Department of Defence

Part of the Defence portfolio and a Federal authority, also called Defence

The Defence mission is to defend Australia and its national interests. It is accountable to the Commonwealth Parliament, on behalf of the Australian people, for the efficiency and effectiveness with which it carries out the Government's defence policy.

225 requests

(page 7)

I can’t say thank for your decision, the reasons for which given were ridiculously opaque. “Upon internal review, I sought a sample of the documen...
UNCLASSIFIED Good afternoon Mr Hirsch Thank you for email relating to further searches. Please be advised that Defence’s established process is to...
NWCC Form lodgement statistics
Response by Department of Defence to Fiona Brandis-Dalton on .

Partially successful.

UNCLASSIFIED Good afternoon Please find attached the Statement of Reasons relating to FOI 326/17/18.  Rights of Review Under the provisions of...
UNCLASSIFIED Good afternoon, Please find attached the Statement of Reasons relating to FOI 329/17/18. Rights of Review Under the provisions of...
Defence continues to show it is a bad faith actor that systemically abuses the aims and objectives of the Freedom of Information Act, and the irony...
UNCLASSIFIED Good afternoon Ms Pane, 1.    Please find attached the Statement of Reasons and documents relating to FOI 138/17/18. FOI Disclosure...
APP 12 Access Processing Statistics
Request to Department of Defence by Verity Pane. Annotated by Verity Pane on .

Partially successful.

I’ve marked this FOI partially successful given it would seem an abuse to infer this FOI was handled correctly, given the appalling behaviour of Jo Gra...
Technical Manual for 15kVA VW powered Generator Set
Response by Department of Defence to Macman on .


UNCLASSIFIED Good afternoon Please find attached documents in relation to old 15KVA generator sets. These documents are being released to you admini...
2016-17 Most Expensive Event
Response by Department of Defence to Jackson Gothe-Snape on .


UNCLASSIFIED Good afternoon Please find attached the documents and Statement of Reasons relating to FOI 071/17/18.  FOI Disclosure Log In acco...
Accounting Financial Information Management System
Response by Department of Defence to Verity Pane on .

Partially successful.

UNCLASSIFIED Thank you Verity.
Thank you for your decision, and your decision to waive the charges initially sought, which is consistent with the s 93A Guidelines issued by the Au...
Thank you for your decision today, and all your documents did come through the first time (including the SOR). No further action required, you may n...
Military gifts to Indonesia
Response by Department of Defence to Asher Hirsch on .

Partially successful.

UNCLASSIFIED Good afternoon Please find attached the Statement of Reasons and document relating to FOI 059/17/18. FOI Disclosure Log In accord...
Private use of social media advice provided to employees
Response by Department of Defence to James Smith on .

Partially successful.

UNCLASSIFIED Good afternoon Please find attached the documents and Statement of Reasons relating to FOI 084/17/18.  FOI Disclosure Log In acco...
2016-17 Most Expensive Trip
Response by Department of Defence to Jackson Gothe-Snape on .


UNCLASSIFIED Good afternoon Mr Gothe-Snape, As before, your revised request below is too large to process. It is likely to attract a practical refus...
UNCLASSIFIED Hi Phil, Thanks for getting back to me. As the records you are seeking are in the open access period, they will be held at the National...
Schedule of Special Purpose Flights
Request to Department of Defence by alan cole. Annotated by Verity Pane on .


From no documents identified in the original decision of Nicola Viney to 37 documents identified in the Internal Review highlights the common abuse by...
UNCLASSIFIED Good morning Thank you for your email dated 13 June 2017. The Department of Defence has prepared the following response in relation to y...
Privacy training in the Defence Department
Request to Department of Defence by Verity Pane. Annotated by Locutus Sum on .


I agree with the applicant; the response from the agency was very informative. Also, it was prompt, and managed administratively without the machinery...
Privacy Complaint Statistics
Follow up sent to Department of Defence by Verity Pane on .

Partially successful.

Thank you for your response (although I am unsure why a copy of the Unacceptable Behaviour Defence Instruction was included, given it has no relevan...
It would be worth reminding this agency that where charges sought are typically less $100, the Information Commissioner has generally been of the view...
Airsoft in the defence force
Request to Department of Defence by Mark Mildenhall. Annotated by Verity Pane on .

Waiting clarification.

This appears to be notification of intention to make a practical refusal decision, on the grounds the work involved in processing the request would sub...
Airsoft in the defence force
Request to Department of Defence by Mark Mildenhall. Annotated by Verity Pane on .

Waiting clarification.

Given the vast bulk of the preliminary estimate of charges is for "assessing" the documents sought (the agency only estimates 2 hours to conduct the se...
The agency's claim "Your request is not considered to be a valid request under the FOI Act as you have sought access to publicly available information"...
Statistics on the whole of ADF IR status and medical restrictions
Request to Department of Defence by John Alexander. Annotated by Verity Pane on .

Waiting clarification.

There may be some merit to a claim of "security risk" in providing 10 years of historical Individual Readiness statistics, but it does seem a bit of a...

Only requests made using Right to Know are shown. ?