Our reference: FOIREQ25/00049
Dear Dan Collins,
Freedom of Information request
I refer to your request for access to documents made u...
Our reference: MR25/00136
Agency/Minister reference: FOI 24/25-0592
FOI Contact Officer
National Disability Insurance Agency
By email:...
Our reference: MR25/00180
Agency reference: FOI 24/25-0253
By email: [FOI #12767 email]
Extension of time request under s 54T of the FOI Act
Dear D...
Our reference: MR25/00230
Agency reference: 25-0019 LD
FOI Contact Officer
Department of Health and Aged Care
By email: [1][email...
Our reference: MR25/00038
Agency/Minister reference: FOI 24/25-0317
FOI Contact Officer
National Disability Insurance Agency
By email:...
OAIC reference: FOIREQ25/00005
Dear Mr J.C. Hobbs,
Please find attached documents in relation to your request for internal
review – FOIREQ...
Our reference: MR24/01605
Agency reference: FOI 24/25-0080
Dear Mr Buckley
Thank you for your response.
This matter is now considered withdrawn und...
Agreed - I also note that it is now magical that after being called out here on it all of the decisions in relation to this batch of FOI Requests ar...
Dear Curt Duncan,
Please find attached correspondence in relation to your FOI request to the
OAIC – FOIREQ24/00656.
Kind regards,
Dear Curt Duncan,
Please find attached correspondence in relation to your FOI request to the
OAIC – FOIREQ24/00655.
Kind regards,
Dear Stephen
I attach correspondence in relation to your complaint:
1. Decision letter dated 20 September 2023
2. Documen...
Your email has been received by the Office of Australian Information
Commissioner (OAIC).
FOI requests to the OAIC
Please note that this e...
Dear U.P.
Please see attached decision and documents in relation to your FOI request
to the OAIC.
Kind regards
[1][IMG] Sarah Forr...
Dear CR,
Thank you for your email below.
We have considered your request and believe it is reasonable in the
circumstances to grant an ext...
Good afternoon,
Please find attached the decision in relation to your FOI request,
Kind regards,
Dear Glenn Hamiltonshire
Please find attached a copy of our decision and documents in relation to
your FOI request.
Kind regards
[1]O A...
Dear Toni Tydd,
Please find attached the decision in relation to your FOI request,
Kind regards
[1][IMG] Lachlan S...
Our reference: FOIREQ22/00372
Dear Julie,
Please find attached a decision of today’s date and document schedule, in
relation to the above...
Our reference: FOIREQ22/00379
Dear Julie,
Please find attached a decision of today’s date, document schedule and
documents for release, in...
OFFICIAL: Sensitive
Our reference: FOIREQ22/00373
Dear Julie,
Please find attached a decision of today’s date, document schedule and
OAIC ref: FOIREQ22/00374
Dear Julie
Please find attached decision, schedule and documents in relation to the
above FOI request.
Our reference: FOIREQ22/00371
Dear Julie
Please see attached correspondence in relation to your FOI request decided
on 4 January 2023.
OAIC ref: FOIREQ22/00380
Dear Julie,
We refer to the above FOI request and our letter to you dated 24 November
2022 providing notice under...
OAIC Ref: FOIREQ24/00574
Dear CR
Please find attached a decision and document in relation to your request
under the FOI Act.
Hi CR,
I apologise, the enquiry you reference has been left off.
I have searched Right to Know (https://www.righttoknow.org.au/request/foi_educatio...
Only requests made using Right to Know are shown.