We don't know whether the most recent response to this request contains information or not – if you are Sharon Cathlin Fotheringham please sign in and let everyone know.

Please provide documentation on the decision making framework and meetings that applied then to the 2019 flight path(s) changes in regard to runway 30.

We're waiting for Sharon Cathlin Fotheringham to read a recent response and update the status.

Sharon Cathlin Fotheringham

Dear Airservices Australia,
I am seeking all documentation on the decision making framework and meetings that applied to the 2019 flight path(s) changes applicable to runway 30.

Yours faithfully,

Sharon Cathlin Fotheringham

MBX FOI, Airservices Australia

1 Attachment


Dear Sharon

The decision for the 2019 changes to runway 30 are attached for your reference. A significant amount of documents on the change is also available here https://engage.airservicesaustralia.com/....

Does this satisfy your request? I note that if you are intending to seek all documents ever generated in connection with the change that it would likely be too large for us to process as it would include every email generated in connection with the project across the 2 years leading into its finalisation.


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We don't know whether the most recent response to this request contains information or not – if you are Sharon Cathlin Fotheringham please sign in and let everyone know.