Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade

Part of the Foreign Affairs and Trade portfolio and a Federal authority, also called DFAT

External Affairs, including: relations and communications with overseas governments; treaties, including trade agreements; bilateral, regional and multilateral trade policy; international trade and commodity negotiations; trade promotion; international development co-operation; diplomatic and consular missions; international security issues, including disarmament, arms control and nuclear non-proliferation; public diplomacy, including information and cultural programs; international expositions; provision of secure travel identification to Australian citizens ; provision of consular services to Australian citizens abroad; overseas property management, including acquisition, ownership and disposal of real property.

194 requests

(page 8)

Dear Mr Molloy, Please find attached the decision letter for your FOI request dated 11 June 2014. Regards, Lindy Assistant Director– FOI and Privacy...
Hi! Please find attached all emails between myself and Senator Whish-Wilson's office following up Mr Molloy's request regarding[...
Dear Mr Fairless, Please find attached the outcome letter regarding your FOI request. Yours sincerely, Ada Cheung Executive Officer Freedom of Infor...
Dear Mr Walz, I refer to your e-mail of 23 February in which you seek access under the provisions of the Freedom of Information Act 1982 (the FOI Act)...
Seems they capitulated and realised I was not going to fill out their services procurement form. :)
Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) files
Request to Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade by Evelyn Doyle. Annotated by Evelyn Doyle on .

Withdrawn by the requester.

I chose to withdraw this request. The correspondence reveals that information about the draft text is deemed confidential and won't be released. As suc...
TPP Negoti
Response by Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade to Geordie Guy on .


Dear Mr Guy   Please find attached the Department’s decision in relation to your request for internal review.   Yours sincerely   Freedom of Inf...
Dear Mr Timmins Please find the FOI decision and documents attached. I confirm that we received full payment of the charges on 31 January. I also c...
    Jennifer Pullen Desk Officer    Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade Freedom of Information and Privacy      E |  [email address] Law Se...
Principality of Hutt River Province
Request to Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade by Ben Garrett. Annotated by Ben Garrett on .


Dear Gaz, Thank you for your kind words, I found this exercise an interesting experience and just a small sample of the bureaucracy involved in simpl...
Margaret Thatcher's Funeral
Response by Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade to W M on .

Withdrawn by the requester.

Dear Mr Mudford, As there has been no response to this charges letter issued on 9 May 2013, your request has been deemed to be withdrawn, in accordanc...
Dear Mr Brewster, As there has been no response to this charges letter issued on 30 May 2013, your request has been deemed to be withdrawn, in accorda...
Dear Mr Grant, I have consulted with the international trade and investments area of the Department and have been advised that DFAT is not the appropr...
TPP and Related Documents (DFAT)
Response by Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade to Brendan Molloy on .

Information not held.

Thank you for responding Mr Molloy.   I will proceed to close the file.   Yours sincerely       +--------------------------------------...
Trans-Pacific Partnership Agreement
Response by Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade to Brendan Molloy on .

Partially successful.

Dear Mr Molloy   Please find attached the decision-maker’s letter which Ms Cheung inadvertently omitted to include in her message below.   Freedom...
Dear Mr Archer   We note that we have not received your response to Ms Cheung’s letter of 22 February 2013 or advice in respect of the payment of th...
This request was mentioned in this Canberra Times article, "The war on freedom":
Human rights in Taiwan
Request to Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade by David Reid. Annotated by David Reid on .


I have published some commentary on the cables at
Uranium Sales To India
Response by Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade to Evelyn Doyle on .


Dear Ms Doyle Thank you for your payment authorisation. Please find attached the documents referred to in the decision letter sent to you on 24 Janu...

Only requests made using Right to Know are shown. ?