Public authorities

Found 2716 public authorities

26TEN is a network of organisations and individuals working together to improve adult literacy and numeracy in Tasmania.
0 requests.
Provide discounted holiday accommodation to members of the Australian Army and other eligible members and funding for projects for which the use of pub...
2 requests.
The object of the company is to provide Performing Arts training and opportunities to Indigenous students.
0 requests.
Aboriginal Heritage Tasmania is responsible for the administration of the Aboriginal Relics Act 1975 and provides Aboriginal heritage management advice...
0 requests.
Also called AHL. Aboriginal Hostels Limited provides temporary accommodation (of up to 3 months) for Indigenous Australians to allow them to easily visit government ser...
2 requests.
Aboriginal Investment NT is the first of its kind: an investor, enabler, catalyst and advocate, designed by Aboriginal people to enable Aboriginal-led...
1 request.
Also called ABA Advisory Committee. The Aboriginals Benefit Account (ABA) is a Special Account (for the purposes of the Financial Management and Accountability Act 1997) established for t...
3 requests.
Access Canberra provides information, payments, services and emergency support to the ACT community on behalf of ACT Government agencies. Access Canber...
8 requests.
The Office of the Auditor-General is responsible for undertaking independent audits of management performance and the financial statements of public se...
0 requests.
Provides a public library service to residents of the ACT and region.
0 requests.
The ACT Building and Construction Industry Training Fund Authority provides training grants to industry workers to improve existing skills and to deve...
0 requests.
Also called ACT-PUBLIC.
0 requests.
The ACT Public Cemeteries Authority manages Woden, Gungahlin and Hall cemeteries. It is a financially separate business unit of TAMS. The Directorate s...
0 requests.
This office is responsible for the coordination of Canberra Hospital fundraising activities. This includes the development of fundraising events and op...
0 requests.
Also called ACT-CMTEDD. CMTEDD leads the ACT Public Service (ACTPS) and provides strategic advice and support to the Chief Minister, Treasurer, Minister for Economic Developme...
20 requests.
The Children and Young People Commissioner (CYPC) has a number of roles, including:-Consulting with young people-Resolving complaints and concerns abou...
0 requests.
0 requests.
City Services is responsible for a range of core municipal and Territory services, which include the key operational areas and functions are: Licens...
4 requests.
Provides a public library service to residents of the ACT and region.
1 request.
The ACT Civil and Administrative Tribunal provides a way of resolving disputes quickly and fairly in the ACT. The Tribunal has power to resolve and det...
3 requests.
Community Health is the major provider of community-based health in the Australian Capital Territory. We aim to be the catalyst transforming and revita...
1 request.
Also called ACT-CSD. The Community Services Directorate has the responsibility for a wide range of human services functions in the ACT, including multicultural and communit...
3 requests.
ACT Corrective Services is responsible for providing a range of adult and youth correctional services to the community. This includes monitoring offend...
1 request.
Community based support service for those charged with offences in the ACT law courts, witnesses and relatives and friends. This service does not provi...
0 requests.
0 requests.
The Cultural Facilities Corporation is an ACT Government statutory authority established under the Cultural Facilities Corporation ACT (1997), to manag...
0 requests.
Provides a public library service to residents of the ACT and region.
0 requests.
Also known as the DPP.
0 requests.
The Disability and Community Services Commissioner investigates and resolves complaints about disability services in the ACT, including: * Residential...
1 request.
Also called ACT-EDD. The Economic Development Directorate facilitates the Territory's economic prosperity in line with the Government's commitment to sustainable developmen...
0 requests.
Also called ACT-ETD. The Directorate identifies education and training priorities and the development of strategies, policies and planning for improved learning outcomes th...
6 requests.
The ACT Electoral Commission is an independent Statutory Authority with the responsibility for the conduct of Elections and Referendums for the ACT Leg...
12 requests.
Also called ACT-ESA.
2 requests.
Also called ACT-EPD. The Environment, Planning and Sustainable Development Directorate is responsible for developing and implementing a wide range of policies and programs...
10 requests.
Provides a public library service to residents of the ACT and region.
0 requests.
ActewAGL formed in October 2000 when the Australian Gas Light Company (AGL), a major private sector group, and ACTEW Corporation, a government-owned en...
2 requests.
ACTEW Corporation Limited (ACTEW) is a government owned company with assets and investments in water, wastewater, electricity, gas and telecommunicatio...
0 requests.
Also called ACT-EPC. Welcome to Exhibition Park In Canberra (EPIC) - the National Capital's premier multi-purpose events complex.The ambient country setting, versatility an...
0 requests.
The Privacy Commissioner is responsible for administering the Privacy Act 1988 (Cth) and is a member of the Human Rights and Equal Opportunity Commissi...
1 request.
Controls, supervises and regulates gaming in the ACT including: gaming machines, lotteries, interactive gaming, casino, racing and wagering. The Commis...
2 requests.
The ACT Government Solicitor provides legal advice and representation to the Territory, its Ministers and agencies.
2 requests.
Provides a public library service to residents of the ACT and region.
0 requests.
Also called ACT-HD. In collaboration with all stakeholders, the Directorate establishes direction through the identification of priorities, and the development of strategi...
8 requests.
Responsible for public health protection in the ACT, including minimising the impact of communicable diseases, developing immunisation policies and inv...
3 requests.
The Health Services Commissioner investigates and resolves complaints about:* Health services* Services for older people
1 request.
The ACT Heritage Library helps tell the stories of Canberra and its people. The Heritage Library collects, preserves, promotes and provides access to t...
0 requests.
The ACT Hospice, situated on the shores of the lake, East Basin, is conducted as part of Calvary Public Hospital. It is funded by the ACT Health Direct...
0 requests.
The Human Rights and Discrimination Commission investigates and resolves complaints about unlawful discrimination and harassment that occurs in an area...
0 requests.
The Human Rights Commission (HRC) is an independent statutory agency comprised of:* Children & Young People Commissioner* Disability & Communit...
2 requests.
The ACT Insurance Authority (ACTIA) is a statutory authority established by the ACT Government. ACTIA's role is to manage the self-insurance arrangemen...
0 requests.
Also called ACT-JACS. The ACT Justice and Community Safety Directorate comprises several agencies and is responsible for a wide range of activities and services in the areas...
10 requests.
Provides a public library service to residents of the ACT and region.
0 requests.
Provides a public library service to residents of the ACT and region.
0 requests.
Section Contact Numbers - Civil 6207 1709, Criminal 6207 1728, ACAT Tribunal 6207 1740, Childrens Court 6207 1746, Listings / Transcripts 6207 1390, Pr...
13 requests.
The Legal Aid Commission (ACT) is an independent statutory authority established under the Legal Aid Act 1977 (the Act) and its role is to provide lega...
1 request.
The ACT Long Service Leave Authority administers portable long service leave schemes for the construction, cleaning and community sector industries und...
0 requests.
The National Arboretum Canberra was formerly known as the Canberra International Arboretum and Gardens.
0 requests.
ACT NOWaste's role is to implement the ACT Government's No Waste Strategy through effective programs that engage the community and encourage sustainabl...
0 requests.
The Office for Children, Youth and Family Support works in partnership with the community to provide care and protection services to children and young...
4 requests.
To work closely with schools supporting them to develop sustainable processes that ensure a culture of school improvement and accountability related to...
0 requests.
The functions of the Office of the Commissioner for Sustainability and the Environment are to produce State of Environment Reports for the ACT, to inve...
1 request.
The Office of the Surveyor-General regulates surveying and registers surveyors in the ACT. It maintains the Territory's survey control infrastructure a...
1 request.
The Office of the Under Treasurer directly supports the Under Treasurer with advice on matters of policy and corporate strategy. It also provides execu...
1 request.
The office drafts legislation for the ACT Government, individual members of the Legislative Assembly and ACT courts. The office also arranges for the p...
3 requests.
The Public Housing Renewal Taskforce (Taskforce) has responsibility for the management, redevelopment and delivery of the following program of works:In...
2 requests.
Regional Development Australia is a national network of committees fostering regional economic development. There are 55 RDA Committees which work with...
1 request.
Roads and Public Transport administer many aspects of transport for the Territory including public transport services (ACTION) and infrastructure manag...
3 requests.
1 request.
0 requests.
The ACT Teacher Quality Institute (TQI) was established by the ACT Government under the 'ACT Teacher Quality Institute Act 2010' to raise the standing...
0 requests.
Also called ACT-TAMS. The Territory and Municipal Services Directorate (TAMS) delivers a wide range of services including collecting recycling and rubbish, running public li...
2 requests.
Territory Records Office: The Territory Records Office is responsible for the implementation of the Territory Records Act 2002 within Territory agencie...
0 requests.
The Environment, Planning and Sustainable Development Directorate aims to lead the nation in achieving sustainable outcomes, to be a 'liveable and sust...
5 requests.
Provides a public library service to residents of the ACT and region.
0 requests.
Provides a public library service to residents of the ACT and region.
0 requests.
The Workplace Safety and Industrial Relations Division provides a range of services to the ACT government, community and industry including:•
1 request.
This unit grows and supplies plant material for ACT Government landscape development projects, PCL and the ACT Government plant issue scheme. The Nurse...
1 request.
0 requests.
Established under the Administrative Appeals Tribunal Act 1975 as an integral part of the administrative review system at the Commonwealth level of gov...
0 requests.
Also called ART. The Administrative Review Tribunal undertake independent reviews of decisions made by the Australian Government.
46 requests.
The Admiralty Rules Committee is part of the attorney_general portfolio, and functions in an regulatory, review, inquiry, commission capacity. The A...
4 requests.

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