ACTEW Corporation Limited

An ACT authority

ACTEW Corporation Limited (ACTEW) is a government owned company with assets and investments in water, wastewater, electricity, gas and telecommunications totalling $1.4b.

ACTEW owns the water and wastewater assets and business in the ACT, is a 50% owner, with Singapore Power International and AGL Energy Limited, of ActewAGL and holds an 18% investment in TransACT Communications Pty Limited.

ACTEW was corporatised on 1 July 1995 and has reporting and compliance obligations under the Corporations Act 2001 and other legislation. It has three wholly owned subsidiary companies:

ACTEW Distribution Limited
ACTEW Retail Limited
ACTEW China Pty Limited
ACTEW Distribution and ACTEW Retail are ACTEW partnership companies in the ActewAGL Distribution and Retail partnerships. ACTEW Distribution Limited is also a joint owner of Ecowise Environmental Pty Limited, Australia largest single provider of integrated environmental analytical, monitoring and consulting services. ACTEW China holds business investments in the Peoples Republic of China.

The Company has two voting shareholders, the Chief Minister and Deputy Chief Minister of the ACT.

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