(page 6)
Dear Mr Monceaux,
Further to the department’s email below of 17 January 2017, we have
received your authorisation for final payment of the charg...
Dear Mr Gothe-Snape,
Please refer to the attached correspondence in response to your FOI
request dated 15 November 2016.
Kind regards,
Dear Mr Fairless
I refer to your requests made under the Freedom of Information Act 1982 (FOI Act) on 2 November 2016, to the Department of Industry,...
Dear Mr Conheady,
We refer to your email below of 26 June 2016.
Please find the attached correspondence in response to it.
Kind regards,
FOI team
Dear Mr Conheady
We refer to your freedom of information request dated 26 June 2016. Please find attached the decision in respect of your request.
I've submitted a couple of FOI requests on similar subject matter, requesting specific documents so hopefully more successful:
In April 2016, your Secretary was reported making comments to the following effect:
'Department of Industry, Innovation and Science secretary Glen...
I seek access to the following documents under the Freedom
of Information Act 1982:
1. Current social media policy of the department, which cover...
Dear Mr Connor,
Please find attached a decision in response to your FOI request of 30
September 2015.
Should you have any queries or conce...
Dear Mr Kitson,
We refer to your email below of 30 September 2015 which came through to the Freedom of Information inbox of the Department of Industry...
Dear Mr Gothe-Snape
Please find the attached correspondence in response to your Freedom of Information request dated 10 July 2015.
Should you have an...
FOI Coordinator
Legal Branch
GPO Box 9839
Default copyright position on departmental web documents
Dear Mr Fairless
Further to the department’s email below, please find attached
correspondence in response to your FOI request of 16 July 2014....
The Student Identifiers Act 2014 (Cth) was assented to on 25 June 2014 with the main body of the Act coming into force on 27 June 2014. There remains o...
Dear Ms Geraghty
Thank you for your email dated 8 May 2014. Please find attached a decision in relation to your FOI request of 7 April 2014. We apolog...
Date: Thu, 20 Feb 2014 05:55:19 +0000
Subject: Freedom of Information request - Final report of the 2012 Pharmaceutical Patents Review
From: Mark Summe...
Dear Mr Priest
Please find attached correspondence in response to your Freedom of
Information request to the former Department of Industry, Innovati...
To: The FOI Contact Officer
Department of Industry ... and Tertiary Education
In regards to your reference DIISR13 16745.
When I wrote you last...
A good result. All documents provided with minimum fuss. Good work from the department. Documents are of a lot of public interest.
My second FoI request superseded the first. As a result I am seeking access to "incoming ministerial briefs and drafts"
Yours sincerely,
Dear Mr Cooper-Stout
I refer to your FOI request of 13 April 2013 in which you requested access
to the following documents:
"[1] Any minut...
Dear Mrs Gale,
In response to your email below, I note that we have already indicated to
you that we are able to handle your request for information...
Only requests made using Right to Know are shown.