Australian Taxation Office

Part of the Treasury portfolio and a Federal authority, also called ATO

Do not request personal information using this site. Why?

The Australian Taxation Office is the Federal Government's main revenue collection agency. The Tax Office is headed by the Commissioner of Taxation, a statutory official appointed under the provisions of the Taxation Administration Act 1953.

237 requests

(page 2)

ATO Social media blocking
Request sent to Australian Taxation Office by Steve Davies on .

Long overdue.

In response to my request for information concerning why you blocked me from viewing your social media account you provided a heavily redacted docum...
Failure of ICT systems
Response by Australian Taxation Office to Ben Fairless on .

Awaiting internal review.

Dear Applicant,   Please see attachment.     Yours faithfully,   FOI Team     Dear Mr Fairless, I refer to your FOI request dated 13 December...
Dear FOI Applicant,   Please see attachment.       Regards, FOI Team     Dear ATO Nduvho, A decision regarding your FOI request is located at...
Sample File Delay
Response by Australian Taxation Office to Jackson Gothe-Snape on .

Long overdue.

  Dear FOI Applicant,   Please see attachment.   Regards, FOI Team   Dear Mr Gothe-Snape, A decision regarding your FOI request is located at...
Requests made via Right to Know
Response by Australian Taxation Office to Ben Fairless on .

Awaiting internal review.

Dear Applicant,           Regards,   FOI Team       Dear FOI Applicant, This documentation has previously been released and is available on...
Cancellation of an ABN - Bona Fides of Applicant
Internal review request sent to Australian Taxation Office by Phillip Sweeney on .

Awaiting internal review.

Please pass this on to the person who conducts Freedom of Information reviews. I am writing to request an internal review of Australian Taxation O...
Dear Mr Gray Thank you for your request via the right to know website. I have considered the request and note that it does not meet the requirements...

Only requests made using Right to Know are shown. ?