Crime Enforcement Infringement Notice Service Delivery for "Street Offending"

Adam Beames made this Freedom of Information request to Victoria Police

This request has been closed to new correspondence from the public body. Contact us if you think it ought be re-opened.

Response to this request is long overdue. By law, under all circumstances, Victoria Police should have responded by now (details). You can complain by requesting an internal review.

Dear Victoria Police,

Can I please submit a request for documents as outlined below under the FOI Act?

Please waive the search fee for this request as it serves public interest.
If you are unable to waive the search fee for that reason, please waive the search fee as I currently hold a Centrelink Health Care Card.

My request relates to a facebook post from "Eyewatch - Wyndham Police Service Area" titled 'Crime Enforcement Infringement Notice Service Delivery for "Street Offending"' which details new infringements for anti-social behaviour. Please see the following link for the original post:

Can I please make the following requests, with the search limited to the City of Wyndham.

1) Documents detailing evidence based research that these new infringements will have the intended effect of making our community a safer place, and how they will do this.

2) Documents showing how certain vulnerable sections of our community will/will not be adversely affected by these changes. e.g. people with mental illness and without the capacity to pay infringements or mount a legal defense.

3) Documents detailing the number of infringements that would have been issued in 2018 for each infringement type if the ability to do so was already in place for that period.

Yours faithfully,

Adam Beames


Thank you for your email to the Victoria Police Freedom of Information
Division.  Your email has been received and will be actioned as


Please be aware of the following information:


·         A response and decision on your request is due as soon as
practicable but no later than 30 days after receiving your request.  We
will endeavour to respond to your request in this timeframe but are
currently experiencing a significant increase in workload and some
responses may be overdue.


·         Where Victoria Police must consult with third parties regarding
the release of information, it may extend the time for processing the
request in accordance with section 21(2)(a) of the Act.  You will be
advised if this is the case with your request.


In light of the above information, if documents are required for court
attendances, please consider contacting the Subpoena Management Unit on
(03) 9247 6954.


Further information regarding the Subpoena Management Unit can be found
here:  [1]


Freedom of Information Division  |  Victoria Police

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Good Morning,


Thank-you for your email requesting documents under the Freedom of
Information Act 1982


At the outset, I should explain that the role of the Freedom of
Information Officer for Victoria Police is to receive and process requests
made under the Freedom of Information Act 1982 (the Act)  on behalf of the
Chief Commissioner and to provide responses to those requests in terms of
the provision of documents. 


This does not extend to the provision of information or the answering of
questions. If you wish to lodge a formal request for documents under the
Act, please consider the following information which is available on our
website  -


Please note:  Any request for documents or videos are not investigated
until a request and payment has been received


How to make a request:


•             You may make a request by sending a letter or application
form requesting access to documents together with a cheque or money order
for the FOI application fee $28.90.

•             If payment of the application fee would cause hardship, then
please provide evidence that you qualify to have this fee waived eg. a
Centrelink Healthcare card.  Please be advised that ‘public interest’ is
insufficent grounds for a fee waiver.

•             if you are applying on behalf of your client we require a
current signed legal authority dated in the last 12 months releasing
information to your firm

•             You will also need to provide proof of identification (ie. a
driver's licence or passport).

•             Identification numbers (i.e Drivers Licence or Centrelink
numbers) are not sufficient forms of identification, and we require copies
of these documents to verify identity

•             Your application should set out clearly the document(s) you
require from Victoria Police, as well as providing sufficient detail to
enable the document(s) you are seeking to be identified.

•             Alternatively, you can lodge a request online via the
Victorian Government Freedom of Information website:


What happens when Victoria Police receive your request:


•             Victoria Police must respond to you with its decision on
your request in writing as soon as practicable.

•             The Act does allow for an extension of time in some

•             The Act requires Victoria Police to consult with third
parties about your request if the information contained in the relevant
documents falls within certain exemptions.

•             This can include if the relevant documents contain personal
information about another person.

•             Victoria Police is not required to consult where it is not
practicable; would cause distress; is likely to endanger the life or
physical safety of a person or is otherwise unreasonable in the

•             Where Victoria Police must consult, it may extend the time
for processing the request in accordance with section 21(2)(a) of the Act.

•             Please note: As part of the consultation process, your name
and a brief description of your request will be provided to any person or
body with whom we must consult.


Review of Decisions:


•             If Victoria Police refuses you access to the documents
sought, you can appeal to the Office of the Information Commissioner
(OVIC) for a review of the decision.

•             You must do so within 28 days of the date you were notified
of the decision.

•             The OVIC has 30 days to conduct its review, unless you agree
to an extended period in writing.

•             The lodgement of a request for a review is not subject to
any fees or costs. For further information see

•             If you wish to appeal OVIC's decision to the Victorian Civil
and Administrative Tribunal you must do so within 60 days of the date you
were notified of OVIC's decision.





Freedom of Information Division  |  Victoria Police


Address: Victoria Police Centre, 637 Flinders Street, Docklands  Vic 
3008  |  DX210096

Email: [Victoria Police request email]   |  Phone:  (03) 9247 6801  |  Fax:  (03)
9247 5736





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Please treat this as a formal request as it meets all the requirements as outlined under the FOI Act.

Yours sincerely,

Adam Beames


Good Afternoon,

Please scan through current proof of ID (photo only) and a copy of your concession card as per s 17 of the Act.

Freedom of Information Division  |  Victoria Police _________________________________________________________________________________________
Address: Victoria Police Centre, 637 Flinders Street, Docklands  Vic  3008  |  DX210096
Email: [Victoria Police request email] |  Phone:  (03) 9247 6801 |  Fax:  (03) 9247 5736

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I can provide you a copy of my Health Care card if you can please provide me an email address and request reference so I can send it directly.

I’ve never been asked for a copy of my photo ID for a FOI request before. Can you please let me know what section this requirement is in?

Yours sincerely,

Adam Beames