Victor Catchpoole
Direct telephone:
(07) 5420 8819
Our reference:
Your reference:
9 August 2023
Mr John Thorogood
By email only to:
Dear Mr Thorogood
Decision under Right to Information Act 2009
I am writing to provide the notice of decision for your application for access to documents
under the
Right to Information Act 2009 (“RTI Act”).
Scope of your application
Your application sought access as fol ows:
So that I may better understand and comment on the draft Marine Turtle
Conservation Plan, please provide the:
results of the 2022 ALAN (artificial light at night) survey (as draft or final) referred to
on p6 of the SC Marine Turtles Conservation Plan - Attachment 1; and
Marine Turtle Sensitive Area Mapping (as draft or final) referred to on p7 of the SC
Marine Turtle Conservation Plan - Attachment 1.
Communications with you about proceeding
I wrote to you by email on 30 June 2023 and advised you about what is needed to meet the
relevant requirements to continue with your application. In particular, I pointed out that you
would need to pay the application fee and complete the application form.
You were given until 11 July 2023 to provide these things. Furthermore, you were also
subsequently given until 2 August 2023 to meet these requirements.
However, no form or payment has been received from you. You did respond on 3 July to
acknowledge receipt of a map, but your response also did not withdraw your application.
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In the circumstances, I find that you have been provided with reasonable opportunity to make
your application compliant by paying the fee. After giving this opportunity and without any
further reply from you, on 9 August 2022 I have decided that your application does not
comply with the requirement under section 24(2)(a) and (d) of the RTI Act.
You do have the right to seek a review of this decision and your review rights are set out
below. You also always have an option to make a new application.
Review rights
If you are not satisfied with this decision (or any part of it), then you may apply for internal or
external review. An application for review must be made within 20 business days from the
date of this notice or within any further time allowed. You do not have to apply for internal
review before seeking an external review.
To seek an internal review by a more senior officer, please send a written request to Council.
Alternatively, an external review can be sent to the Information Commissioner in these ways:
Yours sincerely
Victor Catchpoole
Right to Information Officer
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