; s 47F
Executive Officer to Deputy Commissioner NSW/ACT
Client Benefits Division
Department of Veterans' Affairs (DVA)
T. (s 47E; s 47F  (Ext: s 47E; s 47F
From: s 47E; s 47F Leesa <Leesa s 47E; s> On Behalf Of ESORT.SECRETARIAT
Sent: Wednesday, 16 December 2020 3:56 PM
Subject: RE: For Your Action : ESORT Mbr Sub - Tri Act Claims DUE 11 DECEMBER 2020
Hi Sue
I have just discussed with my supervisor, due to a working group being set up there is no need to
respond to that particular item or contact the member for more information, the working group

will consist of a few ESORT members to discuss these types of issues, from memory we have
been dealing with Alison Hale.
Just note something similar in the paper and maybe the paper can be used a basis for the
working group discussions.
I hope this helps.
With kind regards
Leesa s 47E; s 47F
Senior Secretariat Officer
Governance and Ministerial Events Section | Parliamentary and Governance Branch
Commemorations, Communications and Parliamentary Division
Ph: (s 47E    
s 47E; s 47F  | Ext s 47E; s 47F | leesa s 47E; s
Please note I work part-time (Monday to Thursday remotely).
s 22 - Out of scope

s 22 - Out of scope

s 22 - Out of scope
From: s 47E; s 47F Natalie <Natalie s 47E; s> On Behalf Of CLIENTS.BENEFITS.DIV.COORD
Sent: Tuesday, 1 December 2020 9:48 AM
Subject: For Your Action : ESORT Mbr Sub - Tri Act Claims DUE 11 DECEMBER 2020
Good morning Team,
s 22 - Out of scope
Many thanks.
Kind regards.
s 47E; s 47F
Senior Coordination Officer
Clients’ Benefits Division
Australian Government Department of Veterans’ Affairs
Gnabra House, 21 Genge Street Canberra ACT 2601
Mobile: s 47E; s 47F
Email: natalie s 47E; s
From: s 47E; s 47F Leesa <Leesa s 47E; s> On Behalf Of ESORT.SECRETARIAT
Sent: Monday, 30 November 2020 5:10 PM
Subject: ESORT Mbr Sub - Tri Act Claims DUE NOON 15 DECEMBER 2020 [SEC=OFFICIAL]
Good afternoon CBD Co-ord
s 22 - Out of scope

s 22 - Out of scope
If you have any questions, please contact the ESORT Secretariat.
With kind regards
Leesa s 47E; s 47F
Senior Secretariat Officer
Governance and Ministerial Events Section | Parliamentary and Governance Branch
Commemorations, Communications and Parliamentary Division
Ph: (s 47E    
s 47E; s 47F  | Ext s 47E; s 47F | leesa s 47E; s
Please note I work part-time (Monday to Thursday remotely).

s 47F
Re: Nomination of Participants - Working Group - Multi-Act claims [SEC=OFFICIAL]
Tuesday, 5 January 2021 2:19:08 PM
Hi s 47F 
Just arrived on my mail You should  nominate yourself for this  even though they are
saying they  must be currently working in the field , with 6 months experience. I  have
spoken to Canberra and will ring  tomorrow.
Cheers s 47F
On 5 Jan 2021, at 1:53 pm, ESORT.SECRETARIAT
<> wrote:
Good afternoon ESORT members,
We are seeking nominations for experienced advocates to become members of
DVA’s Multi-Act claims working group.
At the last ESORT meeting on 26 November 2020, action item 2020/0049 arose,
ESORT Secretariat to seek, from ESORT members, nominations for advocates with
appropriate experience to assist DVA to define and refine processes for
determination of multi-Act Claims.’
Grateful for your nomination to be received by ESORT Secretariat, no later than
COB Tuesday 19 January 2021.   The working group will be capped at 5
Working group nominees;
·         Must be advocates currently working in the field, with minimum 6 months
Thank you 
ESORT Secretariat
Kind regards
Kellie-Ann s 47E; s 47F
Secretariat Support Officer
Governance and Ministerial Events Section l Parliamentary & Governance Branch
Department of Veterans' Affairs
Ph: +61 
 E: Kellie-Ann s 47E; s 47F
s 47E; s 47F
s 47E; s 47F
<image002.png>The department acknowledges the traditional owners of the land
throughout Australia and their continuing connection to country, sea and community. We
pay our respect to all Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples, their cultures and to
their elders past and present.


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please contact the sender and delete all copies of this email. 
3. Any views expressed in this e-mail are those of the sender and are not 
a statement of Australian Government Policy unless otherwise stated. 
4. Electronic addresses published in this email are not conspicuous publications and DVA does
not consent to the receipt of commercial electronic messages. 
5. To unsubscribe from emails from the Department of Veterans' Affairs (DVA) please go to us/Pages/feedback.aspx
, and advise which mailing list you would like to unsubscribe from.  
6. Finally, please do not remove this notice.

s 47E; s 47F  Kellie-Ann on behalf of ESORT.SECRETARIAT
"s 47F
 - s 47F
RE: Nomination of Participants - Working Group - Multi-Act claims [SEC=OFFICIAL]
Tuesday, 5 January 2021 2:41:12 PM
Good afternoon s 47F
No the Multi-Act claims is a separate working group to the Legislative working group.
There are currently 6 active working groups from ESORT and NCF fora.
Please let us know if the s 47F
 would like to nominate an representative with who is
currently working as an advocate with a minimum of 6 months experience.
Thank you
Kind regards
Kellie-Ann s 47E; s 47F
Secretariat Support Officer
Governance and Ministerial Events Section l Parliamentary & Governance Branch
Department of Veterans' Affairs
Ph: +61 s 47E; s 47F Ext: s 47E; s 47F E: Kellie-Ann s 47E; s
The department acknowledges the traditional owners of the land throughout Australia and their
continuing connection to country, sea and community. We pay our respect to all Aboriginal and Torres Strait
Islander peoples, their cultures and to their elders past and present.
From: s 47F
 - s 47F
 <s 47F
Sent: Tuesday, 5 January 2021 2:33 PM
Subject: RE: Nomination of Participants - Working Group - Multi-Act claims [SEC=OFFICIAL]
Thank you Kellie.  Can you advise if this is part of the Legislative Workshop or is it a separate
Thank you
s 47F
s 47F
From: s 47E; s 47F Kellie-Ann <Kellie-Ann s 47E; s> On Behalf Of ESORT.SECRETARIAT

Sent: Tuesday, 5 January 2021 1:54 PM
To: Alf <>; Carl Schiller <>; Carl Schiller
<s 47F
 David Manolas <>; Greg Melick
<s 47F
 s 47F
 <s 47F
 John King
<>; Kel Ryan <>; Maree Sirois
<>; Max Ball <s 47F
 Max Ball (
<>; Michael von Berg <s 47F
 Pat McCabe
<>; Paul Irving <s 47F
 Peter Fitzpatrick
s 47F
; Rhondda Vanzella <s 47F
Cranna <>; Richard Cranna (
<>; Rob Woods <>; RSL Jan
Ormerod <>; William Roberts <>
Subject: Nomination of Participants - Working Group - Multi-Act claims [SEC=OFFICIAL]
Good afternoon ESORT members,
We are seeking nominations for experienced advocates to become members of DVA’s Multi-Act
claims working group.
At the last ESORT meeting on 26 November 2020, action item 2020/0049 arose, ‘ESORT
Secretariat to seek, from ESORT members, nominations for advocates with appropriate
experience to assist DVA to define and refine processes for determination of multi-Act Claims.’
Grateful for your nomination to be received by ESORT Secretariat, no later than COB Tuesday 19
January 2021.   The working group will be capped at 5 representatives.
Working group nominees;
Must be advocates currently working in the field, with minimum 6 months experience.
Thank you
ESORT Secretariat
Kind regards
Kellie-Ann s 47E; s 47F
Secretariat Support Officer
Governance and Ministerial Events Section l Parliamentary & Governance Branch
Department of Veterans' Affairs
Ph: +61 
 E: Kellie-Ann s 47E; s 47F
s 47E; s 47F
s 47E; s 47F
The department acknowledges the traditional owners of the land throughout Australia and their
continuing connection to country, sea and community. We pay our respect to all Aboriginal and Torres Strait
Islander peoples, their cultures and to their elders past and present.

1. Before opening any attachments, please check for viruses. 
2. This e-mail (including any attachments) may contain confidential information 
for the intended recipient. If you are not the intended recipient, 
please contact the sender and delete all copies of this email. 
3. Any views expressed in this e-mail are those of the sender and are not 
a statement of Australian Government Policy unless otherwise stated. 
4. Electronic addresses published in this email are not conspicuous publications and DVA does
not consent to the receipt of commercial electronic messages. 
5. To unsubscribe from emails from the Department of Veterans' Affairs (DVA) please go to
, and advise which mailing list you would like to unsubscribe from. 
6. Finally, please do not remove this notice.

s 47E; s 47F  Kristine on behalf of ESORT.SECRETARIAT
s 47F
 - s 47F
RE: Nomination of Participants - Working Group - Multi-Act claims [SEC=OFFICIAL]
Tuesday, 5 January 2021 3:40:00 PM
Hi s 47F
Happy New Year, I hope you’ve had a safe festive season.
I believe that they are specifically seeking claims advocacy experience for this group, however the
Secretariat will forward your nomination to Natasha Cole’s team for consideration.
Tiki s 47E; s 47F
Assistant Director
Governance & Ministerial Events Section | Parliamentary & Governance Branch
Commemorations, Communications and Parliamentary Division
Ph: (
s 47E; s 47F  s 47F  | Ext: s 47E; s 47F  | M: s 47E; s 47F
Kristine s 47E; s
From: s 47F
 - s 47F
 <s 47F
Sent: Tuesday, 5 January 2021 3:34 PM
Subject: RE: Nomination of Participants - Working Group - Multi-Act claims [SEC=OFFICIAL]
Thanks Kellie-Ann.
Can I put my name down for this working group as well?  I am a welfare advocate but not a claims
Thank you
s 47F
s 47F
From: s 47E; s 47F Kellie-Ann <Kellie-Ann s 47E; s> On Behalf Of ESORT.SECRETARIAT
Sent: Tuesday, 5 January 2021 2:41 PM
To: s 47F
 - s 47F
 <s 47F
Subject: RE: Nomination of Participants - Working Group - Multi-Act claims [SEC=OFFICIAL]
Good afternoon s 47F

No the Multi-Act claims is a separate working group to the Legislative working group.
s 22 - Out of scope
Please let us know if the s 47F
 would like to nominate an representative with who is
currently working as an advocate with a minimum of 6 months experience.
Thank you
Kind regards
Kellie-Ann s 47E; s 47F
Secretariat Support Officer
Governance and Ministerial Events Section l Parliamentary & Governance Branch
Department of Veterans' Affairs
Ph: +61 s 47E; s 47F Ext: s 47E; s 47F E: Kellie-Ann s 47E; s
The department acknowledges the traditional owners of the land throughout Australia and their continuing
connection to country, sea and community. We pay our respect to all Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander
peoples, their cultures and to their elders past and present.
From: s 47F
 - s 47F
 <s 47F
Sent: Tuesday, 5 January 2021 2:33 PM
Subject: RE: Nomination of Participants - Working Group - Multi-Act claims [SEC=OFFICIAL]
Thank you Kellie.  Can you advise if this is part of the Legislative Workshop or is it a separate
Thank you
s 47F
s 47F
From: s 47E; s 47F Kellie-Ann <Kellie-Ann s 47E; s> On Behalf Of ESORT.SECRETARIAT
Sent: Tuesday, 5 January 2021 1:54 PM
To: Alf <>; Carl Schiller <>; Carl Schiller
<s 47F
 David Manolas <>; Greg Melick
<s 47F
 s 47F
 <s 47F
 John King
<>; Kel Ryan <>; Maree Sirois
<>; Max Ball <s 47F
 Max Ball (
<>; Michael von Berg <s 47F
 Pat McCabe
<>; Paul Irving <s 47F
 Peter Fitzpatrick

<s 47F
>; Rhondda Vanzella <s 47F
Cranna <>; Richard Cranna (
<>; Rob Woods <>; RSL Jan
Ormerod <>; William Roberts <>
Subject: Nomination of Participants - Working Group - Multi-Act claims [SEC=OFFICIAL]
Good afternoon ESORT members,
We are seeking nominations for experienced advocates to become members of DVA’s Multi-Act
claims working group.
At the last ESORT meeting on 26 November 2020, action item 2020/0049 arose, ‘ESORT
Secretariat to seek, from ESORT members, nominations for advocates with appropriate experience
to assist DVA to define and refine processes for determination of multi-Act Claims.’
Grateful for your nomination to be received by ESORT Secretariat, no later than COB Tuesday 19
January 2021.   The working group will be capped at 5 representatives.
Working group nominees;
Must be advocates currently working in the field, with minimum 6 months experience.
Thank you
ESORT Secretariat
Kind regards
Kellie-Ann s 47E; s 47F
Secretariat Support Officer
Governance and Ministerial Events Section l Parliamentary & Governance Branch
Department of Veterans' Affairs
Ph: +61 
 E: Kellie-Ann s 47E; s 47F
s 47E; s 47F
s 47E; s 47F
The department acknowledges the traditional owners of the land throughout Australia and their continuing
connection to country, sea and community. We pay our respect to all Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander
peoples, their cultures and to their elders past and present.
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please contact the sender and delete all copies of this email. 
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a statement of Australian Government Policy unless otherwise stated. 

4. Electronic addresses published in this email are not conspicuous publications and DVA does not
consent to the receipt of commercial electronic messages. 
5. To unsubscribe from emails from the Department of Veterans' Affairs (DVA) please go to
, and advise which mailing list you would like to unsubscribe from. 
6. Finally, please do not remove this notice.
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2. This e-mail (including any attachments) may contain confidential information 
for the intended recipient. If you are not the intended recipient, 
please contact the sender and delete all copies of this email. 
3. Any views expressed in this e-mail are those of the sender and are not 
a statement of Australian Government Policy unless otherwise stated. 
4. Electronic addresses published in this email are not conspicuous publications and DVA does not
consent to the receipt of commercial electronic messages. 
5. To unsubscribe from emails from the Department of Veterans' Affairs (DVA) please go to us/Pages/feedback.aspx
, and advise which mailing list you would like to unsubscribe from. 
6. Finally, please do not remove this notice.

Cole, Natasha
s 47E; s 47F  Rosa; Brown, Luke; Dennington, Sally
RE: Seeking Information: Multi-Act Claims Working Group Enquiry [SEC=OFFICIAL]
Thursday, 7 January 2021 10:32:23 AM
Hi Kellie-Ann
Slightly in the dark here having not been in the ESORT discussion, but essentially I think the
working group will look to see how advocates and the Department can work best together in
terms of multi-act claims.
Mult-Act claims are currently claims which generally take much longer to do because they
require an experienced delegate to do well.
The advocates will be asked to contribute to discussions on processing issues and potentially any
policy issues, with a view that this may result in some recommendations for consideration by
either the Department or ESORT or both, depending on the nature of any recommendations.
The meetings are likely to be no longer than ½ day, three meetings likely, some preparation work
in terms of reading papers will be required. At this stage I am envisaging that the work should be
wrapped up within 6 months.
Kind regards Natasha
s 47E; s 47F  Kellie-Ann On Behalf Of ESORT.SECRETARIAT
Sent: Thursday, 7 January 2021 10:24 AM
Cc: Cole, Natasha ; s 47E; s 47F Rosa ; ESORT.SECRETARIAT 
Subject: Seeking Information: Multi-Act Claims Working Group Enquiry [SEC=OFFICIAL]
Good Morning Natasha,
The below email from the s 47G
), is seeking additional
information to circulate to experienced advocates.
Can we please have the following information by 10am, Friday 8 January 2021;
1. Scope of the working group/ What is the expected outcome
2. Background into the Multi-Act claims
3. What are the advocates required to do?
4. Amount of time participants need to invest into the working group. E.G. how long will each
working group go for.
Kind regards
Kellie-Ann s 47E; s 47F
Secretariat Support Officer
Governance and Ministerial Events Section l Parliamentary & Governance Branch
Department of Veterans' Affairs
 s 47E; s 47F E: Kellie-Ann      
s 47E; s 47F
The department acknowledges the traditional owners of the land throughout Australia and their
continuing connection to country, sea and community. We pay our respect to all Aboriginal and Torres Strait
Islander peoples, their cultures and to their elders past and present.
From: s 47F
 <s 47F

Sent: Thursday, 7 January 2021 9:54 AM
To: s 47E; s 47FKellie-Ann <Kellie-Ann s 47E; s>
Cc:   s 47F
 <s 47F
Subject: Nomination of Participants - Working Group - Multi-Act claims [TO BE CLASSIFIED]
Good morning Kellie-Ann
Thank you for your email requesting nominations for experienced advocates to become
members of DVA’s Multi-Act claims working group.
We would like to circulate the information to all our advocates, however, anticipating a request
for further information about the scope of the project from them, is there any further
background we can provide to our people regarding this Multi-Act claims working group. It is
somewhat vague in what the advocates will be required to do, what the expected outcomes will
be, how long the process will take and the amount of time the advocates will need to devote to
the project.
I am sure our advocates would like the opportunity to participate and contribute to the project
but would also appreciate what is involved.
I look forward to your early reply so we can still meet the 19th January 2021 deadline.
Thanks and regards,
s 47F, s 47G

s 47F
Re: Nomination of Participants - Working Group - Multi-Act claims [TO BE CLASSIFIED] [SEC=OFFICIAL]
Friday, 8 January 2021 6:03:38 PM
Thank you Kellie-Ann.
I am sure we will have a number of well qualified advocates who would like to
I will pass on your reply to our teams and await their responses.
Thanks and regards,
s 47F, s 47G
On 2021-01-07 10:20, ESORT.SECRETARIAT wrote:
Good afternoon s 47F
Thank you for your email re additional information on the Multi-Act claims working group.
We have been in contacted with the relevant business area and have received the following
-          We believe the working group will look to see how advocates and the Department can
work best together in terms of multi-act claims.
-          Multi-Act claims are currently claims which generally take much longer to do because
they require an experienced delegate to do well.
-          The advocates will be asked to contribute to discussions on processing issues and
potentially any policy issues, with a view that this may result in some
recommendations for consideration by either the Department or ESORT or both,
depending on the nature of any recommendations.
-          The meetings are likely to be no longer than ½ day, three meetings likely, some
preparation work in terms of reading papers will be required.  At this stage I am
envisaging that the work should be wrapped up within 6 months.

Please feel free to contact us if you have any questions.
Kind regards
Kellie-Ann s 47E; s 47F
Secretariat Support Officer
Governance and Ministerial Events Section l Parliamentary & Governance Branch
Department of Veterans' Affairs
Ph: +61 s 47E; s 47F Ext: s 47E; s 47F E: Kellie-Ann s 47E; s
The department acknowledges the traditional owners of the land throughout Australia and their
continuing connection to country, sea and community. We pay our respect to all Aboriginal and Torres Strait
Islander peoples, their cultures and to their elders past and present.
From: s 47F
 <s 47F
Sent: Thursday, 7 January 2021 9:54 AM
To: s 47E; s 47F Kellie-Ann <Kellie-Ann.s 47E; s>
Cc:   s 47F
 <s 47F
Subject: Nomination of Participants - Working Group - Multi-Act claims [TO BE CLASSIFIED]
Good morning Kellie-Ann
Thank you for your email requesting nominations for experienced advocates to become
members of DVA’s Multi-Act claims working group.
We would like to circulate the information to all our advocates, however, anticipating a
request for further information about the scope of the project from them, is there any further
background we can provide to our people regarding this Multi-Act claims working group. It is
somewhat vague in what the advocates will be required to do, what the expected outcomes
will be, how long the process will take and the amount of time the advocates will need to
devote to the project.
I am sure our advocates would like the opportunity to participate and contribute to the project
but would also appreciate what is involved.
I look forward to your early reply so we can still meet the 19th January 2021 deadline.
Thanks and regards,

s 47F, s 47G
1. Before opening any attachments, please check for viruses. 
2. This e-mail (including any attachments) may contain confidential information 
for the intended recipient. If you are not the intended recipient, 
please contact the sender and delete all copies of this email. 
3. Any views expressed in this e-mail are those of the sender and are not 
a statement of Australian Government Policy unless otherwise stated. 
4. Electronic addresses published in this email are not conspicuous publications and
DVA does not consent to the receipt of commercial electronic messages. 
5. To unsubscribe from emails from the Department of Veterans' Affairs (DVA) please
go to
, and advise which mailing list you would like to unsubscribe from. 
6. Finally, please do not remove this notice.

s 47F
RE: Nomination of Participants - Working Group - Multi-Act claims [TO BE CLASSIFIED] [SEC=OFFICIAL]
Tuesday, 12 January 2021 10:19:50 AM
Thanks again Kellie-Ann. Much appreciated.
s 47F
From: s 47E; s 47F Kellie-Ann <Kellie-Ann s 47E; s> On Behalf Of ESORT.SECRETARIAT
Sent: Tuesday, 12 January 2021 10:10 AM
To: s 47F
 <s 47F
Subject: RE: Nomination of Participants - Working Group - Multi-Act claims [TO BE CLASSIFIED]
Good morning s 47F
Thank you for your enquiry. At this stage of the process if you could send through to the ESORT
secretariat the nominees;
Full name
Years/months of experience
And whether they are currently working in the field
We will then collate this information for the chair to make a decision.
Thank you
Kind regards
Kellie-Ann s 47E; s 47F
Secretariat Support Officer
Governance and Ministerial Events Section l Parliamentary & Governance Branch
Department of Veterans' Affairs
Ph: +61 
 E: Kellie-Ann s 47E; s 47F
s 47E; s 47F
s 47E; s 47F
The department acknowledges the traditional owners of the land throughout Australia and their
continuing connection to country, sea and community. We pay our respect to all Aboriginal and Torres Strait
Islander peoples, their cultures and to their elders past and present.
From: s 47F
 <s 47F

Sent: Tuesday, 12 January 2021 9:37 AM
Subject: RE: Nomination of Participants - Working Group - Multi-Act claims [TO BE CLASSIFIED]
Good morning Kellie-Ann,
Sorry to trouble you again but what information, if any, does the DVA Review Team need to
assess our nominated Advocates? Are names sufficient?
s 47F, s 47G
From: s 47E; s 47F Kellie-Ann <Kellie-Ann s 47E; s> On Behalf Of ESORT.SECRETARIAT
Sent: Thursday, 7 January 2021 1:20 PM
To: s 47F
' <s 47F
Cc:   s 47F
 <s 47F
Subject: RE: Nomination of Participants - Working Group - Multi-Act claims [TO BE CLASSIFIED]
Good afternoon s 47F
Thank you for your email re additional information on the Multi-Act claims working group.
We have been in contacted with the relevant business area and have received the following
We believe the working group will look to see how advocates and the Department can
work best together in terms of multi-act claims.
Multi-Act claims are currently claims which generally take much longer to do because they
require an experienced delegate to do well.
The advocates will be asked to contribute to discussions on processing issues and
potentially any policy issues, with a view that this may result in some recommendations
for consideration by either the Department or ESORT or both, depending on the nature of
any recommendations.
The meetings are likely to be no longer than ½ day, three meetings likely, some

preparation work in terms of reading papers will be required.  At this stage I am
envisaging that the work should be wrapped up within 6 months.
Please feel free to contact us if you have any questions.
Kind regards
Kellie-Ann s 47E; s 47F
Secretariat Support Officer
Governance and Ministerial Events Section l Parliamentary & Governance Branch
Department of Veterans' Affairs
Ph: +61 s 47E; s 47F Ext: s 47E; s 47F E: Kellie-Ann s 47E; s
The department acknowledges the traditional owners of the land throughout Australia and their
continuing connection to country, sea and community. We pay our respect to all Aboriginal and Torres Strait
Islander peoples, their cultures and to their elders past and present.
From: s 47F
 <s 47F
Sent: Thursday, 7 January 2021 9:54 AM
To: s 47E; s 47F Kellie-Ann <Kellie-Ann s 47E; s>
Cc:   s 47F
 <s 47F
Subject: Nomination of Participants - Working Group - Multi-Act claims [TO BE CLASSIFIED]
Good morning Kellie-Ann
Thank you for your email requesting nominations for experienced advocates to become
members of DVA’s Multi-Act claims working group.
We would like to circulate the information to all our advocates, however, anticipating a request
for further information about the scope of the project from them, is there any further
background we can provide to our people regarding this Multi-Act claims working group. It is
somewhat vague in what the advocates will be required to do, what the expected outcomes will
be, how long the process will take and the amount of time the advocates will need to devote to
the project.
I am sure our advocates would like the opportunity to participate and contribute to the project
but would also appreciate what is involved.
I look forward to your early reply so we can still meet the 19th January 2021 deadline.
Thanks and regards,

s 47F, s 47G
1. Before opening any attachments, please check for viruses. 
2. This e-mail (including any attachments) may contain confidential information 
for the intended recipient. If you are not the intended recipient, 
please contact the sender and delete all copies of this email. 
3. Any views expressed in this e-mail are those of the sender and are not 
a statement of Australian Government Policy unless otherwise stated. 
4. Electronic addresses published in this email are not conspicuous publications and DVA does
not consent to the receipt of commercial electronic messages. 
5. To unsubscribe from emails from the Department of Veterans' Affairs (DVA) please go to
, and advise which mailing list you would like to unsubscribe from. 
6. Finally, please do not remove this notice.
1. Before opening any attachments, please check for viruses. 
2. This e-mail (including any attachments) may contain confidential information 
for the intended recipient. If you are not the intended recipient, 
please contact the sender and delete all copies of this email. 
3. Any views expressed in this e-mail are those of the sender and are not 
a statement of Australian Government Policy unless otherwise stated. 
4. Electronic addresses published in this email are not conspicuous publications and DVA does
not consent to the receipt of commercial electronic messages. 
5. To unsubscribe from emails from the Department of Veterans' Affairs (DVA) please go to
, and advise which mailing list you would like to unsubscribe from. 
6. Finally, please do not remove this notice.

s 47E; s 47F  Kellie-Ann on behalf of ESORT.SECRETARIAT
s 47F
RE: Nomination of Participants - Working Group - Multi-Act claims [SEC=OFFICIAL]
Tuesday, 12 January 2021 1:04:01 PM
Good afternoon s 47F
Thank you for your nomination.
We will be in contact after the chair has reviewed all nominations.
Thank you
Kind regards
Kellie-Ann s 47E; s 47F
Secretariat Support Officer
Governance and Ministerial Events Section l Parliamentary & Governance Branch
Department of Veterans' Affairs
Ph: +61 
 E: Kellie-Ann s 47E; s 47F
s 47E; s 47F
s 47E; s 47F
The department acknowledges the traditional owners of the land throughout Australia and their
continuing connection to country, sea and community. We pay our respect to all Aboriginal and Torres Strait
Islander peoples, their cultures and to their elders past and present.
From: s 47F  <s 47F
Sent: Tuesday, 12 January 2021 12:52 PM
Cc: s 47F
 <s 47F
 s 47F
Subject: Nomination of Participants - Working Group - Multi-Act claims [SEC=OFFICIAL]
Ms Kellie-Ann s 47E; s 47F
1.            I would like to nominate to be part of the Working Group – Multi-Act Claims. I am a
practising TIP trained Level 4 advocate and ATDP Level 3 qualified.
s 47F

s 47F

s 47E; s 
s 4 s 47F
RE: Nomination of Participants - Working Group - Multi-Act claims [SEC=OFFICIAL]
Tuesday, 19 January 2021 12:13:11 PM
Hi s 47F
Thank you for the update, I will send through s 47F
 as the nominated representative for s 47F
Kind regards
Kellie-Ann s 47E; s 4
Secretariat Support Officer
Governance and Ministerial Events Section l Parliamentary & Governance Branch
Department of Veterans' Affairs
Ph: +61 s 47E; s 47F  Ext:s 47E; s 4 E: Kellie-Anns 47E; s 47F dva gov au
cid:image005 jpg@01D4E89D.D40F9ED0
The department acknowledges the traditional owners of the land throughout Australia and their continuing connection to country, sea and community  We pay our respect to all Aboriginal
and Torres Strait Islander peoples, their cultures and to their elders past and present
From  s 47F
Sent: Tuesday, 19 January 2021 12:09 PM
Subject: Re: Nomination of Participants - Working Group - Multi-Act claims [SEC=OFFICIAL]
Hello Kellie-Ann,
My erstwhile President, s 47F , has had a change of mind re his previous nomination of s 47F
 nominee to participate on the Multi-Act
Claims Working Group. His email to you dated 6 January 2021 refers. s 47F  is already nominated for the Advocacy Working Group.
Instead of s 47F
would like to nominate s 47F
 as thes 47F  representative to the Multi-Act Claims Working Group. The reason for his nomination
is that s 47F  is not only a better fit for the task at hand but is Canberra based and could participate much more actively in discussions and/or deliberations.
He is highly qualified and massively experienced, having performed MRCA, VEA, SRCS/DRCA and Workers Compensation Advocacy work around Canberra for
the last 35 years. More recently he has concentrated his work to Advocating on behalf of younger veterans and those transitioning from the ADF.
s 47F Advocacy background is articulated in more detail in the attached. His contact details are as follows:
Mobile: s 47F
Email: s 47F
Residential Address: s 47F
Best Regards
s 47F
 s 47F
Executive Director
s 47F
Phone  s 47F
   |   Mobile  s 47F
PO Box 4166   KINGSTON  ACT   2604
From: "
 Kellie-Ann" <
s 47E; s 47F
Kellie-Anns 47E; s 47F dva gov au> on behalf of "ESORT SECRETARIAT" <ESORT SECRETARIAT@dva gov au>
Date: Monday, 18 January 2021 at 9:31 am
To: DFWA National Office <national@dfwa org au>, 'Carl Schiller' <natpres@raafa org au>, 'Carl Schiller' <s 47F
 Russell Pettis FIAM
<nationalpresident@navalassoc org au>, 'Greg Melick' <s 47F
 s 47F
 <s 47F
 'John King'
<president@actrsl org au>, National President <president@dfwa org au>, Robyn Richie <convenor@dfa org au>, Max Ball <s 47F
Ball (president@vvaa org au) <president@vvaa org au>'" s 47F
 Von Berg
<s 47F
 Pat McCabe <president@tpifed org au>, 'Paul Irving' <s 47F
  Peter Fitzpatrick, AM"
<ps 47F
u>, 'Rhondda Vanzella' <s 47F
 'Richard Cranna' <office@legacy com au>, "'Richard Cranna
(rick cranna@legacy com au) <rick cranna@legacy com au>'" <IMCEAINVALID-
+27Richard+20Cranna+20+28rick+2Ecranna+40legacy+2Ecom+2Eau+29+20+3Crick+2Ecranna+40legacy+2Ecom+2Eau+3E+27@DVASTAFF dva gov au>,
'Rob Woods' <presidentappva@peacekeepers asn au>, 'RSL Jan Ormerod' <jan ormerod@rsl org au>, Bill Roberts <billr@vvfagranville org>
Subject: Nomination of Participants - Working Group - Multi-Act claims [SEC=OFFICIAL]
Good morning ESORT members,
Thank you to those who have nominated advocates to become members of DVA’s Multi-Act claims working group
This is a reminder to those who haven’t put forward a nomination  If you would like to nominate an advocate to be considered for this working group please
reply to this email no later the COB tomorrow Tuesday 19 January 2021
Working group nominees
-          Must be advocates currently working in the field, with minimum 6 months experience

Thank you
Kind regards
Kellie-Ann s 47E; s 4
ort Officer
Governance and Ministerial Events Section l Parliamentary & Governance Branch
Department of Veterans' Affairs
Ph: +61 s 47E; s 47F  Ext: s 47E; s 4 E: Kellie-Anns 47E; s 47F dva gov au
cid:image005 jpg@01D4E89D D40F9ED0
s 47E; s 47F
Sent: Tuesday, 5 January 2021 1:54 PM
To: Alf ; Carl Schiller ; Carl Schiller ; David Manolas ; Greg Melick ; s 47F
 ; John King ; Kel Ryan ; Maree Sirois ; Max Ball ; Max Ball
(president@vvaa org au) ; Michael von Berg ; Pat McCabe ; Paul Irving ; Peter Fitzpatrick ; Rhondda Vanzella ; Richard Cranna ; Richard Cranna
(rick cranna@legacy com au) ; Rob Woods ; RSL Jan Ormerod ; William Roberts 
Subject: Nomination of Participants - Working Group - Multi-Act claims [SEC=OFFICIAL]
Good afternoon ESORT members,
We are seeking nominations for experienced advocates to become members of DVA’s Multi-Act claims working group
At the last ESORT meeting on 26 November 2020, action item 2020/0049 arose, ‘ESORT Secretariat to seek, from ESORT members, nominations for
advocates with appropriate experience to assist DVA to define and refine processes for determination of multi-Act Claims.’
Grateful for your nomination to be received by ESORT Secretariat, no later than COB Tuesday 19 January 2021  The working group will be capped at 5
Working group nominees
Must be advocates currently working in the field, with minimum 6 months experience.
Thank you
ESORT Secretariat
Kind regards
Kellie-Ann s 47E; s 4
Secretariat Support Officer
Governance and Ministerial Events Section l Parliamentary & Governance Branch
Department of Veterans' Affairs
Ph: +61 s 47E; s 47F  Ext: s 47E; s 4 E: Kellie-Anns 47E; s 47F dva gov au
cid:image005 jpg@01D4E89D D40F9ED0
The department acknowledges the traditional owners of the land throughout Australia and their continuing connection to country, sea and community  We pay our respect to all Aboriginal
and Torres Strait Islander peoples, their cultures and to their elders past and present

s 47F
Contact Details 
Mobile: s 47F
Email: s 47F

s 47F
Re: Nomination of Participants - Working Group - Multi-Act claims [SEC=OFFICIAL]
Wednesday, 20 January 2021 10:19:57 AM
Good morning Girls
Sorry to mess you around when you are so busy trying to get all the working groups
together. I would like to nominate s 47F
 for the Multi-Act Claims working group
who’s email is     s 47F
 and her telephone no is s 47F
Thanks again for you patience 
Cheers s 47F
s 47F, s 47G
On 20 Jan 2021, at 9:45 am, ESORT.SECRETARIAT
<> wrote:
Good morning s 47F
Thank you for the chat yesterday.
I am following up from our conversation, in regards to a nomination for the Multi-
Act claims working.
Are you able to reply to this email by 12 pm today, if you would like to nominate
someone to be put forward for this working group.
Thank you
Kind regards
Kellie-Ann s 47E; s 47F
Secretariat Support Officer
Governance and Ministerial Events Section l Parliamentary & Governance Branch
Department of Veterans' Affairs
Ph: +61 
 E: Kellie-Ann s 47E; s 47F
s 47E; s 47F
s 47E; s 47F
<image002.png>The department acknowledges the traditional owners of the land
throughout Australia and their continuing connection to country, sea and community. We
pay our respect to all Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples, their cultures and to
their elders past and present.


From: s 47E; s 47F Kellie-Ann <Kellie-Ann.s 47E; s> On Behalf Of
Sent: Tuesday, 5 January 2021 1:54 PM

To: Alf <>; Carl Schiller <>; Carl Schiller
s 47F
 David Manolas <>;
Greg Melick <s 47F
 s 47F
<s 47F
 John King <>; Kel Ryan
<>; Maree Sirois <>; Max Ball
s 47F
 Max Ball (
<>; Michael von Berg <s 47F
McCabe <>; Paul Irving <s 47F
Fitzpatrick <s 47F
>; Rhondda Vanzella
<s 47F
 Richard Cranna <>; Richard
Cranna ( <>; Rob Woods
<>; RSL Jan Ormerod
<>; William Roberts <>

Subject: Nomination of Participants - Working Group - Multi-Act claims
Good afternoon ESORT members,
We are seeking nominations for experienced advocates to become members of
DVA’s Multi-Act claims working group.
At the last ESORT meeting on 26 November 2020, action item 2020/0049 arose,
‘ESORT Secretariat to seek, from ESORT members, nominations for advocates with
appropriate experience to assist DVA to define and refine processes for
determination of multi-Act Claims.’.
Grateful for your nomination to be received by ESORT Secretariat, no later than

COB Tuesday 19 January 2021.   The working group will be capped at 5
Working group nominees;

·       Must be advocates currently working in the field, with minimum 6 months
Thank you 
ESORT Secretariat
Kind regards
s 47E; s 47F
Secretariat Support Officer
Governance and Ministerial Events Section l Parliamentary & Governance Branch
Department of Veterans' Affairs

 E: Kellie-Ann.s 47E; s 47F
s 47E; s 47F
s 47E; s 47F

<image002.png>The department acknowledges the traditional owners of the land
throughout Australia and their continuing connection to country, sea and community. We
pay our respect to all Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples, their cultures and to
their elders past and present.

1. Before opening any attachments, please check for viruses. 
2. This e-mail (including any attachments) may contain confidential information 
for the intended recipient. If you are not the intended recipient, 
please contact the sender and delete all copies of this email. 
3. Any views expressed in this e-mail are those of the sender and are not 
a statement of Australian Government Policy unless otherwise stated. 
4. Electronic addresses published in this email are not conspicuous publications and DVA does
not consent to the receipt of commercial electronic messages. 
5. To unsubscribe from emails from the Department of Veterans' Affairs (DVA) please go to
, and advise which mailing list you would like to unsubscribe from.  
6. Finally, please do not remove this notice.

s 47E; s 
RE: TPI FED: Nomination of Participants - Working Group - Multi-Act claims [SEC=OFFICIAL]
Thursday, 21 January 2021 1:06:15 PM
s 47E
s 47F
From: s 47E; s 47F Tamsen <Tamsens 47E; s 47F> On Behalf Of ESORT SECRETARIAT
Sent: Thursday, 21 January 2021 12:21 PM
 Maureen <Maureen
s 47E; s 47
s 47E; s 47F>
Subject: TPI FED: Nomination of Participants - Working Group - Multi-Act claims [SEC=OFFICIAL]
Hi Maureen,
s 47E
Kind regards
Tamsen s 47E; s 47F
Senior Secretariat Officer a/g
Governance & Ministerial Events Section | Parliamentary & Governance Branch
Commemorations, Communications and Parliamentary Division
s 47E; s 47F  Ext s 47E; s 47F  tamsens 47E; s 47F dva gov au
cid:image005 jpg@01D4E89D.D40F9ED0
From: s 47F
 - s 47F
 <s 47F
Sent: Thursday, 21 January 2021 12:00 PM
Subject: RE: Nomination of Participants - Working Group - Multi-Act claims [SEC=OFFICIAL]
I am still trying to find a Claims Officer TPI representative but in the meantime I would like to nominate myself for to represent the s 47F
this Working Group.
Thank you
s 47F
s 47F
 Kellie-Ann <
s 47E; s 47F
Kellie-Anns 47E; s 47F au> On Behalf Of ESORT.SECRETARIAT
Sent: Monday, 18 January 2021 9:32 AM
To: 'Alf' <>; 'Carl Schiller' < au>; 'Carl Schiller' <s 47F
 'David Manolas'
< au>; 'Greg Melick' <s 47F
 's 47F
 <s 47F
 'John King'
<>; 'Kel Ryan' < au>; 'Maree Sirois' < au>; 'Max Ball' <s 47F
'Max Ball ( <>' s 47F
 'Michael von Berg'
<s 47F
 'Pat McCabe' <>; 'Paul Irving' <s 47F
 'Peter Fitzpatrick'
<s 47F
 'Rhondda Vanzella' <s 47F
 'Richard Cranna' <office@legacy>; 'Richard Cranna
(rick <rick.cranna@legacy>' <IMCEAINVALID->;
'Rob Woods' <>; 'RSL Jan Ormerod' <>; 'William Roberts' <>
Subject: Nomination of Participants - Working Group - Multi-Act claims [SEC=OFFICIAL]

Good morning ESORT members,
Thank you to those who have nominated advocates to become members of DVA’s Multi-Act claims working group.
This is a reminder to those who haven’t put forward a nomination. If you would like to nominate an advocate to be considered for this working group
please reply to this email no later the COB tomorrow Tuesday 19 January 2021.
Working group nominees
-          Must be advocates currently working in the field, with minimum 6 months experience
Thank you
Kind regards
Kellie-Ann s 47E; s 47
Secretariat Support Officer
Governance and Ministerial Events Section l Parliamentary & Governance Branch
Department of Veterans' Affairs
Ph: +61s 47E; s 47F  Ext: s 47E; s 47 E: Kellie-Anns 47E; s 47F dva gov au
The department acknowledges the traditional owners of the land throughout Australia and their continuing connection to country, sea and community  We pay our
respect to all Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples, their cultures and to their elders past and present
s 47E; s 47F
Sent: Tuesday, 5 January 2021 1:54 PM
To: Alf ; Carl Schiller ; Carl Schiller ; David Manolas ; Greg Melick ; s 47F
 ; John King ; Kel Ryan ; Maree Sirois ; Max Ball ; Max Ball
( ; Michael von Berg ; Pat McCabe ; Paul Irving ; Peter Fitzpatrick ; Rhondda Vanzella ; Richard Cranna ; Richard Cranna
(rick ; Rob Woods ; RSL Jan Ormerod ; William Roberts 
Subject: Nomination of Participants - Working Group - Multi-Act claims [SEC=OFFICIAL]
Good afternoon ESORT members,
We are seeking nominations for experienced advocates to become members of DVA’s Multi-Act claims working group.
At the last ESORT meeting on 26 November 2020, action item 2020/0049 arose, ‘ESORT Secretariat to seek, from ESORT members, nominations for
advocates with appropriate experience to assist DVA to define and refine processes for determination of multi-Act Claims.’
Grateful for your nomination to be received by ESORT Secretariat, no later than COB Tuesday 19 January 2021. The working group will be capped at
5 representatives.
Working group nominees
Must be advocates currently working in the field, with minimum 6 months experience.
Thank you
ESORT Secretariat
Kind regards
Kellie-Ann s 47E; s 47
ort Officer
Governance and Ministerial Events Section l Parliamentary & Governance Branch
Department of Veterans' Affairs
Ph: +61s 47E; s 47F  Ext: s 47E; s 47 E: Kellie-Anns 47E; s 47F dva gov au
The department acknowledges the traditional owners of the land throughout Australia and their continuing connection to country, sea and community  We pay our
respect to all Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples, their cultures and to their elders past and present
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2. This e-mail (including any attachments) may contain confidential information 
for the intended recipient. If you are not the intended recipient, 

please contact the sender and delete all copies of this email. 
3. Any views expressed in this e-mail are those of the sender and are not 
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4. Electronic addresses published in this email are not conspicuous publications and DVA does not consent to the receipt of commercial electronic
5. To unsubscribe from emails from the Department of Veterans' Affairs (DVA) please go to au/contact us/Pages/feedback.aspx
, and advise which mailing list you would like to unsubscribe from. 
6. Finally, please do not remove this notice.

To: Brown, Luke <>; Benz, Victoria <>
Subject: FW: TPI FED: Nomination of Participants - Working Group - Multi-Act claims
Can you have a look at the nominations and pick out five? Needs a reasonable spread in terms of
the groups and physical locations. Thanks Natasha
From: s 47E; s 47FTamsen <Tamsen s 47E; s> On Behalf Of ESORT.SECRETARIAT
Sent: Thursday, 21 January 2021 1:46 PM
Cc: Cole, Natasha <>; ESORT.SECRETARIAT
Subject: FW: TPI FED: Nomination of Participants - Working Group - Multi-Act claims
Good afternoon CBD,
Please refer to the late nomination from s 47F
 for the Multi-Act claims working group
for your consideration.
I have attached the original nomination email for reference.
Kind regards
Tamsen s 47E; s 47F
Senior Secretariat Officer a/g
Governance & Ministerial Events Section | Parliamentary & Governance Branch
Commemorations, Communications and Parliamentary Division
Ph:  s 47E; s 47F  Ext      
s 47E; s 47F  tamsen  
s 47E; s 47F
From: s 47F
 - s 47F
 <s 47F
Sent: Thursday, 21 January 2021 12:00 PM
Subject: TPI FED: Nomination of Participants - Working Group - Multi-Act claims [SEC=OFFICIAL]
I am still trying to find a Claims Officer s 47F representative but in the meantime I would like to
nominate myself for to represent the s 47F
 on this Working Group.
Thank you
s 47F
s 47F
From:s 47E; s 47F  Kellie-Ann <Kellie-Ann      
s 47E; s 47F> On Behalf Of ESORT.SECRETARIAT
Sent: Monday, 18 January 2021 9:32 AM
To: 'Alf' <>; 'Carl Schiller' <>; 'Carl Schiller'
<s 47F
 'David Manolas' <>; 'Greg Melick'
<s 47F
  s 47F
 <s 47F
 'John King'
<>; 'Kel Ryan' <>; 'Maree Sirois'
<>; 'Max Ball' <s 47F
 'Max Ball (
<>' ; 'Michael von Berg' <s 47F
 'Pat McCabe'
<>; 'Paul Irving' <s 47F
 'Peter Fitzpatrick'

s 47F
>; 'Rhondda Vanzella' <s 47F
Cranna' <>; 'Richard Cranna (
<>' ; 'Rob Woods' <>; 'RSL Jan
Ormerod' <>; 'William Roberts' <>
Subject: Nomination of Participants - Working Group - Multi-Act claims [SEC=OFFICIAL]
Good morning ESORT members,
Thank you to those who have nominated advocates to become members of DVA’s Multi-Act
claims working group.
This is a reminder to those who haven’t put forward a nomination. If you would like to nominate
an advocate to be considered for this working group please reply to this email no later the COB
tomorrow Tuesday 19 January 2021.
Working group nominees;
- Must be advocates currently working in the field, with minimum 6 months experience
Thank you
Kind regards
Kellie-Ann s 47E; s 47F
Secretariat Support Officer
Governance and Ministerial Events Section l Parliamentary & Governance Branch
Department of Veterans' Affairs
Ph: s 47E; s 47F Ext: s 47E; s 47FE: Kellie-Ann      
s 47E; s 47F
The department acknowledges the traditional owners of the land throughout Australia and their
continuing connection to country, sea and community. We pay our respect to all Aboriginal and Torres Strait
Islander peoples, their cultures and to their elders past and present.
From: s 47E; s 47FKellie-Ann On Behalf Of ESORT.SECRETARIAT
Sent: Tuesday, 5 January 2021 1:54 PM
To: Alf ; Carl Schiller ; Carl Schiller ; David Manolas ; Greg Melick ; s 47F
 ; John King ; Kel
Ryan ; Maree Sirois ; Max Ball ; Max Ball ( ; Michael von Berg ; Pat
McCabe ; Paul Irving ; Peter Fitzpatrick ; Rhondda Vanzella ; Richard Cranna ; Richard Cranna
( ; Rob Woods ; RSL Jan Ormerod ; William Roberts 
Subject: Nomination of Participants - Working Group - Multi-Act claims [SEC=OFFICIAL]
Good afternoon ESORT members,
We are seeking nominations for experienced advocates to become members of DVA’s Multi-Act
claims working group.
At the last ESORT meeting on 26 November 2020, action item 2020/0049 arose, ‘ESORT
Secretariat to seek, from ESORT members, nominations for advocates with appropriate
experience to assist DVA to define and refine processes for determination of multi-Act Claims.’
Grateful for your nomination to be received by ESORT Secretariat, no later than COB Tuesday 19
January 2021. The working group will be capped at 5 representatives.
Working group nominees;
Must be advocates currently working in the field, with minimum 6 months experience.
Thank you
ESORT Secretariat

Kind regards
Kellie-Ann s 47E; s 47F
Secretariat Support Officer
Governance and Ministerial Events Section l Parliamentary & Governance Branch
Department of Veterans' Affairs
Ph: +s 47E; s 47F  Ext: s 47E; s 47F E: Kellie-Ann      
s 47E; s 47F
The department acknowledges the traditional owners of the land throughout Australia and their
continuing connection to country, sea and community. We pay our respect to all Aboriginal and Torres Strait
Islander peoples, their cultures and to their elders past and present.
1. Before opening any attachments, please check for viruses. 
2. This e-mail (including any attachments) may contain confidential information 
for the intended recipient. If you are not the intended recipient, 
please contact the sender and delete all copies of this email. 
3. Any views expressed in this e-mail are those of the sender and are not 
a statement of Australian Government Policy unless otherwise stated. 
4. Electronic addresses published in this email are not conspicuous publications and DVA does
not consent to the receipt of commercial electronic messages. 
5. To unsubscribe from emails from the Department of Veterans' Affairs (DVA) please go to
, and advise which mailing list you would like to unsubscribe from. 
6. Finally, please do not remove this notice.

Terms of Reference – ESORT Multi-Act Claims Working Group 
The ESORT Multi-Act Claims Working Group is comprised of DVA staff and individuals representing member 
organisations of the Ex Service Organisation Round Table which  comprises one element of the National 
Consultation Framework (NCF).  The NCF is a comprehensive consultative structure designed to facilitate 
communication between the veteran and ex-service community, the Repatriation and Military 
Rehabilitation and Compensation Commissions, and the Department of Veterans’ Affairs (DVA). The 
creation and operation of the ESORT Multi-Act Claims Working Group is consistent with the aims of the 
The legislation governing DVA’s compensation arrangements is complex and claims for compensation can 
often cross two or three different Acts, adding a layer of complexity for Delegates, Advocates and Veterans. 
This complexity has the potential to increase the time taken to process claims (TTTP), increase the number 
of internal reviews and appeals related to the claim and adds to the departmental cost burden of training 
and retaining delegates with the requisite knowledge to process such claims accurately and efficiently. 
These factors are particularly relevant in an environment where DVA is experiencing unprecedented growth 
in claim numbers. Currently up to 70% of contemporary claims may require consideration across multiple 
The purpose of the ESORT Multi-Act Claims Working Group is to provide advice on particular issues and 
difficulties presented by Multi-Act compensation claims and to make recommendations for improvements 
in  the claims  processing  and legislative landscapes  that will ultimately result in the simplification and 
enhancement of the compensation claims process for Veterans, Advocates and Delegates. 
In summary, recommendations from the working group should identify opportunities for improvement in 
DVA’s operational policy and the legislation governing such policy to promote quality and accountability in 
service delivery.  The overarching themes  to be considered by the group in relation to  Multi-Act  claims 
should be accuracy, consistency, increased understanding and higher degrees  of user-friendliness  with 
regard to the submission and treatment of these claims. 
•  Identify key “touch points” and bottlenecks in the claims process regarding the Processing of Multi-
Act claims 
•  Identify opportunities and make recommendations regarding the alignment of all claims submission 
channels. Ultimately online claims lodgement mechanisms (in particular MyService) should mirror 
paper based channels in content, appearance, intent and implication. Legal considerations (such as 
validity of claims and authority to consider under different Acts  etc.) should underpin 
recommendations relating to this area. 
•  Explore the viability of claims allocation being undertaken on the basis of enlistment and discharge 
dates, rather than based on a combination of claiming channel and Acts. Claims could be allocated 
into three queues increasing in potential claims complexity, 
Claims lodged by veterans who enlisted on or after 1 July 2004. (Covered only under 
MRCA). This queue could include simple claims that fall within ‘decision ready’ protocols 
and more complex claims involving multiple conditions. 
The second queue would be for those who discharged before 1 July 2004, with potential 
dual eligibility under the VEA and the DRCA. 
1 of 4 

The third queue would be for those claimants with service that spans 1 July 2004, who have 
possible coverage under three Acts. 
•  Provide advice from an advocate and delegate perspective on the adequacy of guidance material 
regarding MRCA transitional provisions. Make specific recommendations for improvements where 
The Chair of the ESORT Multi-Act Claims Working Group  will be  Clients’  benefits division First Assistant 
Secretary Ms. Natasha Cole 
Members of the ESORT Multi-Act Claims Working Group will be the fol owing persons representing their 
respective organisations: 
s 47F, s 47G
Member roles and responsibilities 
Members are expected to be available for face-to-face or videoconference meetings.  If a member is 
unable to attend three consecutive meetings, the ESORT Multi-Act Claims Working Group Chair may 
exercise the right to review that organisation’s membership on the forum. 
Due to the specificity and complexity of material for discussion, members will not be represented by 
proxies in the event that the member cannot attend a given meeting 
Members are expected to prepare for meetings by ensuring familiarity with the agenda topics and 
background papers if available. 
Members will ensure qualified representation of the organisational position, policies and programs 
to enable informed and non-speculative discourse. 
Members are encouraged to raise any matter of concern, no matter how controversial the particular 
matter may be, and for it to be addressed at the forum. Members may also take the opportunity, 
where appropriate, to consult directly with the DVA Executive on sensitive matters. 
Where a forum member becomes aware of behaviour of another member that is contrary to that 
expected of members, the member may raise the matter at the next meeting to be discussed by the 
entire membership and the most appropriate course of action wil  be determined by the forum 
Members are expected to observe ‘Chatham House’ rules and the confidentiality of sensitive 
discussions during a forum meeting. 
Members must disclose or take reasonable steps to avoid any conflict of interest (real or apparent) in 
connection with their appointment to or attendance at ESORT Multi-Act Claims Working Group 
There is a mutual obligation on working group members and the organisations they represent to 
make every effort to disseminate outcomes and relevant information arising from ESORT Multi-Act 
Claims Working Group meetings to their membership and the broader ex-service community in a 
timely manner. 
2 of 4 

Departmental roles and responsibilities 
In  accordance with the NCF National Communication Protocol, DVA will provide communication 
products which capture meeting outcomes and related information and make these available to 
working group members  through appropriately accessible communication channels in a timely 
DVA will ensure timely notification of scheduled meetings. 
DVA  will provide meeting papers electronically and no less than five days prior to the scheduled 
meeting and distribute minutes within four weeks of a meeting. 
DVA will provide a safe working environment in accordance with the Work Health and Safety Act 
(2011) provisions. 
Recognition of other key stakeholders 
The ESORT Multi-Act Claims Working Group will have the flexibility to invite additional participants to the 
areas of focus or specific agenda items.  This can include (but is not limited to) representation from the 
fol owing recognised stakeholder groups, which are important contributors to and influencers of the 
provision of support and services to the veteran and ex-service community landscape now and have an 
anticipated role in the future. 
Commonwealth government: Department of Health; Department of Defence; Department of Social 
Services;  Australian Tax Office; Comsuper; Centrelink; Department of Education  and Training; 
Department of Employment and Workplace Relations; Australian Federal Police; and the Australian 
War Memorial. 
State and territory: Health departments. 
Emerging veteran support organisations, such as the respective Welfare Trusts. 
Industry: Health service providers, and tertiary institutions. 
3 of 4 

As deemed appropriate by the Chair and assessed on a case-by-case basis, matters may be referred from 
the ESORT Multi-Act Claims Working Group to other consultative bodies to which DVA contributes and that 
exist outside the National Consultation Framework. 
The organisational membership and terms of reference for this group will be reviewed annually. 
4 of 4 

s 47C

s 47C

s 47C

s 47C

s 47C

s 47C

s 47C

s 47E; s 47F  Leesa on behalf of ESORT.SECRETARIAT
s 47F
FW: Nomination of Participants - Working Group - Multi-Act claims [SEC=OFFICIAL]
Friday, 22 January 2021 3:48:02 PM
Good afternoon s 47F
Thank you for your nomination to be a part of the Multi-Act Claims Working Group.
Your nomination to participate in the Multi-Act Claims Working Group has been accepted.
Further details will be provided shortly regarding meeting information including dates, time and
With kind regards
Leesa s 47E; s 47F
Senior Secretariat Officer
Governance and Ministerial Events Section | Parliamentary and Governance Branch
Commemorations, Communications and Parliamentary Division
Ph: (s 47E    
s 47E; s 47F  | Ext:s 47E; s 47F | leesa.s 47E; s
Please note I work part-time (Monday to Thursday remotely).
s 47G
 Office <Office@s> 
Sent: Tuesday, 5 January 2021 2:36 PM
Subject: RE: Nomination of Participants - Working Group - Multi-Act claims [SEC=OFFICIAL]
Good afternoon and Happy New Year.
Following a conversation with the Chairman and also s 47F
, s 47G would like to
nominate s 47F
 to the Working Group Multi Act Claims.  s 47F is a working advocate
for many years.
Kind regards
s 47F, s 47G

s 47F, s 47G
From: s 47E; s 47F Kellie-Ann <Kellie-Ann.s 47E; s> On Behalf Of ESORT.SECRETARIAT
Sent: Tuesday, 5 January 2021 1:54 PM
Subject: Nomination of Participants - Working Group - Multi-Act claims [SEC=OFFICIAL]
Good afternoon ESORT members,
We are seeking nominations for experienced advocates to become members of DVA’s Multi-Act
claims working group.
At the last ESORT meeting on 26 November 2020, action item 2020/0049 arose, ‘ESORT Secretariat to
seek, from ESORT members, nominations for advocates with appropriate experience to assist DVA to
define and refine processes for determination of multi-Act Claims.’
Grateful for your nomination to be received by ESORT Secretariat, no later than COB Tuesday 19
January 2021.   The working group will be capped at 5 representatives.
Working group nominees;
Must be advocates currently working in the field, with minimum 6 months experience.
Thank you
ESORT Secretariat
Kind regards
Kellie-Ann s 47E; s 47F
Secretariat Support Officer
Governance and Ministerial Events Section l Parliamentary & Governance Branch
Department of Veterans' Affairs
Ph: +61 
 E: Kellie-Ann s 47E; s 47F
s 47E; s 47F
s 47E; s 47F

The department acknowledges the traditional owners of the land throughout Australia and their continuing
connection to country, sea and community. We pay our respect to all Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples,
their cultures and to their elders past and present.
1. Before opening any attachments, please check for viruses. 
2. This e-mail (including any attachments) may contain confidential information 
for the intended recipient. If you are not the intended recipient, 
please contact the sender and delete all copies of this email. 
3. Any views expressed in this e-mail are those of the sender and are not 
a statement of Australian Government Policy unless otherwise stated. 
4. Electronic addresses published in this email are not conspicuous publications and DVA does not
consent to the receipt of commercial electronic messages. 
5. To unsubscribe from emails from the Department of Veterans' Affairs (DVA) please go to us/Pages/feedback.aspx
, and advise which mailing list you would like to unsubscribe from. 
6. Finally, please do not remove this notice.

s 47E; s 47
s 47F
FW: Nomination of Participants - Working Group - Multi-Act claims [SEC=OFFICIAL]
Friday, 22 January 2021 3:54:01 PM
Good afternoon s 47F
Thank you for your nomination to be a part of the Multi-Act Claims Working Group.
Your nomination to participate in the Multi-Act Claims Working Group has been accepted.
Further details will be provided shortly regarding meeting information including dates, time and platform.
With kind regards
Leesa s 47E; s 47F
Senior Secretariat Officer
Governance and Ministerial Events Section | Parliamentary and Governance Branch
Commemorations, Communications and Parliamentary Division
Ph: (s 47E    
s 47E; s 47F  | Ext
s 47E; s 47F
leesas 47E; s 47F dva gov au
cid:image003 jpg@01D68217 625CDCC0
Please note I work part-time (Monday to Thursday remotely).
 Kellie-Ann <Kellie-Ann
s 47E; s 47
s 47E; s 47F dva gov au> On Behalf Of ESORT SECRETARIAT
Sent: Tuesday, 19 January 2021 12:13 PM
To: s 47F
Subject: RE: Nomination of Participants - Working Group - Multi-Act claims [SEC=OFFICIAL]
Hi s 47F
Thank you for the update, I will send through s 47F
 as the nominated representative for s 47F
Kind regards
Kellie-Ann s 47E; s 4
ort Officer
Governance and Ministerial Events Section l Parliamentary & Governance Branch
Department of Veterans' Affairs
Ph: +61 
 E: Kellie-Anns 47E; s 47F
s 47E; s 47F
s 47E; s 4
dva gov au
cid:image005 jpg@01D4E89D.D40F9ED0
The department acknowledges the traditional owners of the land throughout Australia and their continuing connection to country, sea and community  We pay our respect to all Aboriginal
and Torres Strait Islander peoples, their cultures and to their elders past and present
From  s 47F
Sent: Tuesday, 19 January 2021 12:09 PM
Subject: Re: Nomination of Participants - Working Group - Multi-Act claims [SEC=OFFICIAL]
Hello Kellie-Ann,
My erstwhile Presidents 47F , has had a change of mind re his previous nomination o s 47F
 nominee to participate on the Multi-Act
Claims Working Group. His email to you dated 6 January 2021 referss 47F  is already nominated for the Advocacy Working Group.
Instead of s 47F  would like to nominate s 47F
 as the s 47F  representative to the Multi-Act Claims Working Group. The reason for his nomination
is that s 47F  is not only a better fit for the task at hand but is Canberra based and could participate much more actively in discussions and/or deliberations.
He is highly qualified and massively experienced, having performed MRCA, VEA, SRCS/DRCA and Workers Compensation Advocacy work around Canberra for
the last 35 years. More recently he has concentrated his work to Advocating on behalf of younger veterans and those transitioning from the ADF.
s 47F Advocacy background is articulated in more detail in the attached. His contact details are as follows:
Mobile: s 47F
Email: s 47F
Residential Address: s 47F
Best Regards

s 47F, s 47G
From: "
 Kellie-Ann" <
s 47E; s 47F
Kellie-Anns 47E; s 47F dva gov au> on behalf of "ESORT SECRETARIAT" <ESORT SECRETARIAT@dva gov au>
Date: Monday, 18 January 2021 at 9:31 am
To: DFWA National Office <national@dfwa org au>, 'Carl Schiller' <natpres@raafa org au>, 'Carl Schiller' <s 47F
 Russell Pettis FIAM
<nationalpresident@navalassoc org au>, 'Greg Melick' <s 47F
 s 47F
 <s 47F
 'John King'
<president@actrsl org au>, National President <president@dfwa org au>, Robyn Richie <convenor@dfa org au>, Max Ball s 47F
>, "'Max
Ball (president@vvaa org au) <president@vvaa org au>'" s 47F
 Von Berg
<s 47F
 Pat McCabe <president@tpifed org au>, 'Paul Irving' <s 47F
  Peter Fitzpatrick, AM"
<s 47F
>, 'Rhondda Vanzella' <s 47F
 'Richard Cranna' <office@legacy com au>, "'Richard Cranna
(rick cranna@legacy com au) <rick cranna@legacy com au>'" <IMCEAINVALID-
+27Richard+20Cranna+20+28rick+2Ecranna+40legacy+2Ecom+2Eau+29+20+3Crick+2Ecranna+40legacy+2Ecom+2Eau+3E+27@DVASTAFF dva gov au>,
'Rob Woods' <presidentappva@peacekeepers asn au>, 'RSL Jan Ormerod' <jan ormerod@rsl org au>, Bill Roberts <billr@vvfagranville org>
Subject: Nomination of Participants - Working Group - Multi-Act claims [SEC=OFFICIAL]
Good morning ESORT members,
Thank you to those who have nominated advocates to become members of DVA’s Multi-Act claims working group
This is a reminder to those who haven’t put forward a nomination  If you would like to nominate an advocate to be considered for this working group please
reply to this email no later the COB tomorrow Tuesday 19 January 2021
Working group nominees
-          Must be advocates currently working in the field, with minimum 6 months experience
Thank you
Kind regards
Kellie-Ann s 47E; s 4
Secretariat Support Officer
Governance and Ministerial Events Section l Parliamentary & Governance Branch
Department of Veterans' Affairs
Ph: +61 s 47E; s 47F  Ext: s 47E; s 4 E: Kellie-Anns 47E; s 47F dva gov au
cid:image005 jpg@01D4E89D D40F9ED0
s 47E; s 47F
Sent: Tuesday, 5 January 2021 1:54 PM
To: Alf ; Carl Schiller ; Carl Schiller ; David Manolas ; Greg Melick ; s 47F
 ; John King ; Kel Ryan ; Maree Sirois ; Max Ball ; Max Ball
(president@vvaa org au) ; Michael von Berg ; Pat McCabe ; Paul Irving ; Peter Fitzpatrick ; Rhondda Vanzella ; Richard Cranna ; Richard Cranna
(rick cranna@legacy com au) ; Rob Woods ; RSL Jan Ormerod ; William Roberts 
Subject: Nomination of Participants - Working Group - Multi-Act claims [SEC=OFFICIAL]
Good afternoon ESORT members,
We are seeking nominations for experienced advocates to become members of DVA’s Multi-Act claims working group
At the last ESORT meeting on 26 November 2020, action item 2020/0049 arose, ‘ESORT Secretariat to seek, from ESORT members, nominations for
advocates with appropriate experience to assist DVA to define and refine processes for determination of multi-Act Claims.’
Grateful for your nomination to be received by ESORT Secretariat, no later than COB Tuesday 19 January 2021  The working group will be capped at 5
Working group nominees
Must be advocates currently working in the field, with minimum 6 months experience.
Thank you
ESORT Secretariat
Kind regards
Kellie-Ann s 47E; s 4
Secretariat Support Officer
Governance and Ministerial Events Section l Parliamentary & Governance Branch
Department of Veterans' Affairs
Ph: +61 s 47E; s 47F  Ext: s 47E; s 4 E: Kellie-Anns 47E; s 47F dva gov au
cid:image005 jpg@01D4E89D D40F9ED0
The department acknowledges the traditional owners of the land throughout Australia and their continuing connection to country, sea and community  We pay our respect to all Aboriginal
and Torres Strait Islander peoples, their cultures and to their elders past and present

s 47F
RE: Nomination of Participants - Working Group - Multi-Act claims [SEC=OFFICIAL]
Friday, 22 January 2021 3:55:41 PM
s 47F, s 47G
From: s 47E; s 47F Leesa [mailto:Leesa s 47E; s] On Behalf Of ESORT.SECRETARIAT
Sent: Friday, 22 January 2021 3:48 PM
To: s 47F
 <s 47F
Subject: FW: Nomination of Participants - Working Group - Multi-Act claims [SEC=OFFICIAL]
Good afternoon s 47F
Thank you for your nomination to be a part of the Multi-Act Claims Working Group.
Your nomination to participate in the Multi-Act Claims Working Group has been accepted.
Further details will be provided shortly regarding meeting information including dates, time and
With kind regards
Leesa s 47E; s 47F
Senior Secretariat Officer
Governance and Ministerial Events Section | Parliamentary and Governance Branch

Commemorations, Communications and Parliamentary Division
Ph: (s 47E    
s 47E; s 47F  | Ext s 47E; s 47F | leesa s 47E; s
Please note I work part-time (Monday to Thursday remotely).
s 47F
 Office <s 47F

Sent: Tuesday, 5 January 2021 2:36 PM
Subject: RE: Nomination of Participants - Working Group - Multi-Act claims [SEC=OFFICIAL]
Good afternoon and Happy New Year.
Following a conversation with the Chairman and also s 47F
 would like to nominate
s 47F
 to the Working Group Multi Act Claims.  s 47F is a working advocate for many years.
Kind regards
s 47F, s 47G
From: s 47E; s 47F Kellie-Ann <Kellie-Ann s 47E; s> On Behalf Of ESORT.SECRETARIAT
Sent: Tuesday, 5 January 2021 1:54 PM
Subject: Nomination of Participants - Working Group - Multi-Act claims [SEC=OFFICIAL]

Good afternoon ESORT members,
We are seeking nominations for experienced advocates to become members of DVA’s Multi-Act
claims working group.
At the last ESORT meeting on 26 November 2020, action item 2020/0049 arose, ‘ESORT Secretariat to
seek, from ESORT members, nominations for advocates with appropriate experience to assist DVA to
define and refine processes for determination of multi-Act Claims.’
Grateful for your nomination to be received by ESORT Secretariat, no later than COB Tuesday 19
January 2021.   The working group will be capped at 5 representatives.
Working group nominees;
Must be advocates currently working in the field, with minimum 6 months experience.
Thank you
ESORT Secretariat
Kind regards
Kellie-Ann s 47E; s 47F
Secretariat Support Officer
Governance and Ministerial Events Section l Parliamentary & Governance Branch
Department of Veterans' Affairs
Ph: +61 
 E: Kellie-Ann s 47E; s 47F
s 47E; s 47F
s 47E; s 47F
The department acknowledges the traditional owners of the land throughout Australia and their continuing
connection to country, sea and community. We pay our respect to all Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples,
their cultures and to their elders past and present.
1. Before opening any attachments, please check for viruses. 
2. This e-mail (including any attachments) may contain confidential information 
for the intended recipient. If you are not the intended recipient, 
please contact the sender and delete all copies of this email. 
3. Any views expressed in this e-mail are those of the sender and are not 
a statement of Australian Government Policy unless otherwise stated. 
4. Electronic addresses published in this email are not conspicuous publications and DVA does not
consent to the receipt of commercial electronic messages. 
5. To unsubscribe from emails from the Department of Veterans' Affairs (DVA) please go to
, and advise which mailing list you would like to unsubscribe from. 
6. Finally, please do not remove this notice.

s 47E; s 47F  Leesa on behalf of ESORT.SECRETARIAT
s 47F
RE: Nomination of Participants - Working Group - Multi-Act claims [SEC=OFFICIAL]
Friday, 22 January 2021 3:56:20 PM
Good afternoon s 47F
Thank you for your nomination to be a part of the Multi-Act Claims Working Group.
Your nomination to participate in the Multi-Act Claims Working Group has been accepted.
Further details will be provided shortly regarding meeting information including dates, time and
With kind regards
Leesa s 47E; s 47F
Senior Secretariat Officer
Governance and Ministerial Events Section | Parliamentary and Governance Branch
Commemorations, Communications and Parliamentary Division
Ph: (s 47E    
s 47E; s 47F  | Ext s 47E; s 47F | leesa s 47E; s
Please note I work part-time (Monday to Thursday remotely).
From: s 47E; s 47F Kellie-Ann On Behalf Of ESORT.SECRETARIAT
Sent: Tuesday, 12 January 2021 1:04 PM
To: s 47F  <s 47F
Subject: RE: Nomination of Participants - Working Group - Multi-Act claims [SEC=OFFICIAL]
Good afternoon s 47F
Thank you for your nomination.
We will be in contact after the chair has reviewed all nominations.
Thank you
Kind regards
Kellie-Ann s 47E; s 47F
Secretariat Support Officer
Governance and Ministerial Events Section l Parliamentary & Governance Branch
Department of Veterans' Affairs
Ph: +61 
 E: Kellie-Ann s 47E; s 47F
s 47E; s 47F
s 47E; s 47F

s 47E; s 47F  Leesa on behalf of ESORT.SECRETARIAT
s 47F
RE: Nomination of participants - Working Group - Multi-Act claims [TO BE CLASSIFIED] [SEC=OFFICIAL]
Friday, 22 January 2021 4:00:53 PM
Good afternoon s 47F
Thank you for nominating James to be a part of the Multi-Act Claims Working Group.
Your nomination to participate in the Multi-Act Claims Working Group has been accepted.
Further details will be provided shortly regarding meeting information including dates, time and
Grateful if you are able to provide James’s email address.
With kind regards
Leesa s 47E; s 47F
Senior Secretariat Officer
Governance and Ministerial Events Section | Parliamentary and Governance Branch
Commemorations, Communications and Parliamentary Division
Ph: (s 47E    
s 47E; s 47F  | Ext s 47E; s 47F | leesa s 47E; s
Please note I work part-time (Monday to Thursday remotely).
From: s 47F
Sent: Tuesday, 19 January 2021 8:21 AM
To: s 47E; s 47F Kellie-Ann <Kellie-Ann s 47E; s>
Subject: Nomination of participants - Working Group - Multi-Act claims [TO BE CLASSIFIED]
Dear Kellie-Ann,
I have received four nominations from senior Advocates who have had between 10 to 23 years
practical experience with claims under the current three Acts, and Multi-Act claims, and have a
very good understanding of the processing and problems associated with Multi-Act claims
Through their many years of experiences they are all well qualified and capable of providing
positive comments and suggestions/recommendations as to how advocates and the Department
cand best work together in respect of multi-act claims, and taking part and contributing
positively in any discussions on processing, or any potential policy issues.
I have listed their names hereunder, with some details of their Advocacy experiences. I have

listed them in s 47F order of preference:
s 47F, s 47G
We believe that any one or more of those of the Advocates mentioned could (should) be
selected to participate in the Working Group and would, in light of their experiences, provide
well informed comments/suggestions on the subject issue. We leave the ultimate decision in
your hands as to whom you consider is the most appropriate person to participate in the
Working Group as a representative of the s 47F Their input, we believe would most certainly be
beneficial to the formation of appropriate recommendations that will no doubt define/refine the
processes for determination of multi-Act claims to the benefit of DVA and the Veterans’
community generally.
Kind regards,
s 47F, s 47G

s 47E; s 47F  Leesa on behalf of ESORT.SECRETARIAT
s 47F
FW: Re: Nomination of Participants - Working Group - Multi-Act claims [SEC=OFFICIAL]
Friday, 22 January 2021 4:02:55 PM
Good afternoon s 47F
Thank you for your nomination to be a part of the Multi-Act Claims Working Group.
Your nomination to participate in the Multi-Act Claims Working Group has been accepted.
Further details will be provided shortly regarding meeting information including dates,
time and platform.
With kind regards
Leesa s 47E; s 47F
Senior Secretariat Officer
Governance and Ministerial Events Section | Parliamentary and Governance Branch
Commemorations, Communications and Parliamentary Division
Ph: (s 47E    
s 47E; s 47F  | Ext s 47E; s 47F | leesa s 47E; s
Please note I work part-time (Monday to Thursday remotely).
From: s 47F
 <s 47F
Sent: Wednesday, 20 January 2021 10:20 AM
Subject: Re: Nomination of Participants - Working Group - Multi-Act claims [SEC=OFFICIAL]
Good morning Girls
Sorry to mess you around when you are so busy trying to get all the working groups
together. I would like to nominate s 47F
 for the Multi-Act Claims working group
who’s email is     s 47F
 and her telephone no is s 47F
Thanks again for you patience 
Cheers s 47F
s 47F, s 47G

On 20 Jan 2021, at 9:45 am, ESORT.SECRETARIAT
<> wrote:
Good morning s 47F
Thank you for the chat yesterday.
I am following up from our conversation, in regards to a nomination for the Multi-
Act claims working.
Are you able to reply to this email by 12 pm today, if you would like to nominate
someone to be put forward for this working group.
Thank you
Kind regards
Kellie-Ann s 47E; s 47F
ort Officer
Governance and Ministerial Events Section l Parliamentary & Governance Branch
Department of Veterans' Affairs
Ph: +61 s 47E; s 47F Ext: s 47E; s 47F E: Kellie-Ann s 47E; s
<image002.png>The department acknowledges the traditional owners of the land throughout
Australia and their continuing connection to country, sea and community. We pay our respect to
all Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples, their cultures and to their elders past and
From: s 47E; s 47F Kellie-Ann <Kellie-Ann s 47E; s> On Behalf
Sent: Tuesday, 5 January 2021 1:54 PM
To: Alf <>; Carl Schiller <>; Carl Schiller
s 47F
 David Manolas <>;
Greg Melick <s 47F
 s 47F
<s 47F
 John King <>; Kel Ryan
<>; Maree Sirois <>; Max Ball
<s 47F
 Max Ball (
<>; Michael von Berg <s 47F
McCabe <>; Paul Irving <s 47F
Fitzpatrick <s 47F
>; Rhondda Vanzella
<s 47F
 Richard Cranna <>; Richard
Cranna ( <>; Rob Woods
<>; RSL Jan Ormerod
<>; William Roberts <>

Subject: Nomination of Participants - Working Group - Multi-Act claims
Good afternoon ESORT members,
We are seeking nominations for experienced advocates to become members of
DVA’s Multi-Act claims working group.
At the last ESORT meeting on 26 November 2020, action item 2020/0049 arose,
ESORT Secretariat to seek, from ESORT members, nominations for advocates with
appropriate experience to assist DVA to define and refine processes for
determination of multi-Act Claims.’
Grateful for your nomination to be received by ESORT Secretariat, no later than
COB Tuesday 19 January 2021.   The working group will be capped at 5
Working group nominees;
·       Must be advocates currently working in the field, with minimum 6 months
Thank you 
ESORT Secretariat
Kind regards
Kellie-Ann s 47E; s 47F
ort Officer
Governance and Ministerial Events Section l Parliamentary & Governance Branch
Department of Veterans' Affairs
Ph: +61 
 E: Kellie-Ann s 47E; s 47F
s 47E; s 47F
s 47E; s 47F
<image002.png>The department acknowledges the traditional owners of the land throughout
Australia and their continuing connection to country, sea and community. We pay our respect to
all Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples, their cultures and to their elders past and
1. Before opening any attachments, please check for viruses. 
2. This e-mail (including any attachments) may contain confidential information 
for the intended recipient. If you are not the intended recipient, 
please contact the sender and delete all copies of this email. 
3. Any views expressed in this e-mail are those of the sender and are not 
a statement of Australian Government Policy unless otherwise stated. 
4. Electronic addresses published in this email are not conspicuous publications and DVA does
not consent to the receipt of commercial electronic messages. 
5. To unsubscribe from emails from the Department of Veterans' Affairs (DVA) please go to us/Pages/feedback.aspx
, and advise which mailing list you would like to unsubscribe from.  

6. Finally, please do not remove this notice.

s 47E; s 47F  Leesa on behalf of ESORT.SECRETARIAT
s 47F
RE: Nomination of participants - Working Group - Multi-Act claims [TO BE CLASSIFIED] [SEC=OFFICIAL]
Friday, 22 January 2021 4:12:51 PM
Good afternoon s 47F
Thank you for your nomination for s 47F
 to participate in the Multi-Act
Claims Working Group.
We received many nominations from various ESO’s to participate in the working group.
The business area have advised that in this instance the working group is to comprise of a small
group of advocates working in the field. 
Unfortunately, your nomination has been unsuccessful and we thank you for your interest in
participating in this working group.
With kind regards
Leesa s 47E; s 47F
Senior Secretariat Officer
Governance and Ministerial Events Section | Parliamentary and Governance Branch
Commemorations, Communications and Parliamentary Division
Ph: (s 47E    
s 47E; s 47F  | Ext s 47E; s 47F | leesa s 47E; s
Please note I work part-time (Monday to Thursday remotely).
From: s 47F
Sent: Tuesday, 19 January 2021 8:21 AM
To: s 47E; s 47F Kellie-Ann <Kellie-Ann s 47E; s>
Subject: Nomination of participants - Working Group - Multi-Act claims [TO BE CLASSIFIED]
Dear Kellie-Ann,
I have received four nominations from senior Advocates who have had between 10 to 23 years
practical experience with claims under the current three Acts, and Multi-Act claims, and have a
very good understanding of the processing and problems associated with Multi-Act claims
Through their many years of experiences they are all well qualified and capable of providing
positive comments and suggestions/recommendations as to how advocates and the Department
cand best work together in respect of multi-act claims, and taking part and contributing
positively in any discussions on processing, or any potential policy issues.

I have listed their names hereunder, with some details of their Advocacy experiences. I have
listed them in s 47G order of preference:
s 47F, s 47G
We believe that any one or more of those of the Advocates mentioned could (should) be
selected to participate in the Working Group and would, in light of their experiences, provide
well informed comments/suggestions on the subject issue. We leave the ultimate decision in
your hands as to whom you consider is the most appropriate person to participate in the
Working Group as a representative of the s 47F Their input, we believe would most certainly be
beneficial to the formation of appropriate recommendations that will no doubt define/refine the
processes for determination of multi-Act claims to the benefit of DVA and the Veterans’
community generally.
Kind regards,
s 47F, s 47G

s 47F
s 47F  VIC President
RE: Nomination of Participants - Working Group - Multi-Act claims [SEC=OFFICIAL]
Saturday, 23 January 2021 1:59:30 PM
Dear Leesa,
Thanks for your advice, I have advised s 47F
We look forward to reading the names of the members of the working group.
s 47F
From: s 47E; s 47F Leesa <Leesa s 47E; s> On Behalf Of ESORT.SECRETARIAT
Sent: Friday, 22 January 2021 1:09 PM
To: s 47F
Subject: RE: Nomination of Participants - Working Group - Multi-Act claims [SEC=OFFICIAL]
Good afternoon s 47F
Thank you for your nomination for s 47F to participate in the Multi-Act Claims Working Group.
We received many nominations from various ESO’s to participate in the working group.
The business area have advised that in this instance the working group is to comprise of a small
group of advocates working in the field. 
Unfortunately, your nomination has been unsuccessful and we thank you for your interest in
participating in this working group.
With kind regards
Leesa s 47E; s 47F
Senior Secretariat Officer
Governance and Ministerial Events Section | Parliamentary and Governance Branch
Commemorations, Communications and Parliamentary Division
Ph: (s 47E    
s 47E; s 47F  | Ext s 47E; s 47F | leesa s 47E; s

Please note I work part-time (Monday to Thursday remotely).
From: s 47F
 <s 47F
Sent: Friday, 8 January 2021 8:54 PM
To: s 47E; s 47F Kellie-Ann <Kellie-Ann s 47E; s>; ESORT.SECRETARIAT
Cc: s 47F
 <s 47F
 s 47F VIC President
<s 47F
  s 47F s 47F
 <s 47F
Subject: FW: Nomination of Participants - Working Group - Multi-Act claims [SEC=OFFICIAL]
Dear Kellie-Ann s 47E; s 47F
The s 47G has pleasure in nominating Mr s 47F
 as our representative on the Multi-Act
Claims Working Group.
An email address for s 47F is above.
Best regards,
s 47F
From: s 47E; s 47F Kellie-Ann <Kellie-Ann s 47E; s> On Behalf Of ESORT.SECRETARIAT
Sent: Tuesday, 5 January 2021 10:54 AM
To: Alf <>; Carl Schiller <>; Carl Schiller
<s 47F
 David Manolas <>; Greg Melick
<s 47F
 s 47F
 <s 47F
 John King
<>; Kel Ryan <>; Maree Sirois
<>; Max Ball <s 47F
 Max Ball (
<>; Michael von Berg <s 47F
 Pat McCabe
<>; Paul Irving <s 47F
 Peter Fitzpatrick
<s 47F
>; Rhondda Vanzella <s 47F
Cranna <>; Richard Cranna (
<>; Rob Woods <>; RSL Jan
Ormerod <>; William Roberts <>
Subject: Nomination of Participants - Working Group - Multi-Act claims [SEC=OFFICIAL]
Good afternoon ESORT members,
We are seeking nominations for experienced advocates to become members of DVA’s Multi-Act
claims working group.

At the last ESORT meeting on 26 November 2020, action item 2020/0049 arose, ‘ESORT
Secretariat to seek, from ESORT members, nominations for advocates with appropriate
experience to assist DVA to define and refine processes for determination of multi-Act Claims.’
Grateful for your nomination to be received by ESORT Secretariat, no later than COB Tuesday 19
January 2021. The working group will be capped at 5 representatives.
Working group nominees;
Must be advocates currently working in the field, with minimum 6 months experience.
Thank you
ESORT Secretariat
Kind regards
Kellie-Ann s 47E; s 47F
Secretariat Support Officer
Governance and Ministerial Events Section l Parliamentary & Governance Branch
Department of Veterans' Affairs
Ph: +61 
 E: Kellie-Ann s 47E; s 47F
s 47E; s 47F
s 47E; s 47F
The department acknowledges the traditional owners of the land throughout Australia and their
continuing connection to country, sea and community. We pay our respect to all Aboriginal and Torres Strait
Islander peoples, their cultures and to their elders past and present.
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5. To unsubscribe from emails from the Department of Veterans' Affairs (DVA) please go to us/Pages/feedback.aspx
, and advise which mailing list you would like to unsubscribe from. 
6. Finally, please do not remove this notice.
1. Before opening any attachments, please check for viruses. 
2. This e-mail (including any attachments) may contain confidential information 
for the intended recipient. If you are not the intended recipient, 

please contact the sender and delete all copies of this email. 
3. Any views expressed in this e-mail are those of the sender and are not 
a statement of Australian Government Policy unless otherwise stated. 
4. Electronic addresses published in this email are not conspicuous publications and DVA does
not consent to the receipt of commercial electronic messages. 
5. To unsubscribe from emails from the Department of Veterans' Affairs (DVA) please go to
, and advise which mailing list you would like to unsubscribe from. 
6. Finally, please do not remove this notice.