From: Ita Buttrose <>
Sent: Tuesday, 2 July 2019 2:24 PM
To: David N Anderson <>
Subject: FW: Press Freedom
Jane Salmon is a long time protestor – I remember her from years ago. But Paul Fletcher’s reply is
interesting especially –
“The search warrants were obtained in the course of investigations by the AFP into allegations that
Government officials had breached their duties to keep information confidential. “
I thought you might like to see what he said before your meeting tomorrow.
From: Jane Salmon <>
Sent: Tuesday, 2 July 2019 2:13 PM
To: Fletcher, Paul (MP) <>
Subject: Press Freedom
Dear Paul,
Further to the previous note, be aware that Dutton is, semi-objectively, a power-drunk, racist
Brisbane cop who cannot count to 43.
Sure, sunstruck hedonistic Dickson bogans scantily educated under Joh vote for him. But
history will not forgive Dutton nor Morrison for their active parts in twelve asylum seeker
deaths offshore.
Please take the long view. I guarantee you that the ABC targets and is sacred to most of your
electorate on the north shore. The wide range of political views represented at the previous
protest attest to that.
Never take Dutton’s advice on anything important if you want to keep your own longer term
reputation intact.
Jane Salmon
NSW Australia
On 2 Jul 2019, at 12:16 pm, Fletcher, Paul (MP) <> wrote:
Dear Ms Salmon
Thank you for notifying me of the recent protest outside my electorate office.
I appreciate your taking the time to make me aware of this event.
As regards press freedoms in Australia, over 4‐5 June 2019, the Australian Federal Police (AFP)
executed search warrants in relation to two separate investigations. The Government understands
that the execution of these search warrants have led to some concern amongst the community over
press freedom.
The search warrants were obtained in the course of investigations by the AFP into allegations that
Government officials had breached their duties to keep information confidential.
The AFP is subject to the rule of law and it is open to the recipients of search warrants to challenge
them in court on the grounds that the search warrants were not legally obtained. Both the ABC and
News Corp have now commenced such challenges – in an entirely appropriate exercise of their
Press freedom is a bedrock principle of democracy. The Australian Government is committed to a
free press. However, press freedom is not absolute. Journalists, just like all Australians, are subject
to the law of the land. The freedom to publish has always been subject to other considerations such
as laws concerning defamation, concerning a defendant’s right to a fair trial, and concerning national
There are clear rules and protections in place to support freedom of the press; the Government will
continue to make appropriate legislative provision so journalists are able to report on matters in the
public interest. Last year, the Government introduced laws which specifically protected the ability of
journalists to report on such matters.
The Prime Minister has stated that if there is a suggestion, evidence, or analysis that reveals that
there is a need for further improvement of those laws, the Government is open to considering that.
However, it is important that the Government proceeds calmly and consultatively in respect of any
In the case of the ABC, Parliament has legislated independence in relation to editorial and
operational matters to protect reporting from interference. This means that the ABC, as one of our
national broadcasters, has legislative protection for the important role it plays in reporting news and
current affairs and telling stories from across Australia.
I hope this information has been of assistance to you.
Paul Fletcher
Paul Fletcher MP
Federal Member for Bradfield
Minister for Communications, Cyber Safety and the Arts
Level 2, 280 Pacific Highway
Lindfield NSW 2070
T: 02 9465 3950 | SYDNEY
T: 02 6277 7480 | CANBERRA
Follow me on Facebook, Twitter and YouTube:
From: Jane Salmon []
Sent: Saturday, 8 June 2019 1:12 PM
To: Fletcher, Paul (MP)
Subject: Fwd: Come to Snap Protest_Paul Fletcher's Office_Tuesday 11 June 1pm_PROTECT PRESS
Jane Salmon
NSW Australia
Begin forwarded message:
From: Janine Kitson <>
Date: 8 June 2019 at 1:05:59 pm AEST
To: Janine Kitson <>
Subject: Come to Snap Protest_Paul Fletcher's Office_Tuesday 11 June
Bradfield residents who are concerned about the attack on democracy are calling for a short
protest outside Paul Fletcher Office, Federal Member for Bradfield on Tuesday 11 June, 1pm
Can you please come or promote?
Paul Fletcher
Federal Minister for Communications & Member for Bradfield
we want him to
Come to Snap Community Protest
Tuesday 11 June, 2019
1 PM
outside his office at
Suite 1, Level 2, 280 Pacific Highway, Lindfield, NSW, 2070