This is an HTML version of an attachment to the Freedom of Information request 'recorded audio/visual proceedings of morning and afternoon forums by PBA on 29/09 21'.

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28 October 2021 
Private and Confidential 
David Buckley PhD 
By email only:  
Dear Dr Buckley 
Your Freedom of Information request
Thank you for contacting us with a Freedom of Information (FOI) request in your email of 15 October 
2021. I am writing to confirm the information you are seeking access to and to explain more about 
our processes. 
Scope of your request 
On the basis of your application dated 15 October 2021, I understand that you are seeking access to 
the following documents: 
Please provide the recorded audio and visual proceedings of the online forums conducted by 
Pharmacy Board Australia at 0900am and 1pm on 29/09/21. 

If this is incorrect, please contact me so I can better understand the information you are seeking. 
In some cases, charges may apply for the search and retrieval of documents, however this is not 
common.2 We will contact you in advance if there will be a cost. 
Consultation with third parties 
Where documents contain information about third parties, the FOI Act requires us to consult them in 
certain circumstances before making a decision. Consultation may be necessary where information: 
was sent to or was received from an Australian or foreign government or agency 
concerns a person’s or an organisation's business or commercial affairs, or 
is personal information about a person (including a deceased person). 
1 This letter is an acknowledgement for the purposes of section 15(5)(a) of the Freedom of Information Act 1982 
2 Charges are set under the Freedom of Information (Fees and Charges) Regulations 1982 (FOI Regulations) 
and are for search and retrieval of documents, decision making and provision of access (for example, copying 
and postage). 
Australian Health Practitioner Regulation Agency  |  National Boards 
GPO Box 9958 Melbourne VIC 3001     1300 419 495 
Ahpra and the National Boards regulate these registered health professions: Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander health practice, Chinese 
medicine, chiropractic, dental, medical, medical radiation practice, midwifery, nursing, occupational therapy, optometry, osteopathy, 
paramedicine, pharmacy, physiotherapy, podiatry and psychology. 

In circumstances where we are required to conduct consultation, the FOI Act provides for a 30 day 
extension to the timeframe. If we are required to consult, we will advise you accordingly. 
At present, the time limit for processing your request expires on Monday, 15 November 2021
If you have any questions, please contact me on (07) 3149 4767 or by email to 
quoting the reference number below. 
Yours sincerely 
Matthew Reghenzani 
Senior Freedom of Information Officer 
National Information Release Unit 
Reference Number: 
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