Department of Health

Part of the Health portfolio and a Federal authority, also called Health

Services for the aged, including carers; Public health and medical research; Health promotion and disease prevention; Primary health care of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people; Pharmaceutical benefits; Health benefits schemes; Specific health services, including human quarantine; National drug abuse strategy; Regulation of therapeutic goods; Notification and assessment of industrial chemicals; Gene technology regulation.

314 requests

(page 13)

Documents relating to ASADA AFL Investigation
Request to Department of Health by martin hardie. Annotated by martin hardie on .

Long overdue.

23 april 2015 Dear Mr Hardie Thank you for your email. I apologise for the delay in contacting you with regards to this matter. There was some...
Statistics on Drug Related deaths past 10 years.
Response by Department of Health to Lauren Croft on .

Information not held.

  Dear Ms Croft   Thank you for your enquiry to the Commonwealth Department of Health.   A request made under the Freedom of Information Act...
Dear Florencia Melgar, The Department of Health does not hold the information you are requesting . I have been advised by the Australian Bureau of St...
Dear Dr Senior Please see attached correspondence in relation to your FOI request to the Department of Health. Kind regards FOI Officer FOI Uni...
Dear Mr Fairless Please see attached correspondence in relation to your FOI request to the Department of Health. Kind regards FOI Officer Legal...
Dear Mr Morton. Thank you for your enquiry of 16 June 2014 seeking information on any Commonwealth or State funded building work for the Gold Coast Pr...
Dear Mr Candelori Please see attached correspondence in relation to your FOI request to the Department of Health. Kind regards         FOI Offic...
Please see attached correspondence in relation to the above FOI request to the Department of Health. (See attached file: Acknowledgment letter 223-1314...
Response by Department of Health to Carmen Mary McQueen on .

Information not held.

Dear Ms McQueen, I refer to your email below and provide the following in response. The Commonwealth Department of Health’s role is to have oversight...
Blue book
Response by Department of Health to Karen Dearne on .

Partially successful.

Dear Ms Dearne Please see attached correspondence in relation to your FOI request. (See attached file: 074-1314 - Dearne - Withdrawn Letter.pdf) Kind...
Complaints Received
Response by Department of Health to Dea Thiele on .

Information not held.

Dear Ms Thiele Given the specific nature of your request for information, a response will be provided to you care of the CEO of the Aboriginal Medical...
eHealth MOU
Response by Department of Health to Red on .

Information not held.

Dear Red I write with reference to your request of 24 June 2013 to the Department of Health and Ageing seeking an internal review of the decision on y...
Complaints Received
Request sent to Department of Health by Dea Thiele on .

Long overdue.

I am writing on behalf of the Chief Executive Officer of the Aboriginal Medical Service Western Sydney (AMSWS). In order for our organisation to pro...
Takk fyrir, Locatus Sum

Only requests made using Right to Know are shown. ?