Australian Statistics Advisory Council

Part of the Treasury portfolio and a Federal authority, also called ASAC

The Australian Statistics Advisory Council (ASAC), established by the Australian Bureau of Statistics ACT 1975, is the key advisory body to the Minister and the Australian Statistician on statistical services. It provides valuable input to the directions and priorities of the Australian Bureau of Statistics' (ABS) work program and reports annually to Parliament (the annual report can be found at ASAC meets twice yearly. The mission of ASAC is - To ensure that, in keeping with Council's statutory charter, the advice furnished to the Minister and the Statistician in relation to the collection and dissemination of statistics has due regard to relative priorities, is objective, relevant, timely, constructive and practical, and that it is sensitive to the needs of both suppliers and users of statistical data. All state and territory government are represented on ASAC. The other members are chosen to represent a broad cross-section of perspectives, covering government, business, academic and community interests. Secretariat support for ASAC is provided by the ABS.

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