We don't know whether the most recent response to this request contains information or not – if you are Spray Free FNQ please sign in and let everyone know.

Data relating to the use of chemical herbicides with the Wet Tropics region of Northern Queensland

Spray Free FNQ made this Right to Information request to Queensland Wet Tropics Management Authority

This request has been closed to new correspondence from the public body. Contact us if you think it ought be re-opened.

We're waiting for Spray Free FNQ to read recent responses and update the status.

Dear Queensland Wet Tropics Management Authority,

Please provide a response to these Freedom of Information requests.

What evidence do you have that you have successfully eradicated the declared invasive weeds within the Wet Tropics?

Provide your data on how you have determined safety to the environment.

Provide your data on how you have determined safety to the employees and volunteers from partner organisations spraying the chemical herbicides.

Provide data that includes downstream effects on watercourses and non-target species.

Provide your research that shows whether these herbicides are causing endocrine disruption within non-target species.

Provide your data which shows that these spray programs have actually eradicated these weed species.

Provide data showing which weed species have been eradicated and which have not.

Provide data showing that chemical herbicide treatments are a sustainable and ecologically friendly method of weed control within the Wet Tropics areas under your management.

Provide your data and research that shows and quantifies the effects these chemical herbicides are having on the Great Barrier Reef ecology including the microbiology that underpins the health of the reef ecosystem.

Yours faithfully,

Spray Free FNQ

Dear Queensland Wet Tropics Management Authority,

We have still not received a response to our FOI request.
By law, your organisation should have responded promptly and by December 29, 2021.

We require a response to these important concerns.

Yours faithfully,

Spray Free FNQ

Wet Tropics, Queensland Wet Tropics Management Authority

The Wet Tropics Management Authority would like to wish everyone a Merry
Christmas and a Happy New Year. Our office will be closed from 03:00pm
Friday, 24th December 2021 and will re-open on Tuesday, 4th January 2022.


Any emails received by our office during this time will be actioned on our
return in the New Year.



Wet Tropics Management Authority


Alix Langridge,

2 Attachments

Good Morning,

Thanks for your enquiry regarding which has been referred to our team. To obtain documents regarding your enquiry, this would entail a Right to Information Application under the Right to Information Act 2009 (Qld) (RTI Act) to the Department of Environment and Science.

The instructions below will assist you in applying under the RTI Act should you decide to.

Please find enclosed a link which will allow you to complete a Right to Information (RTI) application form online: https://www.smartservice.qld.gov.au/serv...

Alternatives to submitting it online:
Please find attached a PDF version of the application form. Once completed (do not include any credit card details) please send this back by email to:

[email address] - This includes DAF, DES, DESBT, Resources and RSHQ applications. Which are the departments/agencies that our team services.

Or, if you would prefer to post it back then the RTI Services mailing address details in my signature block below will suffice.

The RTI application fee is currently $52.60.

Once your application is received here it is assigned to a case manager and they will be in contact in the near future.

Decision on documents
The RTI Act has a pro-disclosure bias, however access may be refused if the information is considered exempt or contrary to the public interest. A decision notice includes a statement of reasons (which will clearly set out the decision maker’s reasons for refusing access to any information) and advice about review rights.

If you have any questions don’t hesitate to contact me on the details below.

Kind Regards,

Alix Langridge (she/her)
Administration Officer
Right to Information Services | Corporate
P 07 3330 5570    F 07 3330 6056 
Level 31, 400 George St, Brisbane QLD 4000
GPO Box 2454, Brisbane QLD 4001
E [email address]

Chat to me on Teams

Servicing the Departments of Agriculture and Fisheries | Environment and Science | Resources | Regional Development, Manufacturing and Water |  Resources Safety and Health Queensland | Employment, Small Business and Training

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We don't know whether the most recent response to this request contains information or not – if you are Spray Free FNQ please sign in and let everyone know.