This is an HTML version of an attachment to the Freedom of Information request 'Telephone calls of regional incubator facilitator xxxxxxxxxxxx'.

Date: Sat, 17 Oct 2020 02:37:34 +0000
Subject: Freedom of Information request - Telephone calls of regional incubator facilitator xxxxxxxxxxxx
From: Witherspoon <>
To: Freedom of Information <>

FOI team,

I would like to see the date, time, destination number, call duration and (where available) geographical origin of all telephone calls made by Regional Incubator Facilitator xxxxxxxxxxxx from his telephone number (xxxxxxxxxxxx) to any department telephone number from 1/11/2018 until 22/11/2018 inclusively and from 28/10/2019 until 15/12/2019 inclusively.

Thank you,

Harry Witherspoon


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