This is an HTML version of an attachment to the Freedom of Information request 'Number of infringements issued under s.28(1) s.28(3) of the Associations Incorporation Reform Act 2012'.

Department of Justice and Community Safety 
Information Integrity & Access 
Freedom of Information 
Level 24 
121 Exhibition Street 
Melbourne Victoria 3000 
GPO Box 4356 
Melbourne Victoria  3001 
Telephone:  (03) 8684 0063 
Facsimile:  (03) 8684 0099 
Our ref: CD/22/153795 
15 March 2022 
By email: 
Dear James  
Freedom of Information (FOI reference 100139) 
The following is my decision on your request under the Freedom of Information Act 1982  
(the FOI Act). 
The terms of your request are: 
I would like to know how many infringements have been issued under s.28(1) s28(3) of the 
Associations Incorporation Reform Act 2012.  
As per the Consumer Affairs website, "An incorporated association must have a registered 
address and must notify the Registrar of Consumer Affairs Victoria, in the form approved 
by the Registrar, within 14 days of any changes". 

The department undertook a thorough and diligent search for documents, however the documents 
you seek do not exist.  
Fines and Enforcement Services (FES) advise that there have been no infringements issued 
under s.28(1) s28(3) of the Associations Incorporation Reform Act 2012 recorded on their 
Right to Complain to Victorian Information Commissioner 
Where no documents have been discovered relevant to your request, under section 61A(1) of the 
FOI Act you have the right to lodge a complaint in writing with the Victorian Information 
Commissioner.  A complaint must be made within 60 days of the date of this letter.  The address 
for lodgement is: 

Freedom of Information - Complaints 
Office of the Victorian Information Commissioner 
PO Box 24274 
MELBOURNE   VIC   3001  
Telephone: 1300 00 6842 
If you have any queries, please contact this office by email at or by writing 
to the mailing address shown at the top of this letter. 
Yours sincerely 
Catherine Castro 
Catherine Castro 
Freedom of Information Officer