Fines Victoria Dispensation From Observing The Law

John Andrews made this Freedom of Information request to Victorian Department of Justice and Community Safety

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Dear Victorian Department of Justice & Regulation,
Is there a document that permits government appointed agencies a special dispensation to ignore the law and lawful instruments like affidavits, particularly of the unrebutted variety? and as a privately owned, for profit company do they have legal authority to indulge in applying penalties along with other judicial functions without a warrant as they claim on a notice of final demand I recently received? and as a privately owned corporation is their a lawful document that forces people to accept offers made by this corporation where no signed wet ink contract exists between the parties? I turn to the Justice and Regulation department as Fines Victoria and their predecessor have historically denied my requests for information and given this department oversee's the operations I now ask here.

Yours faithfully,

John Andrews

Victorian Department of Justice and Community Safety

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In response to:

Freedom of Information request - Fines Victoria Dispensation From
Observing The Law

John Andrews
FOI requests at Victorian Department of Justice &
10/07/2018 10:16
Show Details

Dear Victorian Department of Justice & Regulation,
Is there a document that permits government appointed agencies a special
dispensation to ignore the law and lawful instruments like affidavits,
particularly of the unrebutted variety? and as a privately owned, for
profit company do they have legal authority to indulge in applying
penalties along with other judicial functions without a warrant as they
claim on a notice of final demand I recently received? and as a privately
owned corporation is their a lawful document that forces people to accept
offers made by this corporation where no signed wet ink contract exists
between the parties? I turn to the Justice and Regulation department as
Fines Victoria and their predecessor have historically denied my requests
for information and given this department oversee's the operations I now
ask here.

Yours faithfully,

John Andrews


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show quoted sections

Victorian Department of Justice and Community Safety

Dear Mr Andrews,
To help us answer your question, please provide any reference numbers
relevant to your infringement notices, as well as your licence number

Kind regards,


From:        John Andrews <[FOI #4690 email]>
To:        "FOI requests at Victorian Department of Justice &amp;
Regulation" <[Victorian Department of Justice &amp; Regulation request email]>,
Date:        10/07/2018 10:16 AM
Subject:        Freedom of Information request - Fines Victoria
Dispensation From Observing The Law


Dear Victorian Department of Justice & Regulation,
Is there a document that permits government appointed agencies a special
dispensation to ignore the law and lawful instruments like affidavits,
particularly of the unrebutted variety? and as a privately owned, for
profit company do they have legal authority to indulge in applying
penalties along with other judicial functions without a warrant as they
claim on a notice of final demand I recently received? and as a privately
owned corporation is their a lawful document that forces people to accept
offers made by this corporation where no signed wet ink contract exists
between the parties? I turn to the Justice and Regulation department as
Fines Victoria and their predecessor have historically denied my requests
for information and given this department oversee's the operations I now
ask here.

Yours faithfully,

John Andrews


Please use this email address for all replies to this request:
[FOI #4690 email]

Is [Victorian Department of Justice &amp; Regulation request email] the wrong address for Freedom of Information
requests to Victorian Department of Justice &amp; Regulation? If so,
please contact us using this form:

This request has been made by an individual using Right to Know. This
message and any reply that you make will be published on the internet.
More information on how Right to Know works can be found at:

If you find this service useful as an FOI officer, please ask your web
manager to link to us from your organisation's FOI page.

show quoted sections

Dear Victorian Department of Justice & Regulation,
Thank you Will, my issues concern two infringements, one was with the old Infringements Court relating to an alleged speeding offence in Coombes Road Torquay and the latter one which involved an alleged speeding offence in Burnside Road Bannockburn. In relation to the first one I was informed that a warrant had been issued at the final demand stage so I rang and informed them that I had not received a warrant and requested a copy. I never heard from them again in relation to the Coombes Rd. matter. In the second matter I responded to an infringement notice directly to the police officer with an affidavit within the allotted 72 hrs agreeing to pay on them supplying proof of claim and did not hear back. I am persuaded that an unrebutted affidavit stands as law so I was surprised to receive a "reminder" notice and demand which given its inchoate state I modified with my added terms and returned and did not get a reply for some weeks well past the 72 hr. allotted time for them to respond which in my understanding formed a contract which I believe has been breached by the receipt of a letter about a week ago and this latest "NOTICE OF FINAL DEMAND" received late Monday 9th the obligation number is 1806832077 and my licence number is 022926096. One other issue I'm concerned about is that Vicroads have applied demerit points for the first alleged offence in Torquay which I have pursued them on multiple times without reply, requesting information on what grounds that they are applying a penalty in the absence of any conviction?

Yours faithfully,

John Andrews

Dear Victorian Department of Justice & Regulation,
Obligation Number 1806832077 My licence number: 022926096

Yours faithfully,

John Andrews